My entertainment circle

Chapter 958 Traveling (End)

The team of stylists from South Korea sat in the car and watched Zhang Ping’an come with the Japanese idol. Although they had seen the photo of the idol beforehand, they were the number one today. The real person who saw her this time.The stylist and others laughed after looking at each other, because today Shiraishi Mai is dressed in Japanese kawaii style, white dress, sleeves are lace, high heels are also very Japanese cake shoes, especially her His hair style has a three or seven points in the bangs, and it still has two tentacles like a bull.

Of course such a Japanese style is very cute, but for a stylist, such a cute style is childish. Only Japan in the world likes such a cute style, right?The stylists laughed because they didn't expect Zhang Ping'an to be okay?

The cute style is only popular in Japan.In Asian countries, either leisurely or sexy.Women, the important thing is to embody their glamour. Only by embodying femininity can they get more attention. Almost the world thinks so.Only Japan has a unique understanding of fashion, cute style, and the "Japanese hot girl style" that Zhang Ping'an did not understand from beginning to end.

Their fashion style is a bit of a "different" feeling. At least the stylist from Korea feels that. Korean fashion is also a mainstream model that tends to the world. However, they prefer to reflect femininity, such as women's hot pants. , There are super skinny jeans and the like are all evolved from Korean style.They know how to embody a woman's figure, but unlike Japan, most embody figures are in extreme ways like'swimsuits'.

Japan’s way of showing women’s sexy seems to look at the underdevelopment of the “chest muscles”?The Korean side pays more attention to beautiful legs, whether it is tights or hot pants, etc., to lengthen the legs.Whether it is South Korea or China, men in these two countries think that women’s long legs are the true meaning!

On the other hand, the "cute type" in Japan is actually a fashion?This is a very difficult thing for Korean stylists, especially the Japanese idol "cute type" occupies most of the market. The photo of Mai Shiraishi sent by Zhang Ping to the Korean designer is a fashion she took. The photos in the magazine look pretty good overall, but today after seeing Mai Shiraishi dressed up in private, the Korean designer can only show a wry smile, because there are so many things to remodel about her.

Zhang Pingan dragged Shiraishi Mai’s box to the babysitter’s car and hesitated for two seconds. It turned out that he wanted to let Shiraishi Mai’s ride to the hotel with the car, but Zhang Pingan stood by the vehicle and looked in from the car window. I found that the stylist in the car is all Korean. If she is the only one who speaks Japanese after she sits in it, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

Shiraishi Mai is not the kind of very cheerful and outgoing person, even if she mustered up the courage to talk to the designers after sitting up, she doesn't speak Korean either.So letting her sit on it alone and listen to the designers saying some language that she doesn't understand at all, may make her feel excluded.So after hesitating for two seconds, Zhang Pingan did not put her luggage in the car, but he got in the car himself.

After getting in the car, Zhang Ping'an said to the designers: "I got it, let's go back to the hotel first, and she will go with my car."

Stars, they understand a little bit of special care. After all, they all came here to serve the star. Stylist Han nodded and said, "Well. Then we will meet at the hotel."

After Zhang Ping'an got off the car, the designer's vehicle door closed and left.At this time, Zhang Pingan said to Baishi Mai: "Let's go, let's go to the hotel and let you tidy up."

"Yeah." Mai Shiraishi smiled and nodded and continued: "Los Angeles, the city of angels, I have only heard of it all the time. This is the first time I have come."

Zhang Pingan dragged her suitcase and walked towards her vehicle, and at the same time responded Shiraishi Mai: "I'm here for the first time. However, it was more than a week earlier than you."

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "I went to Beijing for the first time since I came out of the country, I went overseas for the first time, I arrived in Europe for the first time, and this time I came to the United States. I suddenly felt that my own career is also very good. Well."

The United States has always been a dream place for Japan.However, the Japanese prefer Hawaii to the United States, so 30% of Hawaii is Japanese immigrants.

Zhang Pingan took Shiraishi Mai to ride in his "classic car". She didn't quite understand such a car, Shiraishi Maii, so she didn't know the value of the car at all. She saw it as a car anyway.After all, this car is much more stable than an exaggerated sports car.

Along the way, Mai Shiraishi admired the scenery of Los Angeles outside the window. Compared with Japan, the United States had an indescribable feeling. Mai Shiraishi has never experienced it.Looking at the English letters on the signboard, you can feel the taste of a foreign country. This work can also be regarded as a half-time trip.That's why she thinks her career is good.


After Zhang Pingan's vehicle arrived at the hotel, the Korean stylist team had already been sitting in the hotel lobby and waiting.Even Japanese photographers were waiting in the lobby of the hotel. Zhang Ping’an brought Shiraishi Mai to introduce everyone, and then said to them: “Let’s take a break for everyone this afternoon, tonight. .Well, I’ll just invite everyone to be a guest at my home tonight, because maybe some of the shooting needs to be done at my home, so let’s take a look at the shooting location in advance. My home is not far away anyway."

At the beginning, Zhang Pingan thought about shooting at home. After all, the environment at home is much better than the villa rented outside, and what he needs is the effect of this photo.Although styling and dressing are important, the shooting location is also important.

The stylist Han said in surprise: "Oh? Do you still have a house on the mountain?" This'mountain' is very famous in the world, of course it is famous and expensive.So when Zhang Pingan said that he invited them to his house, Han stylist was surprised.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "Well, there is a house. Let's rest now. I'll pick you up around 6 o'clock in the afternoon. I have to go to the supermarket to buy some things first."

When Zhang Pingan said he was going to the supermarket, Shiraishi Mai said to him: "The Pingan Sang, I also want to go to the supermarket to buy some things, can you wait for me?"

"Okay, you go to the room to put your luggage first, I will wait for you here."

After getting the room card, they all went back to the room individually. The photographer and his assistant also chose to go to the street to eat, otherwise there would be a'home party' in the evening.

After the stylist and others returned to the room, they gathered to chat together: "That Japanese female star and Zhang Pingan are a little bit~~~Hehe."

"Is there anything that doesn't matter to us, right? We are here for work, and we just need to finish the work. We shouldn't bother too much with other gossip." Although stylist Han said this, there was more than a little doubt in his heart. what.Because Zhang Pingan’s work this time was introduced by Sika, and Sika also knew that he was here to shoot the photo. Why did Sika agree to the issue between Zhang Pingan and this Japanese actress?

I don't know it, it's really unclear.So the best way is to bury all doubts in your heart, not to hear, not to ask, this is the basic rule of stylist.

Zhang Ping'an waited until Bai Shi Mai went downstairs. After going upstairs, she changed into a dress. The white dress was changed to a small floral style, and the shoes were changed to sandals.It's just that her hairstyle hasn't changed much, she's still a cute style.

Zhang Ping An took her to the supermarket, where Zhang Ping bought the ingredients to be used tonight. The one that fits the common taste of Koreans and Japanese is barbecue.And simple and convenient.

After Zhang Ping An had bought the things he needed tonight, he looked at Shiraishi Mai: "Have you taken the things you want to buy?"

Shiraishi Mai responded with a smile: "Actually, I don't have anything I want to buy. I just think it's boring to stay in the hotel and go out to shop, but I don't know where to go, and I don't speak English."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded: "Then go to my house to rest and rest. Oh, there is a swimming pool at home, do you want to buy a swimsuit?"

Listening to Zhang Ping'an wanting to see her in a swimsuit, Shiraishi Mai nodded slightly shyly with a "um".Then Zhang Pingan took her towards the'Vision' shop on the shopping street.Their family not only designs underwear, but also swimsuits.

In the past, Zhang Pingan thought that a big man would be embarrassed to enter the underwear shop, but after spending time with Sika in the underwear shop in Europe, he gradually accepted it.Because the salesperson of the underwear shop is not surprised, after all, women carefully choose underwear for men.

Mai Shiraishi chose a very ordinary bikini, and the two returned to Zhang Pingan’s house together, and when they crossed the roadway into the lobby of the house, Mai Shiraishi was shocked by Zhang Pingan’s home. It was the same when he and Sika came here.

Zhang Pingan said to Shiraishi Mai: "You can visit as you please, I will sort out the ingredients first."

After talking, Zhang Pingan took the ingredients he bought today and headed to the kitchen. He made the coffee before slowly putting the ingredients from his pocket into the refrigerator.And Shiraishi Mai quickly came to the outdoor platform of Zhang Ping'an's home, looking at the beautiful scenery of the characters in front of her, she really understood the meaning of'money'!!

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