My entertainment circle

981 Red Velvet (Part 1)

(Anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter)

The arrival time is almost the same.Yui Aragaki sat on her suitcase, and she didn't stop looking at the smile on the corner of her monitor's mouth.

At Bali Airport, Yui Aragaki did not rush to leave after coming out of the airport, but stood at the exit and looked at the flight information.The flight information Zhang Ping'an sent to her showed "arrival" within two minutes after she just came out.Sure enough, the flight for two

When Zhang Ping'an came out from the airport, she held hands and said in confusion, "Is it really fate?"

In addition to the word'fate', Yui Aragaki couldn't think of other alternative words, because it was too incredible.Maldives, Hawaii, Bali, according to Japanese habits, will definitely choose Hawaii.

And she didn't know if it was because she didn't want to be found, or what, Yui Aragaki did not choose Hawaii, which more than 80% of the Japanese would choose, but Bali, which has a small chance.

But Zhang Ping'an had already booked the ticket to Bali before she booked the ticket. Except for fate to bring them together, Yui Aragaki really didn't know how to describe this situation.So after she arrived, she didn’t leave at all, because she didn’t know why she believed Zhang Ping’an’s words, he would definitely find her, so... it’s better to just wait for him here, she’s not a kid anymore, what else to play A game of peekaboo?

In fact, after Zhang Pingan's ticket information was sent to Yui, her inner defenses had already been breached.Perhaps at this time, there is no need to explicitly say "We are with each other" and their hearts have confirmed their relationship. As for Zhang Ping's and Sika's questions, she can also do not ask, and there is no need to ask.

There are many love triangles in Japan, and even many celebrities who got married are often reported in the news when they are found cheating.

Besides, Zhang Ping'an is not married yet, so there is no cheating or unethical talk.Unmarried men and unmarried women are cheating at best.But if you want to talk about cheating, are there fewer things like this in the world?In addition, there are survey reports in Japan that at least half of the ten people have cheated, cheated, and ate.

After a while, Yui Aragaki watched Zhang Ping'an appear. Yui was stunned when she saw him. She yelled at Zhang Ping'an: "An sauce~~!"

Zhang Ping'an really didn't expect Yui Aragaki to wait for him at the gate of the airport. He thought it would take a lot of hands and feet to find her.It turned out so good, she was waiting for herself at the airport?It seems that the ticket he sent her is very effective.

Zhang Ping'an walked towards Yui Aragaki with his passport in hand, his suit jacket was already hot and hung on his arm.After Zhang Ping An approached, Yui Aragaki looked at him up and down: "Where are your luggage?"

Because Zhang Ping An was alone, there was nothing but a suit jacket on his arm, which is why Aragaki Yui was a little confused when he saw Zhang Ping An.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Luggage? No, I have work this morning. I went directly to the airport after the meeting. How could there be any luggage? Moreover, there was a traffic jam on the way to the airport, which scared me out of the taxi. I changed to the subway to catch the plane."

Listening to Zhang Pingan’s words, she dumbly pointed to a paper bag on his suit jacket: "What is this? You brought your work here?"

Zhang Pingan took out the paper bag and handed it to Yui: "Let you put it here. This is the money I exchanged for two thousand US dollars in Indonesian rupiah. Have you booked a hotel?"

No way, Zhang Ping’an’s money can’t be exposed like this, so along with the paper bag he handed over, Yui turned around and took off the backpack to put the money in it, and then pointed to the passport in his hand, Zhang Ping An also handed her her passport.

"I didn't have time to book a hotel. How about you, did you book it?" Japanese passports are visa-free to many countries, so there is no need to rush to book hotels or anything, and she landed at 5:30 in the afternoon. It's still early, and hotels can also choose slowly.

Zhang Ping'an pointed to a person with a lead sign: "I booked it. That person is here to pick me up. Let's go. I will buy some clothes first. It was fine on the plane, and I felt a heat wave when I left the airport. "

Seeing Zhang Pingan wearing trousers and shirt, Yui smiled happily with the look of "vacation": "Hahaha~~"

Zhang Pingan also smiled and pushed up her suitcase, then took her hand and walked towards the person who picked up the plane.Yui was also happily being led by him. In everyone's eyes, the two were lovers who came here on vacation.


For the hotel, Zhang Pingan booked Bulgari.On the way to the hotel, Zhang Pingan bought a pair of flip flops, short sleeves, and shorts on the side of the road.

Zhang Pingan and Yui entered the hotel together. When checking in at the front desk, Zhang Pingan suddenly heard an exclamation in Chinese: "Wife, uh, Gakki!!" Following the voice, Zhang Pingan cast his gaze over and knew it was. China's'wife fan'.But facing fans calling Yui like that, Zhang Ping'an has nothing to do.

Zhang Ping'an was not angry and said to the Chinese tourist: "What is the name of the ghost? Who is your wife? This is the one next to you."

When this Chinese tourist saw Zhang Pingan, his eyes widened instantly: "Brother An?"

Zhang Pingan's nickname in China is extremely famous by those high-traffic people in the live broadcast industry. Just like the'Principal', few people call him'Boss Wang' face-to-face, and most of them call him the principal!And Zhang Ping'an is the same, everyone who knows him calls him'Angel'.

Yui Aragaki couldn't understand what a "wife" was, but only heard the visitor call "gakki" so she responded to the fans with a warm smile.Yui's smile instantly made the fans laugh dumbfoundedly, which made the female companion beside him keep pressing on his waist.

Seeing that the two were leaving, Zhang Ping'an exhorted: "You are not allowed to post my news on the scarf!"

The tourist humorously waved to Zhang Pingan: "I see, Brother Ang. Bye~"

Zhang Ping'an completed the registration, and came to the room with Yui. The night in Bali was pretty good. The room where the two lived was also a villa on the cliff.After arriving in the room, Zhang Ping'an changed his clothes first, put on shorts, and then felt comfortable with the short sleeves.

Yui opened her suitcase in the bedroom, selected two dresses from the suitcase and gestured to her, and at the same time asked Zhang Pingan's opinion: "What should I wear?"

"No matter what you wear is beautiful, fashion this thing depends on your face. And your beauty is this in my heart..." Zhang Ping'an said as he gave a thumbs up: "No matter what you wear is in my eyes They are the most beautiful!"

Yui smiled brilliantly, chose an elegant printed skirt, and took out a straw hat from the box: "Should we eat outside or eat at the hotel?"

"Just eat in the hotel, today we have been on the plane for so long... take a rest, and tomorrow we will go out and visit Bali."

Now that Zhang Ping'an has a plan and Yui is not verbose, she nodded in response: "Yeah! Wait, I will go to dinner after I change my clothes.

Both of them changed into relaxed costumes and walked hand in hand in the hotel trails. The dim lights in the trails just added to the romantic atmosphere of the seaside.

The hotel's different styles of houses, tropical flowers and trees, and the echo of the waves hitting the shore all tell a romantic love story.

If you are looking for an affair, then a bustling city is the best choice.But the island has always been wrapped in romance!

The night here is very quiet, she and he are also very close, holding hands and looking at each other from time to time will unconsciously smile.And every time Zhang Pingan saw Yui's refreshing smile, he would laugh with her unconsciously, and the two slowly walked towards the hotel restaurant along the way.

After arriving at the restaurant, Zhang Ping An picked up the menu. Yui did not speak English. Although Zhang Ping's English was not good enough, it was beyond the level.The oral English is a bit poor, but I still remember a lot of words, and after the influence of Pani and Sika, some simple words are still known.

As for the menu, he doesn't know how to do it, but he knows what the ingredients are. After all, Zhang Pingan thinks he is a foodie!

Both of them chose the lobster set meal, there is nothing to hesitate.Wine, Zhang Pingan’s choice of famous houses, although he does not know the difference between the famous houses and ordinary ones, anyway, the famous houses must not be wrong.Isn’t the saying that “people don’t know goods, money knows goods?”'

The two sat opposite each other. Before they waited for the meal, they shook the red wine and stared at each other, the smiles at the corners of their mouths were not put away.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Actually, I don't know much about red wine."

Seeing Zhang Ping's confession, Yui also laughed: "I don't understand either. However, this kind of atmosphere does not seem to be justified without red wine?"

"Yes, it is said that red wine is the catalyst for romance, but I think you are the romance in my heart in my eyes, and red wine is less than one ten thousandth of your smile."

When it comes to burning words, Zhang Ping’an is always true. He can talk about love words for an hour without repetition.In the era of the Internet Big Bang, there are too many romantic lines, and these Zhang Ping’an is dedicated to such moments in his heart.

Yui listened to Zhang Ping'an's love words, she smiled brilliantly: "Every time you only know what it sounds like!"

"Because you are beautiful, it deserves such beautiful words. By the way, how long have you been waiting for me at the airport today?"

Yui smiled and touched Zhang Ping’an. After the two had a taste, she responded: “It didn’t take long. I just came out and saw that your flight information says'Arrival', so I waited at the door. Up."

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