Episode 34 — Long Goodbye
Suou the Knight. As well as Akeno the Bishop. The two in front of them introduced themselves as such.
The «Red Winged Devil» whom they met before was a «Pawn», and then, from their manner of speaking, these guys here seemed to know about the circumstances to some extent, a connection was easily made. These two were colleagues of that guy. And if their strength was in accordance with the chess pieces, then they had to be several times stronger than that Pawn.
Since they had to be in the combined state for a long time in the search, it wasn’t wise to combine with Rin in her compressed state. Although it was a reasonable judgement, now it had completely backfired on them. Nekomiya was also openly wary of the two before her, all her fur stood on end and her tail straightened.
“(There’s none…. Because we kept it light when we explore…)”
“(Himemizu, how’s our water storage?)”
“(There’s none…. Because we kept it light when we explore…)”
The boy wearing a school uniform boy named Suou stopped smiling and tilted his head curiously.
Putting their hands on the closed heavy doors of the church, they opened it.
They were earning time. If Kyousuke group didn’t come back soon, Washio and Kinogasa should definitely become suspicious. At such time, it was decided beforehand that they would signal the heavy cruiser branch school and inform Ryuzaki about the abnormal situation.
“I was late in saying this,”
“That’s not one question but two that you want to know, isn’t it?”
“Like I said, that was just an unfortunate accident. And well, I wonder if you will believe me, but you guys came here in those appearances by chance.”
No hostility could be felt from that attitude. Even though the woman in sister clothing Bishop Akeno folded her arms and sent a look full of suspicion, Knight Suou could even be said to be very friendly.
The «Red Winged Devil» whom they met before was a «Pawn», and then, from their manner of speaking, these guys here seemed to know about the circumstances to some extent, a connection was easily made. These two were colleagues of that guy. And if their strength was in accordance with the chess pieces, then they had to be several times stronger than that Pawn.
“Run! Utsurogi, Himemizu!”
Suou thrust his hands into his pants’ pockets. Kyousuke took a glance at his armband. It wasn’t as if he could read everything, but he could barely discern the part written as 『Kougyou High-school』. It’s Japanese after all. Also, that is a high-school armband.
“The possibility that it’s no coincidence? As for me, I would like to quickly tell you as much as possible, but…”
Suou the Knight. As well as Akeno the Bishop. The two in front of them introduced themselves as such.
Suou and Akeno also sounded like Japanese names somehow.
Akeno in sister clothing, who had been crossing her arms until then, snorted.
Not only her words were smooth, her ad lib was put to effective use as well. Even though Nekomiya combat ability wasn’t very high, that quick wittedness made her very dependable. It wasn’t just for show that she was made a team leader.
However, the moment they tried to rush out, they heard voice coming from ahead of them.
Episode 34 — Long Goodbye
“Let me introduce myself once again. I, am Suou. Suou the Knight. I’m going to capture you now.”
“I want to ask one more thing. How the heck did you guys know about our situation? And where are you guys from?”
Nekomiya was speaking accompanied by dramatic gestures as ever, and her words were as calm as usual.
Since they had to be in the combined state for a long time in the search, it wasn’t wise to combine with Rin in her compressed state. Although it was a reasonable judgement, now it had completely backfired on them. Nekomiya was also openly wary of the two before her, all her fur stood on end and her tail straightened.
“Looks like it. It’s unfortunate though.” [Notes]
“What, is that so?”
“Even if you tell them the circumstances, they won’t be satisfied. They’re just buying time. Reinforcements will come soon.”
“What, are you nervous?”
Nekomiya with her four feet on the floor, swallowed her breath.
~ Part 1 ~
“(Himemizu, how’s our water storage?)”
At the same timing as Nekomiya shouted, Kyousuke group ran toward the exit of the church. Their only thought was to run away. Since it had come to this, they had no choice but to escape. What would happen if they were caught? More than just having no answers, they would have no choice but to be obedient.
Determinedly walking on the red carpet of the church, that appearance was the very definition of yankee itself. Then he stopped just a few steps away from Kyousuke group, leant forward, glared at them and said.
“I will incapacitate you if you don’t comply. While I have no intent to kill you, that doesn’t apply if you resist.”
“Either way, her betrayal is definite. We need to report to the King.”
In that case, could it be that Akeno’s sister clothing also wasn’t something from this world. There was plenty of possibility that those two were trippers, but at least, the atmosphere they were giving out weren’t that of human’s.
“It’s no coincidence, isn’t there that possibility?”
“I don’t care what your intention is, but you have attacked our base, kidnapped one of our classmates. Even if you say you want to make peace now, we won’t accept it.”
Nekomiya said so with a tense voice.
“It’s pointless, Suou.”
“Well, there are various things I want to ask, but let’s me say this first. We are not your enemies. Because the bunch of Pawns’ communication was lacking, an unfortunate accident has occurred.”
“(There’s none…. Because we kept it light when we explore…)”
Putting a hand on his chin, Knight Suou let out a voice 『Fumu』. Although he was boy with a rough attitude and appearance, because of his natural handsome features, he came to be considerably good-looking.
Her? Betrayal? The heck are they talking about? Kyousuke was desperately trying to understand it, but the two before him didn’t seem like they would give him the time to. Suou the Knight made his move first. He thrust his hand in his pocket and starting approaching in long strides. His pace was obviously different from before.
“Isn’t it fine if you allow that much? It’s not fair for you to one-sidedly say to become your friends while only you guys understand the situation.”
Read at
“We cannot trust you.”
Since Akeno had seen through her action, Nekomiya clicked her tongue. They noticed.
His words suddenly changed to be belligerent. It was completely a declaration of war.
“By «resist», I mean that escape is also part of it. It’s my bad to say it so late.”
Suou thrust his hands into his pants’ pockets. Kyousuke took a glance at his armband. It wasn’t as if he could read everything, but he could barely discern the part written as 『Kougyou High-school』. It’s Japanese after all. Also, that is a high-school armband.
Kyousuke clenched his fist. And then Rin further hardened the tip of the clenched fist.
“Isn’t it fine if you allow that much? It’s not fair for you to one-sidedly say to become your friends while only you guys understand the situation.”
“I’m staying, there’s no such thing as me escaping alone.”
“What, are you nervous?”
“Kogane is safe. Since he has become my buddy now.”
“Right, even I have no intention of wasting myself after all…”
His words suddenly changed to be belligerent. It was completely a declaration of war.
Determinedly walking on the red carpet of the church, that appearance was the very definition of yankee itself. Then he stopped just a few steps away from Kyousuke group, leant forward, glared at them and said.
Nekomiya was speaking accompanied by dramatic gestures as ever, and her words were as calm as usual.
“Because it’s unbelievable…. In addition, I must not leave the branch school now. There is also Himemizu, and I am needed by everyone. Since we have to go home with all of us, I’m going to take back Kogane.”
Since they had to be in the combined state for a long time in the search, it wasn’t wise to combine with Rin in her compressed state. Although it was a reasonable judgement, now it had completely backfired on them. Nekomiya was also openly wary of the two before her, all her fur stood on end and her tail straightened.
“From what I can see, the cait sith has yet to reach Phase 2.”
A little displeased, Bishop Akeno withdrew her hands.
Even so, Kyousuke couldn’t understand what the man before him had said. At that time, Rin, while doing her best just to maintain a mushy shape, barely raised her voice.
At the same timing as Nekomiya shouted, Kyousuke group ran toward the exit of the church. Their only thought was to run away. Since it had come to this, they had no choice but to escape. What would happen if they were caught? More than just having no answers, they would have no choice but to be obedient.
“Utsurogi! Himemizu!”
The «Red Winged Devil» whom they met before was a «Pawn», and then, from their manner of speaking, these guys here seemed to know about the circumstances to some extent, a connection was easily made. These two were colleagues of that guy. And if their strength was in accordance with the chess pieces, then they had to be several times stronger than that Pawn.
Nekomiya nodded, then she slipped through Suou’s arm trying to catch her and jumped into the shadow.
“The possibility that it’s no coincidence? As for me, I would like to quickly tell you as much as possible, but…”
Not only did he not avoid it, Suou didn’t even defend, Kyousuke inadvertently raised his voice.
“Let me introduce myself once again. I, am Suou. Suou the Knight. I’m going to capture you now.”
The boy wearing a school uniform boy named Suou stopped smiling and tilted his head curiously.
“Like I said, that was just an unfortunate accident. And well, I wonder if you will believe me, but you guys came here in those appearances by chance.”
Nekomiya cried out. Kyousuke raised his body.
No hostility could be felt from that attitude. Even though the woman in sister clothing Bishop Akeno folded her arms and sent a look full of suspicion, Knight Suou could even be said to be very friendly.
“Th–that proposal, I cannot comply…”
“Houhou indeed.”
Since Akeno had seen through her action, Nekomiya clicked her tongue. They noticed.
Turning around, they threw their fist at Suou with all their might. However, Knight Suou didn’t show any sign of avoiding it and instead took that punch with his face.
Under the struck fist, Suou laughed, exposing his fangs.
“(There’s none…. Because we kept it light when we explore…)”
“Well, there are various things I want to ask, but let’s me say this first. We are not your enemies. Because the bunch of Pawns’ communication was lacking, an unfortunate accident has occurred.”
“We cannot trust you.”
Her? Betrayal? The heck are they talking about? Kyousuke was desperately trying to understand it, but the two before him didn’t seem like they would give him the time to. Suou the Knight made his move first. He thrust his hand in his pocket and starting approaching in long strides. His pace was obviously different from before.
Knight in front, Bishop in back. They had been completely sandwiched from two side inside the church.
I wonder how serious Suou’s words really is.
“Your words are light. I guess you just put together suitable words that comes to mind. Well, you have reincarnated as a skeleton after all, so I thought it may be like that. Rather than what you yourself want to do, you just speak of such superficial things.”
“Looks like it. It’s unfortunate though.” [Notes]
Suou squatted in front of Kyousuke’s collapsed body and looked at him.
Suou crossed his arms and nodded ∗un un∗.
Putting their hands on the closed heavy doors of the church, they opened it.
Putting a hand on his chin, Knight Suou let out a voice 『Fumu』. Although he was boy with a rough attitude and appearance, because of his natural handsome features, he came to be considerably good-looking.
“Bud–buddy…? Friend…?”
“You think so? Isn’t he just under that impression because someone else told him so? Does he really want to take Kogane home? If he just want to stay together with his friends, then isn’t it also fine to come over here?”
“You guys are also Kogane’s friends right? So well, such actions would make him sad. Yeah?”
“That’s not one question but two that you want to know, isn’t it?”
“You’re the Skeleton, Utsurogi? I heard from Kogane.”
“Even if you tell them the circumstances, they won’t be satisfied. They’re just buying time. Reinforcements will come soon.”
Nekomiya with her four feet on the floor, swallowed her breath.
“(Himemizu, are you okay…?)”
Still had his hands in his pocket, Suou gave a yakuza kick again. Kyousuke’s body was lightly blown away.
Kyousuke didn’t have any intention to give up yet. It wasn’t just him alone here. At least, he wanted Rin to escape to safety. It could be seen that Rin strongly stuck to Kyousuke’s entire body. But rather than her feeling nervous, it seemed more likely to be an expression of protest against Kyousuke’s idea.
“U–Utsurogi-kun is … to Kogane-kun…”
“(Himemizu, how’s our water storage?)”
Episode 34 — Long Goodbye
“(A, a little … painful…)”
“Kogane-kun … he wants to bring back. Since that is, the truth…”
Trying to control his body, Kyousuke stood up.
“I see. Is it better if we just take those two and go back?”
“Yea. Having 《Characteristics Amplification》 in Phase 2 is pretty rare. It seems that the Pawn didn’t know about it.”
“Kogane-kun is still safe!?”
However, the moment they tried to rush out, they heard voice coming from ahead of them.
“It’s pointless, Suou.”
“It’s possible with your 《Shadow Passage》! Hurry!”
“I don’t care what your intention is, but you have attacked our base, kidnapped one of our classmates. Even if you say you want to make peace now, we won’t accept it.”
“It’s light as expected.”
Unnoticed, Knight Suou stood before them, and then with his hands still in his pockets, he unleashed a violent kick. It was a so-called yakuza kick. The kick landed on Kyousuke’s chest, and with an exploding impact, his body was easily blown away.
“What, is that so?”
Rin’s consciousness was faint. At this rate, it wouldn’t be strange if she fainted soon.
Suou and Kogane are friends? Is that even true in the first place? Kyousuke glared at Suou while trying to control Rin’s body that felt like it would melt any time now.
“Run! Utsurogi, Himemizu!”
Suou was walking like a yankee as usual, Akeno walked briskly with her back straightened, and they shortened the distance between them. Looking at Akeno, it seemed that black lightning energy was running through both of her arms. It was the same technique that the Pawn used. Its power was unlikely to be on the same level though. Even in the unlikely case that it was weaker, Rin not in the high-pressured state wouldn’t be able to endure that attack.
“Hou, why?”
“Ahh. He wants to apologize to you.”
It was one of the racial abilities of cait sith that Selena spoke of. To cross over from shadow to shadow. The clearer the shadow, the farther she could move. So in this bad weather, it took all of her efforts just to escape from this predicament. Still, I should escape. I have to join up with Washio group and inform Ryuzaki about this.
“I will incapacitate you if you don’t comply. While I have no intent to kill you, that doesn’t apply if you resist.”
“It’s no coincidence, isn’t there that possibility?”
In that case, could it be that Akeno’s sister clothing also wasn’t something from this world. There was plenty of possibility that those two were trippers, but at least, the atmosphere they were giving out weren’t that of human’s.
Akeno in sister clothing, who had been crossing her arms until then, snorted.
Kyousuke clenched his fist again and repeatedly hit Suou, Suou remained as he was with his hands in his pockets and didn’t move even a bit. It had much less effect compared to the Pawns who wore the robust armors. Even if they weren’t in the compressed state, the opponent was defenseless. And yet, it was like this.
Suou and Akeno also sounded like Japanese names somehow.
Suou the Knight. As well as Akeno the Bishop. The two in front of them introduced themselves as such.
Not only her words were smooth, her ad lib was put to effective use as well. Even though Nekomiya combat ability wasn’t very high, that quick wittedness made her very dependable. It wasn’t just for show that she was made a team leader.
“I want to ask one more thing. How the heck did you guys know about our situation? And where are you guys from?”
“Nekomiya, go now!”
While exchanging a few words, they ascertained Suou and Akeno’s movements.
“It’s light. After all, even if it’s also called Phase 2, this is how slime and skeleton are.”
“Ahh, oi Akeno. Don’t disturb me when I’m talking here.”
“Himemizu, don’t push yourself!”
It seemed that Rin had become desperate somehow. He wondered what she was trying to cover for so much like that. It was as if she was trying to protect a dandelion found on the roadside from being trampled on. However, Suou snorted at her words.
“Either way, her betrayal is definite. We need to report to the King.”
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While putting his hands in his pockets, Suou muttered.
The scream of Kyousuke and Rin echoed, the body of those two drew a parabola and flew back inside the church.
He didn’t quite understand what Suou was saying, but only the last part was clear. Kogane said he wanted to apologize. In that case, all the more so, they couldn’t afford to stop here. Forcing strength into his body, Kyousuke stood up again. His body was a little more heavy than before. It directly showed just how tired and damaged Rin was.
“That, that is…”
~ Part 1 ~
“I was late in saying this,”
Rin also raised her voice. Immediately after that, Akeno, who had accumulated energy in both arms, released the lightning to immobilize Kyousuke and Rin’s body. Burning pain ran through his body and Kyousuke once again dropped to his knees.
Nekomiya said so with a tense voice.
They were earning time. If Kyousuke group didn’t come back soon, Washio and Kinogasa should definitely become suspicious. At such time, it was decided beforehand that they would signal the heavy cruiser branch school and inform Ryuzaki about the abnormal situation.
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