My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 66: good question

  Chapter 66 Good Questions

   "Yes, your sister in the lobby hated the name Da Ya since she was sensible. The village shouted Da Ya and went home for dinner. Several little girls must respond!" Gu Shouxin also said.

   "Then, why did you call your elder sister?" Gu Xin curiously asked.

   "Puff!" Gu Nian smiled again.

  They asked the question very well!

   "Uh..." Gu Shouxin and Cai Xiaolian didn't know how to answer.

  The little girl asked this question tricky!

  Gu Shouxin’s memory is full of drinking, gambling, and a certain white moonlight.

  The two daughters in Cai Xiaolian’s memory, they both dislike, because they are not sons.

  At the beginning, Gu Nian and Gu Xin were all born in the old house. The Zhang family cursed Cai Xiaolian for not having a son every day.

  Cai Xiaolian desperately wanted to have a son, but nothing happened!

  Especially the second child born to Zhang is a son, and Cai Xiaolian dislikes the two daughters even more.

  It was also when Gu Nian was eight years old that she started to learn embroidering from her third aunt. Slowly, the embroidered things could be sold for money, and Cai Xiaolian was a little better to Gu Nian.

   "Huh? Yumei sister-in-law in front, why did she go out with a big belly!" At this time, Gu Xin's attention was automatically shifted.

   "Yumei, where are you going!" Cai Xiaolian breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw Gu Xin called her name, she naturally knew who it was.

   Cai Xiaolian gave the science popularization that day, and Gu Nian also knew that this was Wang’s daughter-in-law, the village flower in Hehua Village, and there were seven older brothers. She had a deep memory and looked over curiously.

  Gu Shouxin drove the car to Sun Yumei's side and stopped.

   "Second Uncle Gu, Second Aunt Gu." Sun Yumei's expression was a little bad, and when she heard someone shouting, she stopped to say hello.

   "Sister-in-law Yumei, what's wrong with your neck?" Gu Xin's eyes were sharp and she saw that Sun Yumei's neck was a little red, so she jumped out of the car in shock and wanted to take a closer look.

  Sun Yumei absentmindedly closed her collar, and said: "I'm fine, two, Xinxin."

   "Sister-in-law Yumei, did you have a neck injury? Are you going to see the doctor?" Gu Xin still felt that she hadn't seen dazzling just now, and sister-in-law Yumei had injured her neck.

   "Come here with Xinxin." Cai Xiaolian pulled Gu Xin over. Sun Yumei seemed unspeakable at first sight, and was being asked, which was very embarrassing.

She knew that after Sun Yumei got married, she liked Gu Xin very much. Maybe Sun Yumei would talk to Gu Xin when the two were alone, but now their family is here. In her memory, apart from Gu Xin, the other three of Gu's family Neither person nor Sun Yumei have spoken much, this is an expression of unfamiliarity!

   "Sister-in-law Yumei, where are you going? We are going to Taoyuan County, shall we take you for a ride? Grandma said, people with big bellies should not be tired." Gu Xin asked again.

   "Yes, Yumei, are you going back to your natal house to see your brothers with your burden? Get in the car, and we will see you for a ride." Cai Xiaolian said and asked Gu Nian to pack up a place.

  "Thank you Ershu Gu, Erma Gu, Xinxin, Niannian." She was warmly invited, and Sun Yumei didn't know how to refuse. Going to Taoyuan County was indeed the direction for her to return to her family's home, so she got on the bus along the way.

  The ox cart set off again.

  Not far, a carriage from Zhou's family in Zhoujia Town entered Sanchakai Village, because there were two opposite directions, the carriage and the ox carriage did not meet.

  In the carriage, Lu Zheng sat upright and closed his eyes. In his mind, except for the adult Gu Xin, he was the current Gu Xin.

   A daily routine!

     ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for five-star praise! Oh, by the way, there is still a check in!

     Thank you for your support!


  (End of this chapter)

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