"I'm different?" Long Yufan frowned. Did the headmaster say that he didn't have a diploma and could only give him 1000 yuan? A thousand dollars, a thousand dollars! Anyway, I don't care about the money. I'll have 10 million in three days.

Zhao Hua saw that long Yufan frowned and thought he wanted to leave. He said in a hurry: "Mr. long, our school will give you 5000 yuan a month, and the bonus will be calculated separately. How about it?"

"Five thousand dollars?" All the leading teachers in the teaching office nearby are breathing air-conditioning. Even the director's salary is more than 3000. If long Yufan gets 5000 a month, it can be said that he is a headmaster.

"Well! I promise you Long Yufan didn't expect that the headmaster would give him 5000 yuan. Of course, he promised that no one would make less money for himself?

"Director Yin, please ask teacher Yilong to sign the contract. Director Song, come with me. " With that, he winked at Song Zhitao, who ran out with him like a pug.

"What's the instruction, headmaster?" Song Zhitao knows that Zhao Hua has something to do with himself.

Zhao Hua said in a low voice, "now you can find someone to publicize outside. You can say that our school has hired a British English teacher to see if we can attract more sponsor students in these two days to make more money for the school. Five thousand a month, but we get two more sponsors to earn long Yufan's salary. "

"Well, well, I'll do it right away." Of course, song Zhitao understood the president's meaning.

Long Yufan stay, it is so easy to be a teacher! Shake hands with the headmaster and have a chat to be a teacher. It's too easy! "Mr. long, you are now a teacher in our school. You come here to sign a contract with me." Yin qiuxue took out the contract in duplicate. The contract has just been printed out. There is a bottom in the computer. Yin qiuxue just changed the salary from 1500 to 5000.

Long Yufan finished reading the contract, which didn't hurt much. Anyway, he was a teacher in school, and he didn't have any expectations. He took his pen from the table and signed his name in it. When he returned the pen to Yin qiuxue, his eyes couldn't help fixing. Yin qiuxue is sitting in front. He is standing. His height can be seen through the collar of her white shirt. My God, she is wearing blue today.

When Yin qiuxue sees long Yufan return the pen to herself, she reaches for it. At the same time, she finds that he is staring at her chest. Chest? Yin qiuxue looked at her chest, and her little face turned red. She quickly covered her collar with her hand, and her face was full of anger.

"Pa," Yin qiuxue threw some English textbooks and lesson plans on the table. "Mr. long, you are teaching class 8 and class 9 of senior two this semester, and you are also the head teacher of class 8 of senior two. You go back to school on September 1, that is, at seven o'clock the day after tomorrow. This is the timetable. In addition, if you want to prepare lessons, you have to prepare for each class. If I check that you haven't prepared lessons, 50 yuan will be deducted at a time. "

"Good," long Yufan nodded. It turns out that teachers have to prepare lessons! It seems that we should study those English textbooks when we go back today. "By the way, director Yin, does the school arrange where I live?"

"No," Yin replied without thinking, "most of the teachers in the school live outside. You can solve the problem of accommodation by yourself. Breakfast and lunch are provided in the school during class. You have nothing to do now Yin qiuxue hates long Yufan more and more. He looks ordinary, but he is very rogue. When he comes, he stares at his chest. Well, I want you to look good. Thinking of this, Yin qiuxue's face showed a sly smile.

When long Yufan heard that the school did not arrange accommodation, he felt a bit sorry. Lin Xiaolei said that she must move out three days later. It seems that she still needs to find a place. "Good bye, director Yin." Long Yufan picked up those books and said goodbye to Yin qiuxue.

Because long Yufan is not very familiar with Haijiang City, he did not go back to his residence by bus. Anyway, he walked for half an hour. So he bought some daily necessities on the way and ate something to prepare for his lessons.

Long Yufan looks at those teaching materials. He is very professional when he is asked to kill and save people. However, he doesn't know anything about the syllabus, methods and objectives. Forget it, I'll talk to the students tomorrow according to the English in the textbook. Just let them know. I can't teach well. I'll find another job myself. Thinking of this, he simply fell on the sofa to sleep.

At night, sleeping long Yufan heard a slight noise outside the door, he immediately sat up from the sofa. Although he sleeps heavily, his years of killing have kept him on guard. The door opens and enters a woman. When long Yufan sees that it is Lin Xiaolei, he lies down.

"Hello, the dragon. Have you found a place today?" After long Yufan wiped the wine on her feet, Lin Xiaolei felt much better. She could go to work in the company at noon. She came back to see long Yufan buried his head in sleep and ignored her, so she wanted to find a topic.

"Not yet," long Yufan shakes his head. He has been reading English books today. What teaching plan should he write? How can he have time? When it comes to teaching plans, he frowns. He doesn't know how to write them yet! It seems that I will go to the bookstore to buy some English teaching plan books tomorrow. When he used to read, he saw that the teacher was also holding some teaching plans in class. Thinking of this, long Yufan's eyes brightened. How could he be so stupid? He went to buy a teaching plan and copied it back. Then he would be able to follow the teaching plan in class. "How are your feet? Is it better? ""A lot better, thank you," Lin said, a little embarrassed.

Longyufan shook his head. "No thanks. Would you like me to wipe it for you? I know how to live the ribs and loose collaterals. I will wipe it for you twice. It should be OK. "

Linxiaolei didn't talk back to her room. Longyufan was a little annoyed. Why she was so rude, even if she didn't wipe herself, he said, hum, good intentions and no good news. He fell down on the sofa and slept again.

"Last name is long," Lin Xiaolei called longyufan.

"What's wrong?" Longyufan climbed up.

"You, don't you mean to help me wipe it? How did you sleep? " Linxiaolei was red.

"OK, you sit down, I'll wipe it for you." Longyufan sat up and helped linxiaolei wipe her feet.

By longyufan rubbing feet, linxiaolei felt her feet hurt and sour and itchy, and this feeling made her cry out of her mind, "ah!" It was like a moan of a woman.

Longyufan heard linxiaolei so to call the heart is also a ring, her voice is a little like the voice in a film, delicate incomparable, listen to him a little bit of that feeling. Linxiaolei also felt that she called out the sound is not good, she red face covered mouth dare not again.

"OK," longyufan stood up to wash his hands in the bathroom.

Linxiaolei went back to the room embarrassed. She took her clothes to the bathroom for a bath in a short time. She entered the bathroom and only then she was relieved by the bolt. She was at home alone before, so she didn't bolt the door to take a shower. Now she has to check before she starts to take off clothes and take a shower. After the bath, she went back to the room to sleep. She was so tired by the company that she fell asleep in bed after she bolted the door.

Longyufan saw linxiaolei take a bath and return to the room. He also climbed up from the sofa and went to the bathroom. It was very hot, he just slept for a while and sweat. He was going to take another bath. When he went into the bathroom and closed the door, he saw some clothes in the small basket on the right side, and looked at it.

This look he was stunned, the original clothes were linxiaolei just changed clothes, especially those small pants threw on the top, let him "startle" and boil. He felt impulsive in some place, and alas, it seemed that he had to rely on the five girls. Longyufan wants to look at his rough right hand.

A man in a rental house in Haijiang City, watching the news broadcast on TV, was carrying a pistol in his hand. The news is showing some of the bank robberies yesterday. Li Sijing, the chief of the criminal police, told reporters that the robbery had been solved perfectly by the police. There was no hostage casualties and all three gunmen were killed.

The man looked at Li Sijing's face and said, "I will revenge you for the second, third and fourth. I will kill the policewoman and two people and let them all come down with you." Then, the man held his pistol and aimed at Li Sijing on the TV.

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