"In other people's way? Mr. He has a bad temper sometimes, but he is a good person. You must choose him on purpose. " Yin qiuxue doesn't believe long Yufan's words. "You are you, I am I, you do not pester me, I will not like you in my life, you die of this heart!" Yin qiuxue thinks that long Yufan is really a evil star. Since he came to school, he has not had a happy life. Now there are many gossips in the school, saying that long Yufan has taken advantage of himself.

As a beautiful woman and the leader of the school, many so-called 38 are jealous of Yin qiuxue, so they make her rumors one after another. Not only is Yin qiuxue and long Yufan xx00, but she is also known outside with other men, such as the police. Yin qiuxue is a current version of Pan Jinlian.

"Yin qiuxue, I also want to tell you, I will not like you in my life, you die of this heart!" Long Yufan disdains to look at Yin qiuxue, she just grew a pair of good-looking leather bag, what is great, but also so self righteous.

"Hum, long Yufan, you lied. You said you didn't like me. Why did you compete with he Shuming?" Yin qiuxue said angrily.

"I don't know why. He wants to compete with me for no reason. If he doesn't fight him, he looks down on him." Long Yufan shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "Yin qiuxue, don't be sentimental. I won't fight for you."

Yin qiuxue was angry, "long Yufan, you are nonsense, you clearly want to be like this. And do you often rumor at school that I have something to do with you? "

"How could it be? I have nothing to do with you Long Yufan didn't expect Yin qiuxue to be so thick skinned. "Take your time! I'm going to dinner. "

In Zhao Hua's office, Feng ruoda reported to Zhao Hua, "headmaster Zhao, have you heard about the noon affairs? Long Yufan and he Shuming fight, which caused a great impact in the school ah! I heard that this is caused by long Yufan's deliberate selection. He wants to compete with he Shuming for director Yin qiuxue. "

"I've heard of that, too." Zhao Hua presses his temple with a headache. The school affairs are getting more and more troublesome for him. Behind the scenes, the dark hands continue to publish some of his scandals, some of which are facts, some of which are imitations. The authenticity of this kind is frightening. He has also found acquaintances from the police station and the mobile company. Those mobile phone cards are all bought temporarily, and they have never opened the machine again once. It is impossible to find them. "I will let people investigate clearly, after all, they are our teachers, we should focus on education." Although this is a martial arts contest, he Shuming is the first to start. He Shuming is a relative of a city leader. He dare not do anything about it?

"Well, headmaster Zhao, I have explained your rumors many times, but it seems that the more and more, I have received a lot in my mobile phone." In order to show his innocence, Feng ruoda took out his mobile phone and showed it to Zhao Hua. "This man is so hateful that he must be called to the police to arrest him."

"Well," Zhao Hua looked at Feng ruoda gratefully. At this time, he was his assistant to help him. "Feng ruoda, I've also been checked. This man is too cunning. He is very familiar with our school's affairs and knows how to counter investigate. My acquaintances in the police station say it's difficult to do it! I have only one way now, that is to make all the things reflected in the information public and let others review them. " Speaking of this, Zhao Hua couldn't go on. He had something on him. How could someone come to check him?

If it was not for his trust in the Education Bureau, the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Education Bureau would have come to check on him. So, that method is not a way, he had to drag, wait for long Yufan's matter to come out, prove again. Confirm the rumors first, and cover those who are not rumors. "Don't worry, joda. It's OK." Zhao Huaqiang put on a smiling face.

"That's good, that's good, headmaster Zhao. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first." Feng ruoda leaves with a smile.

After school in the afternoon, long Yufan returned to the community. He wanted to buy two bags of instant noodles and go back to his place to eat. It's not good to go to uncle Liu often. When he went to the supermarket, he bought instant noodles and pickles. When he was ready to leave after paying, a child came in from the supermarket last time.

The lovely child also recognized long Yufan. He jumped to long Yufan's side and said, "brother, you also come to buy things! I haven't seen you a few days ago. I want to treat you to ice cream! "

"You're still a child. My brother will treat you to it." Long Yufan smiles and touches the child's head. This child is very cute and beautiful. When he grows up, he must be a handsome boy who is infatuated with thousands of girls.

"No," the child shook his head, "I promised my brother, I will treat you, I will treat you to eat, you pay. Hee hee The child can't help but go to the counter and ask for two pieces of ice cream. Long Yufan gives the money to the child.

"Is it delicious?" Long Yufan has not eaten ice cream for many years. Now eating with children seems to go back to childhood. However, he did not eat ice cream in the orphanage, but later went to school, he used his own money to buy one.

The child nodded, "yummy, brother. My name is Nannan. What's your name?"

"South south," there came a call. Long Yufan looked up and saw that it was Li Sijing. He looked at the child named Nannan and Li Sijing. Their faces were very similar. Is Nannan the son of Li Sijing? Long Yufan thought of this heart a little sour feeling, as for why, he did not know."Oh, I can't play again." Nannan has a cute mouth and seems to be a little angry.

Li Sijing is a little surprised to see long Yufan with Nan Nan. However, she said to Nannan with a straight face: "Nannan, how many times have I told you that you can't secretly leave us alone to play. What if something happens? If you don't listen, you won't be allowed to play in the future. "

"I'm wrong. I won't be like that again." Nannan said, pretending to be wronged, eating ice cream.

"Well, don't pretend. You've said that many times, and you never remember it." Li Sijing white South after a look, then look at long Yufan. "Do you know each other?"

"I've seen south south here before. Li Sijing, is Nannan your son? " Long Yufan asked. Nannan's father must be excellent, otherwise he would not send bodyguards to protect Nannan.

Li Sijing's face turned red immediately, "you're talking nonsense. I'm not married yet."

Nan Nan said with a smile, "brother, how stupid! This is my aunt

"Your aunt?" Long Yufan was overjoyed that Li Sijing was Nannan's aunt!

"Yes, it's my aunt. Brother, please call me aunt after me." Nannan said, licking the ice cream with her tongue.

"Aunt?" Long Yufan is in great distress. Does Nannan think Yang Guo is called XiaoLongNu?

Li Sijing also covers her mouth and smiles. She laughs a little fiercely, her body trembles slightly, especially the turbulence in front of her body moves with her, which makes long Yufan's eyes shine. "Yes, long Yufan, you call me aunt!"

"Damn you, you are not as old as I am. How can you call it that way?" Long Yufan gave Li Sijing a bad look.

"It turns out that my brother's name is long Yufan, and I know my aunt. What a coincidence." Nan Nan jumped with joy. "Brother, would you like to go to our house tonight? My family is fun. "

"If it's fun, you won't run out and play." Although Li Sijing said so, she still touched Nannan's head affectionately.

Nan Nan spat out her tongue. "It's not fun for me to be alone at home, but it's fun if someone plays with me."

Long Yufan said, "I'll go back first."

"Are you really not free at night?" Li Sijing sees that long Yufan is going to leave, and sees the instant noodles in his hand, knowing that he has not eaten yet.

"I, I'm going back to dinner!" Long Yufan said in a conversational manner.

"Do you want instant noodles?" Li Sijing said with a smile. "Are you free to eat at our house? Anyway, add a pair of chopsticks. You always eat instant noodles without nutrition. " Li Sijing doesn't know why. Seeing that long Yufan is going to eat instant noodles for a while, she feels a little uncomfortable and can't help but invite long Yufan back to her home for dinner.

Long Yufan embarrassed to ask: "this, this convenient?"

Brother Yuyi, let's go to the south south house to play! It's nothing. There's no one in my family. My aunt and I are alone. "

Long Yufan sees south south to say so, he nods. Li Sijing is very happy to see long Yufan agree to go. She leads the way in front, South South pulls long Yufan. They went out of the supermarket and came to Li Sijing's Land Rover. Li Sijing drove, and long Yufan and Nan Nan sat in the back. There may be Li Sijing around Nannan, without other bodyguards.

The SUV has been driving forward. This community is very large. Long Yufan has never been here. He only knows that it is a villa area for rich people. He never thought that Li Sijing's home was in it. The car stopped at the front and two security guards stepped forward. Li Sijing takes out an access card from the car. After one of the security guards checks the card, he lets them in.

"The security system here is good." Long Yufan said casually.

"Of course, each villa has to pay 200000 yuan a year for the management of the villa area," Li Sijing turned the steering wheel and turned into the road on the right. After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of a three story villa. There are a lot of flowers and plants around the villa. There are sports equipment on the left. The air here is good, much better than that of the residential area of Lin Xiaolei. As expected, every cent of the goods, Lin Xiaolei's green work there is very few.

There is another villa tens of meters away from the villa. The decoration is the same as that of the red glass tile. Maybe the decoration of these villas is the responsibility of the developer, and the head of household can live directly after paying.

Li Sijing got out of the car and said to long Yufan, "this is actually Nannan's home. I just live here sometimes. My brother and sister-in-law are often not at home, so I help them watch Nannan. "

Long Yufan feels better when he hears that Li Sijing's family is not there. If her family is here, I'm still a little embarrassed.

At this time, a bodyguard like man came over. He took Li Sijing's car key and helped her drive the car into the garage. Entering the villa, there are two servants and a nanny standing beside them. Maybe they are taking care of Nannan. Two bodyguards and three workers will cost a lot to take care of Nannan. What are the parents of Nannan? Long Yufan is thinking.

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