In the morning of the third day, long Yufan got up immediately and rushed to school. Anyway, it was still early, he simply ran to school, he took the book to run toward the school.

When he arrived at the school, long Yufan went to the teaching office. He doesn't know where class 8 of senior two is. The first class at eight o'clock is a class meeting. He wants to ask Yin qiuxue. As soon as he entered the teaching office, he saw Yin qiuxue staring at him angrily. "Hello, director Yin."

"I'm not good," said Yin qiuxue, gnashing her teeth. This long Yufan is intentional, to apply for a job also did not leave a contact number, she found him yesterday to open a class teacher meeting also can not find. "Why don't you leave your contact number? We held a class teacher meeting yesterday afternoon, but you didn't arrive

"I've just returned home. I don't have a cell phone." Long Yufan said embarrassed.

"These are the information of the students in your class. Come with me now. I will take you to the office of the second grade group of your senior high school. The classrooms of grade two are also on these two floors. You can find the classroom yourself." If it is not the responsibility, Yin qiuxue will not manage long Yufan. But after a while, there will be a good play. Yin qiuxue is secretly happy.

Yin qiuxue takes long Yufan into the office of the second grade group of senior high school. She says to the teachers inside: "dear teachers, this new teacher is long Yufan. He is the English teacher of class 8 and class 9 of grade 2 and the head teacher of class 8 of grade 2. Mr. long, that's your desk. " Yin qiuxue points to a table in the corner.

"The head teacher of class 8 in senior two?" All the teachers took a breath of cold air. The discipline and performance of class 8 of senior two were the worst in the whole grade. No teacher liked to be the subject director and head teacher of that class.

"Hello, teachers. Please take care of it in the future." Long Yufan smiles at everyone. After Yin qiuxue finished, he left with a gust of fragrant wind.

"Hello, my name is Lei jiancong. I'm the prefect of grade two. Class 8 of senior two is also called the troublemaker class. The students in class are very naughty. Especially, there are two students whose nicknames are" black and white double demons ". They are the leaders of those naughty students A middle-aged man came up and said.

"Black and white devil?" Long Yufan is surprised. Is the school still a school in the world?

Lei jiancong sighed, "in fact, the black devil's name is Huang Xuhui, he is the monitor, and the White Devil's name is Lan Qingqing, and he is the Secretary of the League branch. Despite their outstanding achievements, they are also outstanding in mischief. Huang Xuhui is the head of a boy and LAN Qingqing is the head of a girl. He specializes in sabotage in the class. "

"It's not that scary, is it?" Long Yufan is a little unconvinced, is not some children, they can fly to the sky? "The school doesn't care?"

"Our school is an aristocratic school, and many of the students in class 8 of senior two have backgrounds at home. Most of the high sponsorship fees of our school are from the parents of the students in class 8 of senior two. Don't say to be a head teacher, even a teacher doesn't want to go to class 8. " Lei jiancong then went back to his seat.

At this time, a young male teacher came. "Brother, my name is Zhu Zhiping. I am the computer teacher of your class. The students in your class are very naughty. You will be guilty later."

"Hello, Miss Zhu." Long Yufan doesn't believe it. He is the number one figure of the world famous Dragon shadow organization. Will he be frightened by those children?

It's nearly eight o'clock. Long Yufan looks at his watch and says secretly. The watch looks ancient and ordinary on the surface, but it is made by hand by famous European watchmakers. If you take it out and sell it, you can sell it for 100000 dollars. He took the student information to class 8 of senior two. When he got to the corner stairs, a student rushed to him.

"Pa," the student hit long Yufan and fell down the stairs. As time goes by, long Yufan, who holds the materials in one hand, jumps down and holds the student who falls down and hugs her waist tightly. Eh? How can the student's body be so soft, as if soft as bone.

"You let me down." A girl's angry voice rang out. She was held tightly by long Yufan, and her body was close to him, which made her shy and angry.

Long Yufan quickly put the girl down and had a look. She was as pure as a fairy outside the sky. Her long eyelashes, slightly straight nose bridge, extremely lovely round nose egg, two shallow wine whirlpools and snow-white skin were on both sides. A black and shiny long hair, neat wearing in the back, head with a very delicate beautiful hairpin, a snow-white high-grade dress. I didn't expect such a beautiful girl student in the school. By the way, it seems that she looks familiar.

"Well, bad man!" The girl glared at long Yufan fiercely and turned and ran away.

In class 8, LAN Qingqing and Huang Xuhui are sitting in the back chairs, surrounded by many students. Yuqing would have recognized the girl in the stairs if she had seen her just now.

"Qingqing, I heard that our new head teacher came back from England, and we just let the foreign devils know the power of China." Huang said. Huang Xuhui is a little black, but he is tall and handsome.

"Huige, our class is famous in the whole school. Do you think the school will break up our class?" Asked a little boy. His name is Zheng Yile. He is a member of the learning committee. He is good at computers. I heard that computer technology is better than computer teacher Zhu Zhiping.

LAN Qingqing disapproved, "it's OK. If the school dares to break up our class, I will tell my father that the headmaster will cry at that time without tears.""Qingqing, where are we going to play at night?" Asked a tall girl with a rose pattern on her chest and blue jeans underneath. The girl's name is Mary. She is a member of the cultural and entertainment committee. She is a precocious girl with beautiful features and roses in front of her.

"I'll talk about it then! It's no fun going to those nightclubs every day. " Blue Qingqing said listlessly. Well, I hope the foreign devils will be more interesting. It is said that in order to rectify the evil class, the school specially invited a famous teacher from England.

Class six, seven, eight. This is it. Long Yufan looks at the class card in the classroom and pushes the door in.

LAN Qingqing can't help getting angry when he sees long Yufan come in. He bumped into himself in the stairs just now, trying to take advantage of himself. "Yile, can you help me find out which class teacher this person is and what's his name?" LAN Qingqing is looking for long Yufan to fix him, but he didn't expect him to come to the door.

"Good," Zheng Yile nodded, sitting behind blue and green.

"Teacher, are you in the wrong classroom? We are class 8 in senior two, "said Huang Xuhui.

"Ha ha, I didn't go wrong. My name is long Yufan. I'm the head teacher of class 8 in senior two." Long Yufan said with a smile. He found that the girl was blue and green just now. Seeing that she was beautiful and lovely, he didn't expect to be a troublemaker. In this regard, long Yufan still has a deep understanding. Once, he wiped out a terrorist organization in Africa. At that time, an eight year old boy secretly shot at them with a gun, killing a dragon shadow player. Therefore, after the lesson of blood, he has already believed that people can not be judged by their appearance.

"You, are you the new English teacher? But you're not English. " Zheng Yile looked a few times in a row, not like ah, hair is black, but also more than 1.7 meters tall, skin is also yellow. Didn't the school ask a British teacher to teach English?

"I'm Chinese British, not British." Long Yufan said in English. "From today on, I am not only your head teacher, but also your English teacher." The standard English caught some students' attention.

Cut, what's to show off? Huang Xuhui thought in his heart.

Long Yufan wrote down his name on the blackboard. "In the future, I will be your head teachers, LAN Qingqing and Huang Xuhui. You two are the two heads of the class. In the future, you will be in charge of both of you. LAN Qingqing will be in charge of female students and Huang Xuhui will be in charge of male students. You can be responsible for what happens to future students. There is no need to report to me. I know you like to play. Students can play, but don't overdo it. "

"Dragon, Yu, fan, teacher," there was a gnashing voice outside the door.

Huang Xuhui's eyes lit up as soon as he saw it. At the door stood deputy director Yin qiuxue. She was her dream lover! Yin qiuxue is very angry now. Today's first class is the class meeting class. She is responsible for inspecting the classroom of grade two senior high school. She also wants to see how the bad guy is made up by those naughty students. But I didn't expect that she just walked to the classroom door of class 8 in senior two when she heard that long Yufan let the class be a black-and-white double magic tube student. He didn't care when he was the head teacher.

Long Yufan see Yin qiuxue that pay angry look a little strange, why is she so angry? Who was angry with her? "Hello, director Yin." Long Yufan said with a smile.

"You, you go with me to the teaching office." Yin qiuxue see long Yufan can also laugh voice, is angry to death. If there were not so many students nearby, she really wanted to scold long Yufan severely.

"I have a class meeting now! I'll see you after the class meeting. " Long Yufan waved his hand.

"No, you can go there now." Yin qiuxue turned around and left in a huff. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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