Long Yufan said: "I'm not stingy. I don't have money now. I'll invite you to dinner later."

"That's what you said. Don't be a liar." Lin Xiaolei saw that this was the chance to mend with him. Where would she give up. "But I heard aunt Yu say your wallet was stolen. If you don't have enough money, I can lend it to you."

"Thank you. I'll borrow it when I need it." Long Yufan listened to Lin Xiaolei's words, but now his resentment disappears. She is a good person just like Yu Yu. Why don't you help her? Although it's a bit humiliating to ask for a hundred thousand yuan as the leader of the Dragon shadow, he is only a dragon now, not a dragon.

"Do you know vice mayor Tan ran? "Lin Xiaolei asked strangely.

Long Yufan shakes his head, "I don't know. I'm talking nonsense. I saw this name when I was reading a newspaper in the office today." If long Yufan starts to say Tan Ran's name, Li Wei won't believe it and thinks he is deliberately boasting. But when long Yufan showed his strength, the effect was different, so Li Wei was scared by long Yufan.

"Do you know the Hutou Gang?" Lin Xiaolei is a little scared. She is from Haijiang. Of course, she knows the strength of the Hutou gang.

"I don't know who the Hutou Gang is. I've heard that it's a famous gangster in Haijiang city. I said it on purpose. Hehe, I didn't tell Li Wei that I knew the Hutou gang. I just asked him if he knew the Hutou gang. It was his misunderstanding about me. " Long Yufan is one layer after another to let Li Wei sink in.

"What did you do in England before? Do you know martial arts? " Lin Xiaolei looks at long Yufan curiously. Although he seems ordinary, it's only his first impression. After getting along with him for a long time, she will gradually find that he is like a pool of deep water, which can't be seen or touched, and is a man of courage and resourcefulness.

Long Yufan said: "I don't know martial arts. I learned some Sanda and other gadgets in the British martial arts school before. I had a bad time in England and wanted to go back to China to try my luck. "

"Don't lose heart. As long as you work hard, you can make money and become rich." Lin Xiaolei encourages long Yufan. If she knew that long Yufan's five diamonds could sell at least 20 million yuan, she would faint. Moreover, with the reputation of dragon one, we can get more than one billion US dollars in Africa at any time.

"Yes, I'm working hard now. I'm a teacher in Huacheng middle school." Long Yufan said with a smile.

Lin Xiaolei is embarrassed to crack down on long Yufan. How can I be rich as a teacher? Even if he had been a teacher for 20 years, he couldn't afford to buy his own flat. Now the most useless is the teacher. Their female colleagues threatened that they would not marry the teacher even when she was the mother of extinction.

At this time, uncle Liu brought up what Lin Xiaolei ordered and said, "eat it! Young man, Miss Lin is a good girl. You should treat her well. "

"Uncle Liu, what are you talking about?" Said Lin Xiaolei, stamping her face. She didn't know how to explain to uncle Liu. Just now she said that she had no relationship with long Yufan, but he still said so. "Don't listen to uncle Liu's nonsense. He just likes to make jokes. Uncle Liu, we are not that kind of relationship. Don't say that in the future, or I will be angry. "

"Well, well, I said the wrong thing." Uncle Liu also felt Lin Xiaolei's anger, and he hurried back.

"You don't have to tell uncle Liu that it's not easy for him to go out and do some small business. He is also kind-hearted. You can't take it seriously if you don't hear it." Looking at uncle Liu, long Yufan thinks of the old man who returns to heaven. It's not so easy to find my granddaughter in Haijiang city.

Lin Xiaolei looks at long Yufan strangely. She doesn't know what kind of person long Yufan is. Just now, when I was dealing with Li Wei and them in the Firebird bar, his ruthlessness made people shudder, but now he is like a kind-hearted person who can't be kind.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome man?" When long Yufan sees Lin Xiaolei staring at himself, he gives her a bad look.

"Well, if you are handsome, I will consider you as my boyfriend. Just like you? You don't have a chance in your life. " Lin Xiaolei doesn't think so.

When they finished eating and were ready to stand up to pay the bill, three motorcycles suddenly came into the street. The motorcycle stopped in front of Mr. Liu's stall, and then all the men in the car came down, "old man, bring me all your delicious food, or we will smash your stall."

Where has uncle Liu seen such a situation? He came to these men with fear and said, "some big brothers, what do you want to eat?"

"Big you, you call us big brother when you are so old. Do you want us to be grand duke?" A man with a fierce face in front of him grabbed uncle Liu's collar and said fiercely.

"I, I am wrong, gentlemen, what would you like to eat?" Asked Uncle Liu.

"What's the matter? Give us all the things. If you dare to slow down, do you believe we'll smash all your stalls?" Another man angrily kicked an empty table without a seat for several meters, and the chopsticks, soy sauce and chili sauce were all scattered on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Aunt Liu saw that these men did not come to eat, but to make a mess. She cried."There will be no business here. All of you will leave, otherwise we will not be polite." Cried the man.

Some customers are also scared. They stand up and want to pay the bill, but the men tell them to leave quickly without paying, or they will call. So these customers left one after another, leaving only longyufan table.

Lin Xiaolei is not afraid at all because of what happened in the Firebird bar tonight. These six men don't have knives, but the four men who fought with long Yufan just now hold knives. Therefore, she sat beside long Yufan and ate slowly.

"Well, if you two don't leave, we'll fight you." These men kicked over the other tables of uncle Liu, leaving only the table of long Yufan. However, the two of them did not leave. They were so angry that they ran to their side.

At this time, Lin Xiaolei stood up majestically and said to the men, "what are you doing? What is it to you that we eat here? " Lin Xiaolei wants to imitate the way long Yufan was eating steak and yelling at Li Wei in the Firebird bar. The 007 girl is also very powerful and sexy.

"Well, are you tired of living? How dare you take care of our brother's affairs? " When men saw that it was just a man and a woman, they didn't care. In particular, the man buried himself in fried River noodles, a pair of cowards. This woman is very beautiful. She doesn't look like a martial arts expert?

"If you dare to scold me, have you never died?" Lin Xiaolei is so angry that she has long Yufan beside her that she has bought a door god and pasted it on her side. She is not afraid of ghosts. Therefore, she is not afraid of these men. She was scared by Li Wei just now, and now she is just in a great position. "Hey, don't eat. Hit them." Lin Xiaolei winks at long Yufan.

Long Yufan thinks it funny, but Lin Xiaolei is more and more powerful. When she was in the Firebird bar just now, she had to help her courage, but now she is so powerful and nosy. The other party is six men. Can she cope with it? He also understood what Lin Xiaolei meant and wanted him to do it, but he felt that this was not the time to do it.

Seeing that long Yufan didn't respond, Lin Xiaolei thought he didn't hear him, so she called out: "long Yufan, don't eat first, give them some color to see."

Long Yufan still did not respond and continued to eat his fried River noodles. During this period, he always felt that someone was staring at him, but he couldn't find out who it was.

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