When Zhu Zhiping input the password and hit the Enter key, there was a password error in the website system. As a result, he called again three times, and the password was still wrong. "Why? It's strange. Why is the password wrong? It used to be this one? " Zhu Zhiping looked at the computer and said strangely.

"Director Zhu, it's not that the password is wrong, but that the website of our school has been hacked and our password has been changed. If it's the previous password, do we still have to call you? Now you quickly crack this password, let's go to the website backstage and delete that announcement. " Said the vice president anxiously. Now students can use mobile phones to access the Internet. It is estimated that many students have seen this announcement. Oh, my God, the school announced on the website that everyone would strike together in the afternoon. What's the matter?

"Break, crack the code?" Zhu Zhiping's face changed. This kind of work can only be done by an expert. If he has the ability to do this kind of teacher in school with only one thousand yuan?

"Yes, can't you? Don't you say that your computer technology is very high, and there are not many people in Haijiang who are as good as you? " The vice president looked at Zhu Zhiping and asked.

Zhu Zhiping regretted that he often boasted about his computer skills in school. Now it is retribution. "I'll try." Zhu Zhiping sat down and entered the password into the box. He first input his birth date, and then input his mobile phone password. In this way, he could not crack it after more than ten minutes.

"Director Zhu, can you do it?" Vice president Zhu Zhiping to see so long has not been able to get, can not help secretly anxious, how to go on like this again?

"I'll try again," Zhu Zhiping kept typing the password, but it was wrong to call back and forth. Like this kind of thing, can only be a master, or to the website operator to call a report to change the password of the website. But Zhu Zhiping is afraid to say, if said, it does not mean that he has no ability?

In this way, another hour later, the vice principal said, "director Zhu, do you know anyone? Get them to come and help, or we'll be in trouble. "

"OK, I'll call now." Zhu Zhiping also knew the consequences were serious. He immediately called a computer expert in Haijiang computer city. The master immediately took a taxi to come over and began to crack the password. It has been nearly an hour since he got around. The master broke the software for more than an hour before breaking the password. It turns out that Zheng Yile has lengthened the password, but the management password of the school is only four digits.

"Quick, delete that announcement and replace it with our new notice." The vice president looked at the time. It's already noon. I don't know if the students have gone to bed or whether they have seen the new notice. According to other class teachers, the students are talking about it all over the class, and they don't know who publicizes it everywhere. Now the students all know that they will be on strike if they don't have class in the afternoon.

After seeing that the announcement of the previous strike was removed, the vice principal immediately asked the head teacher of each class to come to the school earlier in the afternoon. He must be careful of the students in the class and not let them strike. Those teachers and head teachers found a problem: are they guarding the students in the class or at the school gate? If they keep watch at the school gate, how can they get the students back to the classroom? But keep watch in the classroom. What should the students do if they don't go to the classroom?

At a time when the teachers didn't know what to do, LAN Qingqing had already asked people to take some banners outside and pull them on the school playground. She also bought more than twenty trumpets. She and Zheng Yile cried out one by one. In addition, some troublemakers who received blue and blue money were also shouting with trumpets. Originally this matter is a very sensitive matter, the headmaster wants to strengthen the female students, and the teacher is arrested for bravery. So the students slowly ran to the playground and gathered. Those teachers immediately ran to the playground to persuade, so that no one in the classroom, so that the students who did not want to come down all ran down.

This time, the scene is very chaotic, the students here and there, the vice principal was in a hurry and called the students back to the classroom with the school loudspeaker. But where can the students listen? They want to listen to the truth, let teacher long Yufan out, and listen to Mary say what's going on?

For fear that Mary would come out to talk, she was also under house arrest in the police station. Even if she made a phone call, she was accompanied by a specially assigned person. Her parents also know about it. The police said that in order to protect Mary, she would not be allowed to go home. Anyway, there was a policewoman with her.

When the Municipal Education Bureau heard that all the students of Huacheng middle school were on strike, they were also shocked. They immediately sent people to persuade them. However, because long Yufan's incident has become a storm in the city, and Zheng Yile immediately sent the news and pictures of their strike to the Internet by mobile phone. Other schools also know about these things. The students also followed the strike, asking for an explanation of the matter and meeting with the party concerned. Because the students think that the headmaster should be strong. If the superior doesn't care about the female students, what are their rights and interests? Who dares to teach in school.

The strike was immediately upgraded. Not only students from Huacheng middle school, but also students from some schools wanted to strike or protest. Huang Rongruo is even more happy when he finds out that such a thing has happened in Huacheng middle school. He immediately asks people to cooperate with the strike of those students in Huacheng middle school and send the news of the students' strike to various websites across the country.

The leaders of Haijiang city were shocked. This is not a small thing, because the news of students' strike in Huacheng middle school is reproduced on the national websites. At first, some people released the story of long Yufan, because this kind of thing can be true or false, and there is no one to make a final conclusion about it. But students strike, is a major event in campus security, now the whole country is paying attention to this matter.Some people from the Central Committee have come forward to speak and let Haijiang City solve this matter as soon as possible, and report the whole process of this matter to the Central Committee. Lu Wen was stunned for a long time after receiving this instruction. How could such a small matter disturb the Central Committee? If we follow the previous practice, it may not hold water. Now the students are asking long Yufan and Mary to stand up and explain things to them at that time. If you ask them to stand up, you'll have to go through everything. If they are not allowed to come out, the students will not give up. In addition, it is not only the students who are making trouble with this matter, but also some people outside should ask the municipal Fu of the municipal Party committee to give an account of this matter. Of course, some of these people are Li Wei, and some of them are dissatisfied with the way the higher authorities handle them.

As a result, Lu Wen immediately called Tan ran and asked him to come and discuss. Tan ran came to listen to the central command of Lu Wen, he was also stunned. He immediately called the Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee to ask for instructions on how to deal with the matter. The provincial leader told Tan ran that they had watched the incident on the Internet. Originally, they wanted Tan ran to deal with it carefully. Now that someone in the Central Committee has spoken, they dare not say anything more. It's just that Tan ran and the girl students let them talk to those students and quickly calm down the unstable factors. Otherwise, the leaders of Haijiang city will be responsible for this matter.

Lu Wen and Tan ran are a little flustered. The fact that the Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee can say such words also shows that they are the words of most of the Standing Committee members of the provincial Party committee. It was recorded at the last meeting of the Standing Committee that Guan Meiliang and another member of the Standing Committee voted against it. When they were punished, they could not be punished, so that they could find a bargain.

"Tan ran, this time the matter must be corrected immediately, otherwise something will happen." Lu Wen said anxiously.

"Yes, I don't know how the teachers and leaders of Huacheng middle school are, and how can they make the students come out of class?" Tan ran said angrily.

"This time we have to let long Yufan and that girl student come out, and we also need to find a scapegoat, otherwise it can't be said." Lu Wen is lucky secretly. Fortunately, because of the obstruction of Guan Meiliang, the case of long Yufan has been dragging on. Otherwise, if they announced the news to the public, they would not know how to deal with it. In the future, you should be careful. Tan ran, doing things too far will only harm yourself. Thinking of this, Lu Wen thinks that this time he should deal with it fairly. Even if he can hide some people, he can't hide from his superiors.

Tan ran said defiantly: "secretary, long Yufan beat Feng ruoda like this. We need a statement more or less, or anyone can beat the headmaster."

"Don't you see what the information says? It's Feng ruoda who wants to strengthen the female student. Long Yufan helps. If Feng ruoda really wants to be a girl student in the office, he will be killed if he is not killed. No, we can't. let's call on the Standing Committee to discuss this issue again. " Lu Wen didn't want to be punished because of this incident. He immediately asked his secretary to inform the Standing Committee members of the Standing Committee.

Of course, Lu Wen is also a veteran. He didn't say that the previous decision was wrong. He only said that according to the development of the matter, we would discuss how the investigation of the teacher hitting the principal was. Guan Meiliang also knows what Lu Wen means. However, it is not the time to fight against him. He proposes that Feng ruoda should be the fault party in this case. He hopes to send another person to examine carefully.

Lu Wen and his colleagues immediately agreed with Guan Meiliang. Guan Meiliang took the lead to deal with the matter and put an end to the strike and demonstrations as soon as possible. With this unified opinion, Guan Meiliang immediately took people to Chengnan police station to meet long Yufan and Mary, while another group went to the hospital to arrest Feng ruoda. In fact, Feng ruoda doesn't need to be arrested. If he wants to escape, he can't escape.

When long Yufan and Mary returned to school, they were shocked to see that the playground was full of students. They did not expect that the students cared about him so much. Song Zhitao first found that long Yufan was back. He pointed to long Yufan and said, "long Yufan, aren't you arrested by the police? Why are you still running out? Did you escape from prison? "

"Come on, arrest the person who made the false evidence. If Feng ruoda is proved to be guilty, then song Zhitao is conspiracy." He Huajin gets out of the car and sees song Zhitao. He immediately asks his subordinates to arrest song Zhitao. Because they are afraid of wearing police uniform, it is easy to cause students' impulsive emotion.

"Who are you? Why do you arrest me? " Song Zhitao asked unconvinced.

"They are the police. I'm the mayor of Haijiang city. Do you think you can go back and examine them?" Guan Meiliang got out of the car and said to song Zhitao angrily. This man has a nest with Feng Ruo da. He can't escape.

Song Zhitao recognized Guan Meiliang and said, "you, you are really the mayor! Mayor, it's none of my business. Feng ruoda told me to make false statements. Please spare me! "

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