"Mr. long, you can stay in the mountain for a while. There is a lot of food in the cave above for you to eat. Now the state of Mu is very strict, and there are many military and police on the streets. " Chinese secret agent said with embarrassment. "It is estimated that there will be a lot of relaxation in the inspection tomorrow. When you go down the mountain, we will arrange for you to live in the villa."

"It's OK. Just have a place to rest. We're all injured. We need to heal." Long Yu Fan shakes his head and says disapprovingly. "Let's go. We'll get back to you if we have anything to do." Long Yufan felt that he wanted to heal, otherwise his martial arts would be affected. And other brothers are also injured a lot, are in need of rest.

Long Yufan watched the Chinese agent leave, he took everyone up the mountain. The Chinese agent has arranged for some caves and tents. The secret service even said that their way to the villa was blocked, so they would stay here and live first. Anyway, it is most important for them to heal their wounds. Long Yufan again for an LAN pulse, and then asked: "an LAN, how are you now?"

"I'm much better, boss. How are you now?" Asked Alan anxiously. She had a strange illness. She was in great pain just now, but now she has nothing to do.

"I'm ok, just treat the wound," long Yufan waved his hand and said, "Anlan, you're tired. Go to rest. Qian Gang will arrange good people to patrol. Don't worry about these things."

"No, I'm not going. I'll stay and watch you," said Alan, shaking her head. Long Yufan just did that for her. If something happened to longyufan, how could she tell her sister? Now an LAN feels that long Yufan is not as annoying as before.

Long Yufan said: "I really have nothing to do. You go to have a rest. I'm going to practice." Just now long Yufan was holding on, but now he felt a lot of pain in his back. Those people with advanced martial arts attacked him. It's very good that he can persist until now. Long Yufan doesn't tell an Lando that he is sitting in the cave practicing stepless skill. As long Yufan continued to practice Kung Fu, his pain was gradually reduced.

When long Yufan opened his eyes, it was more than nine o'clock the next morning. Long Yufan see an LAN lying in the corner of the cave sleeping, he can not help but secretly heartache. How can she not know how to pity herself? Her body needs a good rest now. When long Yufan stood up, an LAN heard a strange noise. She quickly opened her eyes and saw that long Yufan had already got up, "boss, how are you doing now?" Asked Alan.

"I'm better. If I continue to practice for a few days, there should be nothing," longyufan said with a smile. "Why are you staying here? Go and sleep in the tent." Long Yufan walks to an LAN's side, he gently grasps her small hand.

"No," Alan whispered. Her small hand struggled for a while, and then let long Yufan hold her small hand, "I, I'm going to have a rest, you eat something."

"Alan, why do you resist me all the time? Am I really that annoying to you?" Long Yufan said in distress.

Anlan didn't speak. She looked down at her toes. She used to hate long Yufan very much, but now it's different. Last night, long Yufan didn't want to die in order to save her life. She changed her view on long Yufan.

"Well, I won't tell you. Go and have a rest." Long Yufan said helplessly. For this stubborn woman, he can only walk step by step.

"I'll get you breakfast." After that, Anlan went out. After a while, she came in with breakfast. "You have breakfast."

"Have you eaten yet?" Long Yufan looked at an LAN and asked.

"I, I've had it," she stammered

"You're lying. You've been here just now. How could you have eaten it? Come on, take a bite first. " Long Yufan handed an LAN a hamburger.

"I don't want it. You can eat it," an LAN shook her head. Long Yufan's injury is more serious. She just has a temporary pain. After two days, there will be nothing wrong.

"Take a bite, or I won't eat it." Long Yufan insisted.

An LAN is forced by long Yufan and has no choice but to take a bite and eat it slowly. Long Yufan ate a hamburger, and then happily said, "Anlan, your saliva is really fragrant."

"I hate it," said LAN, her little face flushed.

"Well, I know you hate me, but you want breakfast, too." Long Yufan put the hamburger at an LAN's mouth. Anlan hesitated for a moment, but she took a gentle bite. In fact, she was hungry, but because she was worried about long Yufan's body, she didn't go out for breakfast. Because they're in the mountains now, and they're all dry mothers. But for these hired killers, it's great to have these things to eat.

Long Yufan see an LAN bite, he is also a bite. He was secretly happy in his heart. In doing so, Anlan kisses herself indirectly, which shows that she doesn't hate him so much. It seems that last night's injury or worth, can exchange for an LAN to his forgiveness, again suffered a bit of injury is no problem. "Alan, how are you feeling now?" Long Yufan after breakfast, he put an LAN around, and then gently asked.

"I, I'm ok, you let me go, you don't want to be like this," Anlan struggled with a red face. She is not as hostile to long Yufan as before, she just doesn't want to be seen by others, and she feels flustered, she is afraid to stay with long Yufan. rise"I miss you, you know? I'm very sad that you always treat me like that, but I can't help it. Well, if I had been killed by the enemy last night, I would not have suffered so much. " Long Yufan deliberately said. Women tend to be soft hearted, as long as they coax, they will not hate themselves so much.

Sure enough, an LAN listened to long Yufan talk about last night, she was sad. "Boss, don't do this in the future. You have to take care of your own body. There are many people who care about you." Anlan said heartily. This man is also really, for a little bit of little things regardless of his own life, if he had an accident, his sister would certainly cry to death.

"As long as I can save you, I'm not afraid even if I die." Long Yu Fan shakes his head to say. "You should pay attention to your health. You should not go out to perform tasks in the future. If you encounter the situation last night, you will be very troublesome."

"I don't know why it's like this. It hasn't been like this before." Anlan said with a bitter face. "I'll pay more attention in the future, especially in those days." In fact, that kind of pain is a girl only, she seems to be no longer a girl, why is it still so painful?

Long Yufan gently holding an LAN, that soft body let him think of that kind of thing. But he knew that he couldn't mess around, otherwise Anlan would not pay attention to him in the future. Now Anlan has a good opinion of him, as long as he continues to care about her, she will not be as cold to her as before. "An LAN, you go to have a rest first, and then I will practice Wuji Gong."

"Well, you go and have a rest." Anlan nodded.

Long Yufan continued to practice Wuji Gong. He practiced until the evening. He felt that his body recovered a lot. It seems that his martial arts will be different after he reaches the advanced stage. As long as he continues to practice, he will soon recover as before. Long Yufan out of the outside, he would like to ask Qian Gang how their health. Those brothers are practicing martial arts. They are in the hiding place of the mountain. It is not so easy for others to find them.

"Boss, you wake up," Qian gang saw long Yufan say hello to long Yufan.

"Well, how are you doing now?" Long Yufan asked.

"We've had some injuries, but after the treatment, there's no big problem." Qian Gang, they said with a smile. "Boss, fortunately you made a decision at that time, otherwise we could not escape."

Long Yufan said triumphantly: "this time, the state of Mu lost a lot. Will those Yuan people see if he is still powerful? You should also step up your practice. Only when your martial arts reach the advanced level, can you help me better. "

"Yes, we will practice hard," Qian Gang nodded. "Boss, after the fight last night, we found that we had made a lot of progress."

"Yes, only by constant tempering can we grow better," longyufan nodded. "When things are over here, you go to the black blood pool to see if you can get to the early stage of advanced stage."

"Good," Qian Gang, they are also looking forward to it. They have advanced martial arts. That's a great existence.

Long Yufan took out the mobile phone and turned it on. He found that there were many calls coming. Because he didn't want to be disturbed by others while he was healing, he just turned off his cell phone. Zong Tianzhi made the most phone calls. He called Zong Tianzhi back. "Hello, Zong boss," longyufan said with a smile.

"Yufan, you took a ninja family away last night?" Zong Tianzhi asked.

"Yes, anyway, those people often deal with China. I might as well discard them." Long Yufan said with a smile what happened last night, "if we didn't escape earlier, we might not be able to escape."

"It's great that you killed a few more Yuanzhe," said Zong Tianzhi excitedly. If it is not for fear of influence, he really wants to attack Mu state together with long Yufan. Now Zong Tianzhi feels sorry for long Yufan. This time, Longya organization didn't help long Yufan. Long Yufan did it himself.

Long Yufan said: "Zong boss, I'm sorry. I'll tell you after finishing every time. But it's also good to prove that these things have nothing to do with Longya."

"Yes, it has nothing to do with our dragon teeth." Zong Tianzhi said happily. "Yufan, you're hurt, do you care?"

"It's OK. I'm much better now. If I stay for another period of time, I'll be beaten by chickens and eggs." Long Yufan was smiling darkly.

"Ha ha ha, you've worked hard. We'll ask for your help in secret then," Zong Tianzhi hung up the phone with a smile.

Long Yufan called Mori Litsea again, "Hello, it's me." Long Yufan said directly.

"How are you now? I hear you're hurt, "murmura asked. Later, she heard from the Mori family leader that those yuans were members of their Mori family and secretly reported to the Yuanzhe organization. Otherwise, they would not come so quickly. Time is very important for the sneak attack. If Yuanzhe arrived one minute later, long Yufan had already escaped.

Please smash the medicine.

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