Mandela began to speak, saying a lot of empty talk and nonsense, long Yufan would like to sleep. Then there was Nie Qixian. Nie Qixian was more practical. He said that China had always attached importance to peace and hoped that everyone would strive for this goal. Moreover, the Chinese Congress will develop together with you. This statement makes the leaders of African countries extremely excited. If China helps them, their country will soon rise. In particular, China may also provide free interest free loans to their country, which is very good. It's great to borrow one billion dollars and pay it back in a few years. Therefore, the people of these countries want to please Nie Qixian and let Huaxia help them more.

After Nie Qixian finished speaking, long Yufan went to the side. He was afraid that others would start to Nie Qixian. If someone wants to do something, he will do it immediately. With his current martial arts, he doesn't worry about being attacked.

Just as Nie Qixian stepped off the platform, several black bodyguards over there immediately jumped up. As soon as they lifted their hands, long Yufan saw that the other party had a pistol in his hand. Therefore, long Yufan took Nie Qixian to the front table of African leaders, which was the best obstacle. "Come on, there are killers. Deal with them." Long Yufan squatted down while shouting. His speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, he and Nie Qixian went to the African leaders.

The four black killers had already shot. They shot very fast. When long Yufan just squatted down, the bullet just passed through their leader. Then there were several African leaders who were shot, and they fell to the ground and died. Anlan, who is in charge of guarding nearby, saw the killer appear, and they also shot. "Bang bang bang bang," the four black men were killed by them.

Mandela saw that the situation was wrong, and he immediately squatted down to avoid the bullet. Now he stood up and saw the dead African leaders. He couldn't help but cry out, "whose bodyguards are those? Why are they armed?"

"An LAN, you come here for a moment," long Yufan called to an LAN black officer, and they immediately ran over.

"Their submachine guns certainly didn't come in through our security. Maybe there's a spy here," Anlan said

"Yes, our machines are double checked. They can't come through the door with submachine guns." The black officer nodded, too.

"You bastard, where did their weapons come from?" Mandela couldn't scold Anlan, so he had to take it out on the black officers.

The black officer was afraid to speak. He lowered his head. "President Mandela, I am in charge of this security check. We have not found these people with weapons. I noticed them when they came in just now. They have nothing special about them, and they have no weapons on them

"What do you mean?" Mandela frowned.

"I mean, there are Assassin's spies here. You can see their guns, they're African Union guns. Maybe they robbed your men's guns, or your people gave them guns." Alan said calmly. "It's probably just the beginning, and there's going to be attacks." Just now, if long Yufan hadn't pulled Nie Qixian to hide faster, Nie Qixian would have been hit by a bullet. Killers are skilled at shooting, which is not what ordinary killers can do.

Long Yufan stood up and said, "yes, please be careful. Chief, let's go. " Now someone has assassinated Nie Qixian. They have an excuse to leave here. Otherwise, they would be embarrassed to leave.

"OK, let's go," Nie Qixian nodded. The old servant has come to him, and they can go back. But at this time, the chandelier on their head suddenly fell down. Long Yufan immediately held Nie Qixian and backed back, "quick, hit the chandelier, there may be a bomb." Long Yufan roared loudly. Because of the shooting incident just now, the people next to me have already backed away a lot, so the people in the dental group saw that the situation was wrong, so they immediately took out their palms and flew out to the chandelier. Anyway, their task is to protect Nie Qixian. What else happens is irrelevant to them.

"Boom," as expected, those chandeliers were full of bombs. Even if the people of the tooth group sent it out, the explosion still came towards long Yufan. Long Yufan immediately displays his lightness skill. He and Nie Qixian are flying in the air. It's just a pity that he is holding an old man. If it's a beautiful woman, it's very cool.

In order to resist the blast, Yayi and their internal forces hit the air wave to reduce the impact of the explosion on Nie Qixian.

"Be careful, there are killers," the old servant suddenly called out. He found that a dozen black people suddenly appeared in the back. All of them were micro guns. They were shooting at long Yufan in the air. The bullets were so dense that people didn't know where to hide.

"Kill them." When the black officer saw that there were still more than a dozen killers appearing, he was infuriated. He immediately opened fire on those killers and the soldiers next to him also opened fire. When the killer saw the black officer's obstruction, they immediately hid behind, and they kept shooting into the air. And long Yufan see the other side shooting, he is also to the back of the pillar down.

When long Yufan hid behind the pillar, he said with a smile to Nie Qixian: "chief, I'm sorry, you're scared.""It's OK. Ya Liu, I haven't seen anything before. When I was dealing with those enemies alone, there were more bullets than now," Nie Qixian was old, and he was just flying around with long Yufan in the air. He was also a little choked. But he didn't care very much. He kept his leadership style.

Long Yufan said: "chief, you stay for a while, I'll fix them up." Long Yufan took out his gun. Just now he heard the sound of gunfire over there. The killer had already hid. He pressed his headset and said, "Alan, report the killer."

"Boss, we've killed six killers and nine more are hiding behind." Said Alan.

Long Yufan said angrily: "tooth group, where are you now, how don't you kill those killers?"

"There are too many bullets, we didn't go out," Yayi said with embarrassment.

Long Yu fan fire, these dragon tooth people do not see themselves fierce? Now I just think about Nie Qixian. I don't want to deal with the killer. He said, "listen, you guys stop shooting. The people from the dental team come out and kill those people."

"Yes," he nodded as soon as he heard the order of long Yufan. An LAN and they back, Ya Yi and other Longya people force toward the killer over there. "Boom," Ya clapped at the table beside him, which was controlled by his true Qi and ran to the killer.

When the killers saw the tables flying over, they used guns to fire at the tables. "Bang bang bang," the bullets hit the tables and made a sound, but there was no way to hurt the people like Longya. Teeth one they have come out, several experts together to push to the front, the real Qi is terrible like a tornado, in a short time, they feel the power.

"Boom," though the bullets kept hitting the table, the table still hit them, and then the real anger rolled them up again. "Ah," screamed the killer.

"Stay alive," long Yufan yelled. But, Ya Yi, their true Qi has been sent out, and those killers have been beaten up. Let alone their guns, they are directly killed by the true Qi.

Teeth always fly there, he saw the dead killers, he said embarrassed: "tooth six, you speak too slowly, we have already shot."

"Well, maybe I can't find out." Long Yu Fan waved his hand and said. The old servant has come to Nie Qixian's side, and long Yufan comes to look at the scene. Ten of the 20 African leaders who came to the banquet have been killed. I wonder if these will affect the situation in Africa.

At this time, Mandela also came over. Seeing this scene, he could not help saying to long Yufan: "dragon, what do you say about this matter? I told them to come here. I'm afraid I'll be condemned if such things happen

"Now there is no way," long Yufan said calmly. "You'd better do a good job of pacifying here. We're going to take deputy head of state Nie Qixian to the headquarters of the African Union. How is the security work there?"

"I've got a thousand men on guard there, and it should be all right," Mandra said quizzically. If there are so many problems in those countries, he will be very vexed. He has to let the vice presidents of those countries look after their countries as soon as possible. Otherwise, Africa will be in chaos this time.

Long Yufan said: "now that such a thing has happened, I will not say much. Let's go back to the headquarters of the African Union first, and then we can talk about any problems."

"Long, you must explain to Nie Yuanshou. Please, I don't want to. I'm also in a mess now. The presidents of those countries are dead, and I have to deal with the affairs of their countries. " Said Mandela sheepishly.

"No one wants this," long Yufan and Nie Qixian go to the headquarters of the African Union. The other hotel is very close to the alliance headquarters, even if it is a five minute walk.

The black officer came up and said, "Sir, I checked just now. The fifteen killers pretended to be our soldiers. Now the whereabouts of the fifteen soldiers are unknown."

Long Yufan waved his hand and said, "I don't care about you now. Let Mandela investigate these things. How many people do you have now? "

"There are hundreds more," said the black officer. Just now, when the killer started, someone attacked us outside. They threw grenades and ran away after the explosion. We lost at least 100 people.

"Now that we don't care so much, you take someone to protect us to the headquarters of the African Union," long said. If you find killers, you shoot them. " "Yes, sir," the black officer nodded to make arrangements. Soon, long Yufan they got on the bus, which ran towards the League Headquarters. All the soldiers outside are armed with guns. Things this evening have a great impact. Long Yufan always feels uncomfortable in his heart. He has his own views on this evening's affairs, but he doesn't want to say more about how things are going now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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