I don't know who leaked the news. Lin Xiaolei's colleagues came to propose a toast to Lin Xiaolei. They looked at long Yufan as if they were watching orangutans in the zoo. Lin Xiaolei found a teacher who was neither handsome nor poor. Many men felt sorry in their hearts. A flower was inserted in cow dung.

Those men also want to make longyufan drunk, but longyufan doesn't buy their account, just say that they can't drink a little. Long Yufan also saw the murderous eyes of those men. He looked around just now. The women here are Lin Xiaolei. No wonder those men are crazy. That's why he won't give those men a chance. If each one drinks, he will drink dozens. Men see long Yufan not drink with them all, all cry unfair, but long Yufan is not bird them, they have no way.

When everyone ate seven or eight, the music began to ring. Some people held their glasses and toasted and chatted with each other. Some people danced on the stage above. "You eat slowly. I'll talk to other colleagues." Lin Xiaolei also stood up, the company rarely has such an exchange opportunity, she certainly will not miss.

Long Yufan didn't care about those people. After he was full, he sat in the back chair and watched the white-collar people coming and going. Suddenly, Bao Xiaojuan came over with a glass of wine. "Hello, Miss long. I just wanted to propose a toast to you, but there are too many men looking for you. I can't find an opportunity. Now I can offer you a toast." Bao Xiaojuan is also very curious about long Yufan. How can an ordinary looking teacher without money be liked by Lin Xiaolei? There must be a lot of things in this.

"Thank you, manager Bao." Long Yufan toasts with good intentions when he sees others. No matter how bad he is, he has to drink with others.

"Why? Why don't you finish it? " Bao Xiaojuan's face is a little unhappy. She drinks with others. The most taboo is that she drinks herself and others don't drink it. Unless the other party is your boss or someone stronger than you, it is a sign of disrespect for others.

"I'm sorry, I can't drink enough. I've had a lot of it just now." Long Yufan said with a smile.

Bao Xiaojuan tried: "teacher long, you should have a driver to drive! It's nothing to drink more. "

"I don't have a car or a driver. I'm in Xiaolei's car," long Yufan shook his head.

He doesn't have a car? Bao Xiaojuan always thought that long Yufan was a dandy who dressed up as a pig and ate a tiger. Although he was a teacher, he might be a dandy who went to school to pick up girls. Nowadays, there are a lot of eccentricities among the rich, such as billionaires riding bicycles and living in tile roofed houses. "Teacher long, don't lie to me. I know you are playing pig and eating tiger."

"You know I'm playing pig and eating tiger?" Long Yufan is stunned. Is this bag Xiaojuan so powerful? Even Lin Xiaolei doesn't know that she lives with her.

"Yes, don't pretend to be a poor teacher. In fact, you must be rich, or Xiaolei will not like you. She is the most money worshipping woman. She once told me that her boyfriend must have 10 million Chinese dollars, not Vietnamese dollars. " Bao Xiaojuan nodded and said.

It turned out that she guessed that I had money, and long Yufan was relieved. "Manager Bao, you misunderstood me. I really don't have money. If you don't believe it, you can go to the school and ask." He will not tell Bao Xiaojuan that his bank card is exactly 10 million.

Listening to long Yufan said so, Bao Xiaojuan left dubiously. Many friends can be brought to this party. It's not easy to be friends with these high-level people. She also wants to meet some people who have something to do with her business.

Long Yufan sat for a while and felt a little anxious. He asked a waiter. When he learned that the toilet was outside, he opened the door and walked out. Mao Jiafei over there saw long Yufan go out, his face showed a sinister smile, there will be a good play to see.

Long Yufan into the toilet to solve their own affairs, turn to prepare to go out, outside rushed into a few strong men. They saw long Yufan's face showed a smile, and immediately surrounded him. The rest of the people in the toilet saw the situation and went out one after another to avoid damaging the fish.

"What do you want?" Long Yufan said calmly. I didn't go back to China for long. I wanted to live a peaceful life, but things happened one after another. It seems that tigers don't get angry and others become sick cats.

These men stare at long Yufan and ask, "are you long Yufan?"

"I'm long Yufan. What are you looking for me for?" Long Yufan thinks of Lin Xiaolei's words, this is the Tianrong club, others dare not make trouble here. Just go outside and let the security guard deal with these people. But he wanted to know who sent these people? Is it Tan Ziyi or Mao Jiafei.

"Long Yufan, I tell you, we just want to teach you a lesson today, and we don't want your life. But if you dare to rob a woman from our young master in the future, you may have to be a teacher in a wheelchair. " These men are all Mao Jiafei's people. After receiving Mao Jiafei's order, they certainly want to perform well in front of Mao Jiafei. Last time, because Mao Jiafei was afraid that Lin Xiaolei would recognize them, he asked the gangsters outside to tease Lin Xiaolei. This time, he had to do a good job anyway.

"Young master, who is your young master?" Long Yufan asked. Listen to their tone, it should not be tan Ziyi, it may be flying less maojiafei.

The man with a beard called, "don't tell him more, fight and talk about it. The young master said that he would deal with something. " After all, this is the Tianrong club. They dare not make too much noise, or they will break long Yufan's leg in the morning. These men swung their fists and rushed up to beat long Yufan.Looking at these men rushing over, long Yufan's two hands light block, the feet nimble row, left flash right hide, he then avoided these men's attack, and then walked to the toilet door. Of course, long Yufan doesn't want to run back now. He wants to deliberately lead these people out to the outside and let the people of Tianrong club come to deal with it.

"Don't let him escape." Cried the bearded man anxiously. If this is not done well, feishao will surely kill him. These men rushed out immediately. When they saw long Yufan standing outside, they immediately surrounded him again.

"What do you want? Want to fight? " Long Yufan cried out. It is estimated that he is so loud that he has already alerted the waiters in the corridor, who will naturally inform the security guards.

"Let's get him down first." The bearded man thought it was their negligence and let long Yufan escape. Now they can't let long Yufan into the box in any case.

These men rushed up again. Long Yufan still didn't fight back. He just dodged and looked around. How could the security guard of the club not come? Do you really want to do it here?

"Stop it," came a group of security guards in suits. In particular, the security guard walking in the front is very fast. Long Yufan can see at a glance that the security guard has been trained. If he's not a mercenary, he's a special soldier.

Heard the club security call stop, Mao Jiafei's men also immediately stopped. They know the rules of the club. If they don't tell them clearly and act rashly, they will only attract these security guards. It's said that the security guards in the club are all trained, and many of them are veterans.

"I'm Duan Mingtong, security manager of Tianrong club. What are you doing? Don't you know our rules here? You can't do it here. If you have something to do with it, go outside. " Exclaimed the man, who was suspected of being a Special Forces officer.

"I don't know what happened. As soon as I went to the toilet, these men beat me. If you didn't come in time, I might have been killed by them." Long Yufan deliberately said with fear. Hey hey, rough hands, smart people, I'll let you talk to the security guard slowly! Just now long Yufan also saw the pace of these security guards. These men are not Duan Mingtong's opponents.

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