Long Yufan coldly looks at Duan Mingtong's fist. Although this attack is more than twice as fast as that one, he still doesn't pay attention to it. He takes a breath and prepares to defeat Duan Mingtong in two moves. Suddenly, he hears a voice calling to stop. He turns around and doesn't fight back. He just avoids Duan Mingtong's attack.

Duan Mingtong was stunned when he heard the voice. He heard it. The voice was from Geng Lei, the boss of Tianrong club. He immediately stepped back and stood respectfully beside him.

Long Yufan looked up and saw several people coming towards here. The tough man in front of him was about 40 years old. His eyes were sharp, but he was not angry. Long Yufan has seen many high-ranking people and knows that this person is not simple.

"My name is Geng Lei. I'm the boss here. I'm sorry, sir. There can't be any trouble here. Can you give me some thin noodles? " The shrewd man said to long Yufan.

"This is to ask your subordinates. When someone bullied me just now, they stepped aside and ignored me. Now when I hit others, they want to take care of me. It seems that these people on the ground are your accomplices. You collude with them to bully my guest Long Yufan said darkly. If he gets angry, he doesn't care about the boss. Even if the emperor comes, he will make trouble first.

At this time, because of the accident here, some of the guests were also watching. Geng Lei turned and glared at Duan Mingtong. Then he said to long Yufan, "Sir, I'm sorry, it was my staff just now. It's OK! To show my sincerity, I'll give you a VIP membership card. " Geng Lei turned to a man with glasses and stretched out his hand. There was a delicate membership card on his hand.

VIP membership card? Long Yufan heard from Lin Xiaolei that the card is worth 100000 yuan, and it needs to be renewed every year. Otherwise, the card will be useless the next year.

"Sir, this VIP membership card is different from other membership cards. You don't have to pay membership fees in the future, and this card will not expire. In addition, the card has 100000 yuan of consumption money, you can spend in Tianrong. " Geng Lei said.

"Boss Geng, no, I don't care about the money." Long Yufan waved his hand, he has been looking at Geng Lei, to see what medicine is sold in the gourd of this Tianrong boss?

Geng Lei said: "Sir, I know these are not in your eyes. What happened just now is that we were wrong. These are our apologies. Can we make friends? "

"I don't usually make friends." Long Yufan waved his hand. He didn't know Geng Lei, so he would not easily make friends with him. In his concept, a friend should be sincere.

Duan Mingtong's face changed. What's his boss's identity? Now he not only apologizes to long Yufan, but also makes friends with him. However, long Yufan refuses. In Haijiang City, even the vice mayor has to give his boss face. "Don't be shameless." Duan Mingtong said angrily.

"Mingtong, don't talk." Geng Lei changed his face and scolded Duan Mingtong. Duan Mingtong immediately lowered his head, as if afraid of Geng Lei. "Sir, I don't know what you call it yet?"

"My name is long Yufan, a poor teacher in Huacheng middle school." Long Yufan shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, Mao Jiafei and his wife knew their identity. As long as they didn't say that it was dragon shadow, no one would care.

"Mr. long, I know I can't be your eyesight or your friend. However, I sincerely apologize to you. Just forget what happened, OK? " Geng Lei said seriously.

Long Yufan apologizes to Geng Lei again and again. This is someone else's territory. He doesn't need to make a big deal of it. He wants to give Geng Lei a step. "Well, let it go. I hope your men don't do this in the future."

"Mr. long, please take the card."

"No, boss Geng. Don't be too polite." Long Yufan waved his hands. Just now, it can be said that he did not suffer a loss. Instead, he was a bearded man. They were beaten to the ground by themselves and could not get up. It is estimated that Geng Lei will have to explain to Mao Jiafei later!

"Mr. long, if you don't accept this card, you won't forgive us and look down on me, Geng Lei." Geng Lei is a little angry.

Long Yufan thought, "OK, I'll take this card and accept your apology." Anyway, this card is only limited to the Tianrong club. As long as he doesn't use this card to consume in the Tianrong club, Geng Lei will not suffer a loss. Long Yufan accepted the membership card and said goodbye to Geng Lei.

When Geng Lei saw long Yufan leave, he said to the bearded man with a straight face: "you also go away! I'll talk to feishao about it. "

The bearded man has also seen the skill of long Yufan. He nods his head and climbs up from the ground and calls other men to leave here in a hurry. Seeing that they were gone, Duan Mingtong hurried to Geng Lei's side and said angrily, "boss, you just lowered your identity too much. You don't need to treat long Yufan like that. He's just a teacher of Huacheng middle school."

"Mingtong, when it comes to seeing people, you still have to study hard. I can tell you, this dragon Yufan is not simple, we don't need to provoke him. " Geng Lei now did not smile at long Yufan just now, but showed evil.

"That teacher is not simple?" Duan Mingtong doesn't believe it.

Geng Lei nodded, "you don't know, the watch that long Yufan is wearing is called labor watch. Although it's not very expensive, it also costs hundreds of thousands. And even if you have money, you can't buy this kind of watch, because this kind of watch is made by hand and is not in circulation on the market. It is privately made and presented by famous European watch factories to take care of some old customers. The people who were given away were either rich people or political officials. So, do you know its value now? ""I see," Duan Mingtong nodded.

"In addition, you have seen long Yufan's skill just now. How do you feel?" Geng Lei asked. He had been watching in the dark just now.

"Long Yufan's skill is OK, should be worse than me." Duan Mingtong thought about it and said.

Geng Lei laughed, "Mingtong, you are wrong to say so. I just watched long Yufan fight with Mao Jiafei's men, and you fought with him. You are not his opponents. "

"No, boss, I can deal with long Yufan." Duan Mingtong was a little anxious when he heard Geng Lei say so.

"It's true, you know, I never tell lies in front of you. Long Yufan has always controlled you well. On the surface, he happened to beat you, but did you find out that if the opponent is strong, he will be one point stronger, and if the opponent is weak, he will be one point weaker. A man like him who controls his skill so naturally must be so powerful that you can't match him. So, if you fight with long Yufan just now, you will suffer. " Geng Lei said solemnly.

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