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"Director, there is a new situation. Long Yufan has taken hostages from the last bank, and there are police to protect her. I checked and found that Yu Yu was chased by the bank robber last time, and that gangster has killed a hostage and two policemen in a cruel way. " Wu Chengyao reported to pan Yinsong that he had come back from the police station.

"Long Yufan is with Yu Yu Yu? Isn't that what leads the wolf into the house? " Pan Yinsong jumped up from his chair and said, "Xiao Wu, didn't I tell you last time that those bank gangsters are related to a terrorist organization? Yu Yu is very dangerous with Yu Yu

"Yes, that's why I'm worried about reporting to you right away. Should we talk to Li Sijing?" Wu Chengyao asked cautiously.

Pan Yinsong shook his head. "No, now we don't have any evidence. If we say it, it's white. According to my analysis, long Yufan seems to have a good feeling for Yu and Lin Xiaolei. He may not harm them. Xiao Wu, if long Yufan is related to those terrorists, how can he let people kill Yu Yu? It's strange. "

"Yes, I'm surprised," Wu Chengyao agreed with pan Yinsong. "Director, shall we send Hu Li to approach long Yufan? He is a bad man anyway."

"Now is not the time. Xiao Wu and long Yufan's affairs should also be kept secret. You should strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality. Only your group of people can know about his affairs. In addition, the general administration may send special personnel to Haijiang city later. " Pan Yinsong said.

"Is it because of the long Yufan thing?" Wu Chengyao asked.

Pan Yinsong immediately put on a straight face, "Xiao Wu, you forgot that you shouldn't ask, you can't ask. The matter of long Yufan is personally explained by the senior leader above, and other people may not necessarily know it. " This is the task of the National Security Council. People in the first group don't know what the people in the second group are doing. Each group has his own task. They are only responsible to the higher authorities and complete the tasks of the higher authorities.

"Yes, I know." Xiao Wu put out his tongue.

The next morning, due to the company of someone nearby, Yu Yu had a good sleep last night. She had been worried for a few days and didn't sleep well. She got up and came out to wash. She found that Lin Xiaolei had already made breakfast in the kitchen. Long Yufan did not know what he was doing in the living room.

"Aunt Yu Yu, good morning," Lin Xiaolei said with a smile at Yu Yu.

"Xiaolei, you are diligent! If anyone marries you, it's his blessing." Yu Yu said and took a look at long Yufan.

Well, she's not diligent. I have lived here for such a long time, but I only had a breakfast she made. At other times, she either stayed in or was late for work. Long Yufan despises Lin Xiaolei in his heart. The reason why Lin Xiaolei is so diligent in making breakfast has a price. After long Yufan delivers Yu Yu Yu to the district government Fu, he will send her to Witton group.

"Of course," said Lin Xiaolei triumphantly.

Cut, praise you for half a second, your PP will be up. Long Yufan made the knife and fork this morning and put it in his pocket.

"Yufan, what are you doing?" Yu Yu looks at long Yufan strangely. Today, she is wearing a light yellow silk skirt. Her clever cutting makes PP and turbulent outline extremely sexy and charming. Her pale pink lip gloss makes her look particularly warm. Her slender eyelashes flash show her noble temperament.

"Nothing, just some small arms. The murderer has a gun. If I don't make a little thing, I may not be able to deal with him." Long Yufan secretly watching Yu Yu, she is really beautiful. However, Lin Xiaolei, who just came out of the kitchen, is not bad. She is wearing a pink short shawl jacket, which sets off her excellent figure. She is also very fashionable with a bright yellow velvet knee length skirt and a pair of black high boots.

"Villains, what are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beauty?" Lin Xiaolei gives long Yufan a bad look and puts the breakfast on the table.

"Yufan, our Xiaolei is a good girl," Yu Yuyi looked at long Yufan and Lin Xiaolei, and she thought they were quite matched.

Lin Xiaolei's small face immediately red, "Yu Yu aunt, what do you say?"

After the three of them finished breakfast, long Yufan began to work as a driver. After taking Yu Yu and Lin Xiaolei to their destination, long Yufan drove back to school. In the afternoon, after school, he would drive to pick them up. When the car drove to the school gate, he honked the car horn to let the school police open the door, but the school police looked at the license plate and did not come out to open the door. Now the school door is only open for students to enter and exit, the car simply can not get through.

Long Yufan had no choice but to press the window and say to the school police: "school police, you open the door!"

"Who are you? Why should I open the door? " From the door out of a middle-aged man in uniform, long Yufan just came, just did not touch him, so he did not know long Yufan was a teacher.

"I am the teacher here," long Yufan deliberately put his head out to let the school police see his glorious image.

School police looked at long Yufan, a little angry said: "you say you are a teacher is a teacher? Last time, there was a young man who was more handsome than you in a red car. He cheated me that he was a teacher here. He made me scold by the school leaders and deducted the bonus. In fact, the last time that young man gave the school police a pack of good cigarettes, the school police only opened one eye and closed one eye, but did not expect that this matter was known by the school leaders."I'm really a teacher here," long Yufan was trying to get his ID card. He saw Zhu Zhiping driving a motorcycle over. He called out, "brother pig, brother pig."

Zhu Zhiping saw that it was long Yufan and asked strangely, "Wow, Yufan, did you buy a car? Damn it, you're not better than me, are you? " Zhu Zhiping looked very angry, as if long Yufan robbed him of the limelight.

"It's not for me. The police said that I was not a teacher here and would not open the door to let me in. " Long Yufan said.

Next to the school police see Zhu Zhiping know long Yufan, he quickly said: "teacher Zhu, this is the case, I don't know him, now school safety is very important, I can't be careless!"

"He is our new teacher." Zhu Zhiping said.

"School police, I don't blame you. Now you know I'm a teacher." Long Yufan also does not blame the school police, others are also job responsibilities.

Zhu Zhiping looked at the car with shining eyes, "Yufan, isn't your car really?"

"No, I borrowed them." Long Yufan shook his head.

"I said, how can you have the money to buy a car?" Zhu Zhiping said happily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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