"I don't think you believe it, but you saw what we did just now," Ali said triumphantly. "We don't want to kill you, even if it's the leader of tiger head Gang, it's easy to kill tiger."

"Who are you? How can I trust you? " Wu Biao stares at the four men. Their appearance tonight makes him a little afraid. To be honest, as the black man said, it is easy for them to kill themselves. Thinking of this, Wu Biao knew how wrong he was. He always thought that the security system here was very good, but he didn't expect that people would come in and his staff didn't know.

Ali sat on the opposite sofa, picked up the red wine glass on the table and poured himself a glass of red wine. "Wubiao, you have to believe us now. We come from a powerful organization in the world. There are many experts like us, and we have strong financial support behind us. We come to Haijiang city to do one thing, so we choose you to be our partner. You have only two choices. One is to die and the other is to cooperate with us. There are many advantages in cooperating with us. One of the advantages is to make the madman Gang the biggest gang in Haijiang city

Wu Biao looks at the gun in Bella's hand and knows how he can't escape today. He sees the murderous spirit in the eyes of these people and estimates that these people are killers. If you don't promise them, he'll die. No matter what, promise them first, and then make plans later. He doesn't believe that he can't deal with these four people even if he gathers many subordinates? "Well, I promise you."

Ali seems to see Wu Biao's mind. "Wu Biao, you don't have any other ideas. Even if you summon many of your subordinates, it's very easy for us to assassinate you. You can't bring many people together all day. In addition, you have family members. You can think about the consequences yourself."

Listening to these people, Wu Biao knows the cruelty of these killers. Ordinary people do not harm their families when dealing with enemies, but these people are different. "You misunderstood me. I really cooperate with you. What do you want me to do for you?" Wu Biao has been in the world for so many years. Of course, he knows that the main thing for Wu Biao to cooperate with him is to do it.

"It's not urgent. I'll tell you then. To be honest, it's not a difficult thing. It's just to find someone and kill him." Ali said.

"Just killing one man? There's no problem with this. I'll send someone to do it. " Wu Biao doesn't think so. He thinks it's a big deal. It's just killing someone. He'll send his men to get it done, and then tell them to hide abroad.

Ali smiles. "We're going to deal with that man. You can't do it."

Wu Biao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect such a good thing in the world. He didn't have to kill himself. Motherfucker, in order to make the madman Gang the number one gang, I'm going all out. "Well, what do we do now?"

"Wu Biao, we have known about the situation of the maniac gang and the Hutou gang before we came here. According to your current situation, we can't fight with the Hutou gang. But you don't have to be afraid, we will help you to strengthen the madman Gang, and attack the tiger head gang in the dark, so that their strength will gradually weaken. " Speaking of this, Ali can't help but think that the wind and waves in Africa are like this to deal with the Dragon shadow. It is estimated that it has been consumed now. The shadow of a dragon without dragon is like a tiger without teeth.

"But those people of Hutou gang are not vegetarians. They have many masters!" Wu Biao is a little worried. If the Hutou Gang is so easy to deal with, it will not be the biggest gang in Haijiang.

"You don't have to worry about this. We will help you. In addition, you can also annex the small gangs in Haijiang city. After gathering those forces, your madman gang will become stronger." Ali said.

"Well, I'll arrange that." Wu Biao nodded.

"In addition, we are only vanguard troops. In the future, our organization will send a large number of experts to help you, so the Hutou Gang is not afraid." Ali also knows that it is impossible for the four of them to deal with longyi. As long as he finds out longyi, the organization will surely send more experts to kill him.

Wu Biao said happily, "OK, everyone, I will listen to you." Wu Biao also secretly calculated that if he killed these four people, their organization would launch a terrible assassination on himself, which was even more uneconomical. It would be better to see the situation first.

"Wubiao, let me introduce us. My name is Ali. This is Aaron and Adam, and that is Bella." Ali points to Bella and says. "Bella will pretend to be your lover, protect you and convey our message."

"Good, good," Wu Biao looked at beautiful Bella and couldn't help drooling. Bella's body is very hot, convex back, especially in front of the pair of soft, grasp must be very cool. And her head daughter is golden. I don't know if she is golden below? Although Wu Biao has played with many foreign women, he has never played with a beauty like Bella. If bellaken and his own xx00 words, this cooperation will make a lot of money.

Bella saw Wu Biao's mind, "hum, Wu Biao, I'm just your fake lover. You must not have other ideas, or you don't blame me for cutting off your things." With that, Bella has a murderous look in her eyes.

Wu Biao has also seen Bella's power, "Bella, I don't have other ideas. Don't misunderstand me." Mother, as long as the madman Gang becomes the biggest gang in Haijiang, what kind of beauty do I want?"Wu Biao, before tomorrow, you can find out a few trusted and competent people. Then I will show them a photo and help me find out this person." Ali takes out a picture of dragon one from his pocket. In order not to let others suspect him, he won't give the photo to Wu Biao, just let them remember the appearance of dragon one.

"Is this man? Is he in our Haijiang city?" Wu Biao said.

"Yes, he is in Haijiang city." Ali nods.

Wu Biao clapped his chest and said, "Ali, don't worry. As long as this man is in Haijiang City, we can find him. I don't believe we can't find them."

"We need to find, but we can't do it in a big way. We should do it in secret. Wu Biao, I warn you, if anyone leaks the information we are looking for, I will kill all of you, as well as your families. Therefore, be careful not to be careless Ali looks at Wu Biao coldly.

Wu Biao feels that Ali's eyes are like a poisonous snake winding around his body, which makes him shiver all over. "Don't worry. I'll tell my men to be careful not to let out any information."

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