"You attack me again, but this time, it's not with force, but with cleverness. I'll tell you what it means to treat softness with softness." Uncle Liu said to long Yufan.

"Well, I'll try again." Long Yufan is also learning from the way uncle Liu dealt with him just now, and he wants to push uncle Liu out with thrust. But when he made a move, he found that he was slow, but uncle Liu was slower than him, and his thrust was like no way to start, there was no way to push him down.

While pushing hands with long Yufan, Mr. Liu said, "Mr. long, you can feel that my soft power can be born at will, and I can control and strengthen it." With that, uncle Liu's strength suddenly increased, and he pushed long Yufan back a few steps. "Do you feel that I'm more flexible than you are now."

"Yes, why are you more flexible than mine?" Long Yufan asked.

"In fact, no one is strong or weak in any strength, but relatively speaking. It's like you think a hundred dollars is very little, but for others, it may be a lot. But when you think it's a lot of 100 million, some people think it's not Said uncle Liu. "It's the same with attacking others. Your strength doesn't depend on size, but your strength should be just enough to defeat them. If you want to defeat someone who can do hard work, your strength is useless. As long as you can use your strength correctly, you can certainly defeat the other party. "

Long Yufan said, "then how much strength can I have to defeat those who can do hard work? And how do I practice Wuji

"I'm not sure how much force you want, because it depends on you to compete at that time. Because different people have different levels of hard work. As for how you want to practice Wuji, you should first prepare some things. If you practice everyday and when you can practice it, it can be said that it is a simple trick to master Wuji Said uncle Liu.

"What are you going to prepare?" Long Yufan asked.

Mr. Liu said, "you ask your men to prepare some eggs and bricks. If you can hold the eggs tightly and break the bricks, but the eggs don't break, you are successful. When you've finished this, go to me to test your mastery. "

"Well, I'll try." Long Yufan nods. No matter whether the method mentioned by uncle Liu can be used or not, he will try it out within this week. He can't let the special operations department be hit by thousands of families because of himself.

"In addition, you may encounter problems in training. You should think more about the contents of the pamphlet I gave you. Those are pithy formulas. You can understand them." Uncle Liu wanted to leave after saying that.

Long Yufan called Qian Gang in and asked them to help themselves prepare these things. In addition, Qian Gang sent a car to take uncle Liu back. "Boss, did your master leave? We haven't seen his martial arts yet Said Qian Gang sadly.

"Don't you think I'm a bad old man with no ability?" Uncle Liu was ready to go, and he stopped again.

"Well, how could this be possible?" Said Qian Gang. He didn't expect that the old man named Mr. Liu's eyes were so poisonous that he could see that everyone was unconvinced.

"Well, you guys attack me together. If you can touch me, I will be incompetent." Uncle Liu was also on a whim. Anyway, he just avoided beating others, which was not a violation of his oath. Even if he just pushed long Yufan away, he didn't really start.

Money just looked at long Yufan a little excited and said: "boss, we are not convenient to start?" If it wasn't for long Yufan's face, they would have started early.

Long Yufan looked at the smiling uncle Liu, nodded and said, "uncle Liu said so. You can go with your strength! I also want to see the real martial arts of uncle Liu. " Long Yufan also knew that he couldn't hit uncle Liu at all just now, and uncle Liu was very relaxed. He was pushed back by a gentle push.

"You come quickly, I have to go back!" Uncle Liu urged Qian Gang. Qian Gang and their listen to long Yufan and uncle Liu said so, they are not polite. They winked at each other and attacked uncle Liu. They haven't met anyone who can let the eldest brother learn martial arts from him, so they don't keep their hands and go all out.

"Mr. long, take a good look. I also use Wuji to deal with it," Mr. Liu said, stepping on a brisk pace to dodge Qian Gang's attack. Qian Gang, they also feel that uncle Liu's is different. Just now, uncle Liu was a weak man, but now he is not the same. Uncle Liu is like a cheetah. He shuttles through Qian Gang's fists. If uncle Liu didn't say he would not fight back, they would have been knocked down by him in the early morning. Qian Gang and they finally know why the eldest brother wants to learn martial arts from this uncle Liu. He is also too strong.

Uncle Liu didn't make a move. He dodged in Qian Gang's attack. Long Yufan pondered what uncle Liu had just said while looking at it. He could not see the application of wujigong here. Is it as Mr. Liu said that he has to study for a year and a few months to learn it? If this is the case, the special team will be finished, Zhang Binglei and they will also be in danger.

"Mr. long, I'll push them back now." As soon as Mr. Liu's voice fell, his palm went around the outside. It seemed that Qian Gang's fists and feet just hit his circle. "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa", Qian Gang was pushed back a few steps by uncle Liu. One of the Dragon killers almost couldn't stand and fell."Uncle Liu, we'll take it." Qian Gang said with one voice. Uncle Liu didn't fight back all the time. At last, he pushed them all back.

Uncle Liu ignored the money. He just turned to ask long Yufan, "Mr. long, did you see clearly just now?"

"I see it clearly, but I don't understand. How do you know they are in that circle?" Long Yufan said. He just saw that the circle that uncle Liu pushed out with his palm was not a small circle, but a little flat. But it is this circle that can push money away from them, as if money had just hit them.

But long Yufan knows it's impossible, because he just trained Qian. Although they have not learned any martial arts, they are very familiar with fighting and know how to cooperate to defeat each other effectively and effectively. Now they are repulsed by Mr. Liu at the same time, which shows that Mr. Liu has seen Qian Gang's weakness and pushed them back at an advantageous opportunity. Now long Yufan to train is to find the other side's weakness, and then how to beat the other side. However, he just couldn't understand how to practice Wuji Gong, to soften the hardness and to treat the softness with softness?

Uncle Liu left, long Yufan asked Qian Gang to find eggs and bricks. After looking for these things, Qian Gang asked longyufan strangely, "boss, what are you doing?"

"Practicing the Wuji skill that uncle Liu taught me, as you saw just now, uncle Liu's last move was very powerful. How did you do it? Why were you all pushed back by him?" Long Yufan asked.

Qian just touched his head with embarrassment, "we don't know what's going on. Anyway, we attack like this. There's no mistake! But uncle Liu just touched me lightly and I was pushed back. I think they are the same way. They attack uncle Liu according to their own understanding. " The dragon team members nearby also nodded their approval.

Qian Gang continued to ask, "boss, how do you practice this method? You have good things to share with us."

"I hold the egg to break the brick, but the egg can't work," said long Yufan, picking up an egg and then beating it with a brick. "Pa", the brick is broken, but the egg in the hand of long Yufan is also crushed by him.

"Wow, this is a very difficult move Money looked at the bricks and then at the eggs. "Boss, don't talk about this egg. If we hit bricks with our fists, we need a lot of strength. Sometimes we have to use all our strength to break the bricks. There must be something wrong with the eggs."

Long Yufan said, "if it's easy, do I still use uncle Liu to teach me? Uncle Liu said that if I master this trick, I can deal with hard work. "

"How long will that take?" Qian just asked.

"Uncle Liu said that it usually takes a year, and the quickest is a few months, but I only have one week." Long Yufan sighed, "so, I want to make full use of this week's time. From now on, I will stay here and train well."

"Boss, I'll be with you." Qian Gang has an egg in his right hand and a brick in his left hand. "Ah As soon as the money was about to drink, he stopped suddenly.

Long Yufan see this scene strange asked: "Qian Gang, why don't you start?"

"Boss, the egg in my hand is broken." Money just said with a bitter face.

So, long Yufan began to train. That night, he broke all the eggs in the kitchen. In the end, without egg training, he had to lie down and rest. The next morning, long Yufan asked the logistics personnel to buy eggs. This time, he brought a truck back. While pondering the formula of wujigong, long Yufan thought about how to use the strength well to break the brick without breaking the egg.

Since long Yufan told Li Wei and Zhang Binglei that they were studying how to crack hard skills, they did not disturb long Yufan's training. The girls also knew that long Yufan had something to do, and they didn't say anything. It's just that sometimes they call, and long Yufan asks Qian Gang to answer. Anyway, he doesn't listen to things outside the window, and he just wants to break the hard work.

In long Yufan practice to the fifth day, money just took long Yufan's mobile phone in. "Boss, your call." Said Qian.

"Didn't I say that? I don't have time to answer the phone. You won't push it off for me? " Long Yufan said a little angry. This period of time, he is always unable to practice, so his mood is getting worse and worse. He wants to get angry when he sees money bothering him with his mobile phone.

"It was uncle Liu who called." Money just whispered. He seldom saw long Yufan get angry with him. Originally, he didn't want to take the phone in, but this was from uncle Liu. He couldn't help taking it in!

"Oh? Is it uncle Liu? " Long Yufan's face slowed down.

Everybody throw flowers!

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