Long Yufan looked at Wan Ma's satisfaction and nodded, "or this aunt has demeanor, wanshao, you can't do it. You don't even have the minimum politeness. In the future, you should learn from this aunt."

"Long Yufan, I will take care of my own son. You don't have to worry about it." Wan Ma seemed to say plainly. In fact, her heart is very angry, but she can not attack here, in order to avoid being laughed at by others. After all, she is still an elder of thousands of families, and it will be difficult for her to meet people. Well, to play, we'll have fun with you. Wan Ma said in her heart.

Wan Qiuliang listened to his mother's words, but also reflected. He called the waiter over. "Here comes the gentleman. Please see what he wants and give him some."

Looking at the waiter coming, long Yufan waved his hand and said, "waiter, no, I don't have much money, but I often eat here, and I often eat something I like to eat. You can give me two bottles of French red wine king, French foie gras, plain white cut abalone slices, cold mixed shark's fin, Thai Red swallow stew

When the waiter heard the dishes ordered by long Yufan, his face changed. All the dishes ordered by longyufan were expensive. If the host didn't agree, she didn't dare to place an order. The waiter looked at Wan Qiuliang and his face changed. This long Yufan is also too disrespectful, he put on like this to want to play things. Wan Qiuliang thought in his heart.

"What's the matter, waiter, I'll take these. Don't you have these dishes here? You go and place an order. You have to hurry up. They've had a good meal. " Long Yufan said to the waiter.

"This, this," said the waiter, looking at Wan Qiuliang.

Wan Qiuliang said angrily to long Yufan: "long Yufan, don't do things too much!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Wan Shao. I forgot for a while that it was your treat. I used to order this food here. Waiter, you order it, you help me calculate how much money, I pay the bill. If you're afraid of me running away, I can swipe my card now. " Long Yufan said as he took out a bank card from his wallet.

She said, "it's not necessary for you to pay for the order, but you don't want to pay for it."

"OK, I'm going to place the order now." When the waiter heard this, he immediately turned to leave. Anyway, she is a waiter. The more dishes the guests order, the better for her.

"This aunt is very graceful. In fact, it's OK. Although I'm not very rich, I can still afford it," long Yufan said with a smile.

Entertainment company boss heard in the heart secretly funny, long Yufan said this is undoubtedly the face of tens of thousands of families. Just now, Wan Ma also said that their families are rich and powerful. If they can't pay for this meal, don't mention Tang Xin, even he will look down on Wanjia. Sure enough, Wan Ma shook her head, "long Yufan, don't worry, we are not stingy people, we can afford to pay back these small money. You can eat whatever you want. You can order whatever you have here. "

"Well, it's from a big family. I'm not polite to you. Thank you." Long Yufan kisses Tang Xin's small face, and then talks with Tang Xin in a low voice.

Wan Qiuliang is furious. He hasn't chatted with Tang Xin, but long Yufan kisses Tang Xin. What's the matter? Don't the boss say Tang Xin doesn't have a boyfriend yet? But now the relationship between long Yufan and Tang Xin is just like a boyfriend and girlfriend.

The boss looked at Wan Qiuliang's murderous eyes. He secretly lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Tang Xin has a boyfriend. How can he know? He was just bragging. And there is a background behind Tang Xin, which he has heard before, which is why he dare not attack Tang Xin.

After a while, the wine and dishes ordered by long Yufan came up. Long Yufan is not polite, while greeting Tang Xin to eat, while eating himself. Anyway, Wanjia has some opinions on him, let them have more opinions! Long Yufan thought in his heart. Wan Ma didn't say as much as just now. She just ate in silence. And Wan Qiuliang just poked the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks, as if the rice had a thousand years of hatred with him.

"Wanshao, would you like some wine?" Long Yufan opens the red wine and asks Wan Qiuliang.

"I don't want to drink any more," Wan Qiuliang said bitterly.

"If you don't drink it, it's a good red wine. Tang Xin and I can drink it." Long Yufan said with a smile. "By the way, auntie, do you drink red wine?" Long Yufan turns to ask Wan Ma again.

Wan Ma can't drink any more now. It's very good for her to keep such a smile. "I don't drink, you drink!" Long Yufan is not polite. He drinks with Tang Xin. After that, Tang Yulong doesn't worry about anything. She is very cooperative to listen to long Yufan's words, he told her to do what she did, straight next to Wan Qiuliang to gas, almost spit blood.

After long Yufan had enough to eat and drink, he and Tang Xin said: "Tang Xin, let's go home!"

Go home? Wan Qiuliang is about to go crazy. Long Yufan seems to live with Tang Xin. How can he have a chance?

"OK," Tang Xin nodded.

Long Yufan stood up and said to Wan Ma and Wan Qiuliang, "Auntie, Wan Shao, we have a step ahead of time, and I'll invite you to dinner later."

"Goodbye," Wan Ma nodded.Long Yufan no matter in the side of the angry Wan Qiuliang, he took Tang Xin to go. When the boss saw that Tang Xin and they were gone, he also made an excuse to slip out. Originally, he wanted to pay for WAN Qiuliang for this meal, but after long Yufan ordered so many good things, the meal would cost at least 100000 yuan, so he still left it.

Wan Qiuliang looked at long Yufan after they left, he said to Wan Ma angrily: "Mom, I'm going to die of anger."

"Qiu Liang, it's not right for you to do so. A man should be able to afford it. Your performance just now is very poor, which makes Tang Xin have an opinion on you. Long Yufan is angry with you and wants to make you angry. So you should put on a very generous and indifferent appearance, so that long Yufan can't be angry if he wants to, and Tang Xin will also think that you are a cultured person. " Wan Ma said earnestly.

"Mom, I just can't be angry. He wants us to pay for it. Mother, I really want to kill him with one blow." Wan Qiuliang clenched his fist in anger.

"Don't worry. Isn't it easy to play Jilong Yufan? Our people will soon enter the special forces, and kick out long Yufan. You can kill long Yufan as you want. " Wan Ma was smiling. Her cultivation is better than Wan Qiuliang, "even if you have too much hatred for long Yufan, you can't show it on the surface. You have to play dead him behind his back. If you want to let him die, you don't know who killed him."

Wan Qiuliang said with a bitter face, "Mom, I can't do it. However, we will soon be able to play dead dragon Yufan, and then let Tang Xin see how useless her man is. " "Ring bell," Wan Qiuliang's mobile phone rang. He took it out to see that it was from the provincial military region. "Hello, what's up?"

"Wanshao, listen to the news from the sharp knife team, the special team will have to fight with our sharp knife team for three games, and the victory will be determined by three matches. By then, long Yufan will choose three games by himself." The voice of the staff came from the mobile phone.

"What's going on? Does long Yufan want to lose face again? " Wan Qiuliang said strangely.

"It's not very clear. However, the chief of staff estimated that long Yufan had certain reliance to make such a decision, and he could not make a second game without any confidence Said the staff officer.

Wan Qiuliang thought about it and continued to ask, "does my father say how to plan?"

"The chief of staff said that it could only be a response. If the sabre team did not respond, there would be no way to send people to take over the special forces. So this is the competition. If we still win, the director of special operations department who proposed this competition may also be punished, which is a good thing for us Said the staff officer.

"You let the people of the sharp knife team teach me a good lesson to long Yufan. You'd better cripple him." Wan Qiuliang said maliciously.

"I'll arrange this," said the staff officer. "I'm calling Wan Shao this time to let you know about this matter. We will arrange this competition as soon as possible. It may be the special operations department's strategy to slow down troops. We want to think of other ways, so we should make a quick decision."

Wan Qiuliang nodded, "well, I'll go back to the provincial military region now." Wan Qiuliang hung up the phone and told Wan Ma about it.

"Hum, no wonder long Yufan is so arrogant. He still wanted to have another competition. Qiu Liang, we will go back to the provincial capital now and arrange this matter well. We must not let long Yufan succeed." Wan Ma and Wan Qiuliang left Haitian Hotel, and their car drove to the provincial capital. In the car, Wan Ma called the director of a senior subordinate of Wanjia, who is now the leader of a bureau, and asked him to pay the bill.

The director ran to the Haitian Hotel to pay for the bill. When he saw that the bill showed more than 100000 yuan, he was shocked. He called the manager of the hotel and asked what was going on? The manager of the hotel told the director that what he ate was famous wine and some excellent products. The 100000 yuan discount was based on the fact that he was the director. Otherwise, it would cost 200000 yuan.

The director secretly bitter face, in the heart scolded the Wanjia cannibalism does not vomit the bone. It shows that he paid for the meal, but they can't spend their own money like this. It costs more than 100000 yuan. With so much money for a meal, he dare not open the account of the public. He had to let the hotel hang the bill first, and he paid off the money within this month.

According to the requirements of the special operations department and the agreement of the provincial military region, the competition between long Yufan and the sharp knife team members will be held in the provincial military region the morning after tomorrow. For this director is no problem, because this competition, no one dare cheat, and there are live broadcast. After long Yufan knew the competition the day after tomorrow, he went back with Tang Xin and went to the special combat camp to strengthen training. If he wants to practice wujigong well, he must win in all three games and regain the face of the last time.

Zhang Binglei saw that long Yufan had brought a large box of eggs and said happily, "brother long, you rich man, add vegetables to the brothers?"

"Add your head. I use it to practice." Long Yufan gave Zhang Binglei a bad look. "Go and find me some bricks. I want to practice my martial arts better in these two days."

"Brother long, you can ask me to work, but at least you can tell me what's going on?" Zhang Binglei lingered on.

"It's easy," long said. "You take the brick and I'll show you. If you can do it, I'll let you fight, and I'll beat those who can do hard work."

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