At noon, after lunch, longyufan left school to take a taxi to a large supermarket, took thousands of yuan with bank card, bought a mobile phone and mobile phone card. Then take a taxi to the car market to buy a car. He didn't want to be too swaggering, bought a 100000 Shanghai Volkswagen, and then swipe his card to leave his own relevant documents. Because it is afternoon, the car shop owner said that he can handle the license plate well. So, longyufan himself out of the street to taxi back.

Out on the street, a girl was walking to the left, and the girl wore a white sun visor on her head, covering the long hair and half face of the plate. Longyufan is a little strange. The girl seems afraid to be seen by others.

At this time, a motorcycle was driven from behind, and two men were sitting in the car, wearing motorcycle hats. When the motorcycle is about to drive to the girl's side, the man sitting behind the motorcycle suddenly reaches out his hand and snatches the bag on the girl's shoulder.

"Ah!" The girl found her bag robbed, and screamed to get her bag back. But it was too late. The man behind pulled hard. The man in front of him cheered up and the motorcycle rushed to the front.

"Pa," the girl was brought down to the ground and made a scream.

Longyufan knew that the two men were flying to rob the party, and when the motorcycle had rushed out to pass the side of longyufan, longyufan had moved. He was running forward like a cheetah, a flying kick, kicking the man behind him down. "Pa", man fell to the ground.

Just when the man fell to the ground, longyufan rushed to his side to rob the girl's satchel. The man who drives the motorcycle finds his companion kicked down and he turns his head and drives back. "Well, dare to take care of our business, we will kill you." The man drove towards longyufan.

The girl just got up from the ground and screamed immediately when she found out. Longyufan is kind to help her take back her satchel, but because of such injury, she is not very well.

Hearing the scream of the girl, longyufan frowned. The girl is not far behind herself. If she avoids it, she may hit the girl behind the motorcycle. So he hid, and with his right hand, he pulled the man on the motorcycle hard and fell the motorcycle.

"Pa", motorcycle fell on the ground to wipe forward, splashing sparks.

The girl saw the motorcycle coming to her and fell down and screamed again. Longyufan shook her head helplessly. The girl's voice was too loud, and she screamed when she could not move. But her scream was very pleasant, not like some women's screams that made people creepy.

The motorcycle stopped only one meter in front of the girl, and longyufan walked by with a smile. "This is your bag, miss. Be careful going to the street later."

The girl's visor fell off to reveal a beautiful face, thick and suitable eyebrows, big eyes like autumn water, and the thin and slightly warped eyelashes set off the big black eyes to be charming. The eyes were moving and flexible. The straight Yao nose was as delicate as carved jade. The delicate lips of Cherry Blossom gave off a light luster, which gave people a kind of fondness Impulse, this beautiful nature, does not give any pink face is really pure to the extreme, the United States to the extreme! Longyufan has been in a daze. He has seen many beautiful women, but he has never seen such beautiful girls. Even the best beauties like linxiaolei and yinqiuxue are a little inferior.

The girl saw longyufan look at her like this, she lowered her head a little scared. "First, sir, thank you for helping me get my bag back."

"You are welcome," longyufan also returned to God. He gave the bag to the girl and looked at the two robbers who robbed the bag. They had climbed up from the ground and ran here, as if they were going to find longyufan to settle the account.

"They're here," the girl hid behind longyufan in fear.

"It's OK, I'll drive them away," longyufan said, dismissively. The girl is not only beautiful, but also very pleasant to speak, and has a delicate and soft feeling. When the two men rushed to longyufan's side, longyufan started. He stepped forward and quickly attacked two men. The two men were hit by him before they responded. Then longyufan opened his hands and put them beside their motorcycle cap, and then he tried to recover. The two motorcycle hats collided together, "ah!" Two men felt their head was hammered, and then longyufan was two feet, and the man was kicked out by him.

The girl saw longyufan so strong, happy to clap the small hand to say hello. Two men see that they are not the opponent of longyufan, immediately lift up the motorcycle to escape. Longyufan wanted to leave them, and then called the police to let the police come, but did not expect the girl to hold his hand and whispered, "Sir, let them go!"

Longyufan see girls are not investigated, of course, they are no longer much. He shouted to the two men, "roll on, and don't let me see you later." The two men ran away in a hurry on the motorbike.

The girl picked up her hat and put it on. She saw that longyufan was going to walk and asked strangely, "don't you know me?"

"I don't know you." Longyufan shook his head. He felt funny. Why did he know her? "I have something else. I'll go first." He raised his hand and hired a taxi to leave.

The girl looks at the Dragon Yufan leaves, the eyes show puzzled.After long Yufan returned to school, he drove Yu Yu's car to find Yu Yu. After Yu Yu finished work, long Yufan called Li Sijing, "Captain Li, I have something to discuss with you."

"Well, I'll see you then." Li Sijing said. When long Yufan and they returned to their residence, soon Li Sijing also came up. She looked at long Yufan strangely and wanted to know what was going on.

"Captain Li, it's like this. You've been ambushing for so many days, and the gangster hasn't appeared. Do you think you need to find another way to lead the gangsters out?" As soon as Li Sijing's eyes brightened, she also had this idea today. The crafty gangsters pretended to spend time with them to see how long the police could protect themselves from the rain. However, they can not always protect themselves from the rain. After a period of time, they must withdraw their surveillance.

"What should we do?" Li Sijing looks at long Yufan. Although long Yufan looks ordinary on the surface, she feels that he is extraordinary. If ordinary people hear that there are such terrible gangsters who want to kill in the rain, how dare they take charge of the transportation around the rain?

Long Yufan said: "I think you should remove all of them, and then only let me accompany Yu Yu to go out, so that the gangsters may appear. Of course, your people can be far away, so that gangsters can not feel your presence , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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