Long Yufan gently opened the door with the key, then turned on the light, and found that Lin Xiaolei's room still had a light. When he came out of the bathroom, Lin Xiaolei happened to come out. "Why, are you back? Where have you fallen? " Usually long Yufan comes back on time. Today, he said that he had something to go out. She felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm going to have a snack with my friends." Long Yufan said.

"I warn you not to be with those who are not good or bad, especially not to bring women back, or I will sweep you out." Lin Xiaolei inserts a small waist to warn long Yufan.

"Don't worry! I'm not that kind of person. " Long Yufan shook his head.

Lin Xiaolei sat on the sofa, "I'm going to invite you to dinner tomorrow evening, but I didn't expect that Bao Xiaojuan would also like to have a party with me tomorrow. Shall we have dinner together tomorrow?"? Go to the Tianrong club. Bao Xiaojuan's boyfriend has a membership card. We'll eat there. It's my treat. You don't have to worry. "

"It's OK, even if it's my treat." Long Yufan said with a smile.

"Well, you think it's one or two hundred dollars? As for going there for one or two thousand dollars, how can your salary of one thousand dollars be enough? " Lin Xiaolei gives long Yufan a bad look.

"Ha ha, you are wrong. My salary is 5000 yuan." Long Yufan said.

Lin Xiaolei wondered, "no, how can you get so much salary?"

"My identity is British, and the school pays me a little more," long said with a smile.

"You still don't have money to pay me for another month. By the way, I tell you, although Bao Xiaojuan is my friend, she often compares with me. Now I hear that you are my boyfriend. She deliberately asked her boyfriend to come and compare with you this time. You must make a big face and look fat. You must say that your family is rich and has a lot of industries in Britain. " Lin Xiaolei said with embarrassment. She knew that it was wrong to ask long Yufan to lie, but it was also her fault that she said that long Yufan was her boyfriend that night. Now she knew that if she told one lie, she would have to tell ten lies. Oh, I don't know what to do later!

"You make me look fat?" Long Yufan is surprised.

Lin Xiaolei said, "yes, if you don't say that your family is very rich, you should also deliberately be higher. You can't say that you are a poor teacher, do you know? For example, if you say that your salary is 5000 yuan, this is the behavior of a fat man. Tomorrow night, others will not look down on you

"It's OK. If you look down on it, I don't care." Long Yufan shrugged his shoulders.

"No way," Lin Xiaolei glared at long Yufan angrily. He doesn't matter, but she does! She is so arrogant in the company. It would be a shame to let others know that her boyfriend is a poor teacher. Lin Xiaolei is ready to wait for this matter to fade away, and then tell others that she has flown long Yufan, so that there will be no worries. "You must do it tomorrow night. You know, I don't charge you rent this month at most." For tomorrow's face, she is also bleeding. She is going to spend one or two thousand yuan to make long Yufan pay the bill. Other people will not look down on her boyfriend.

Long Yufan is speechless. Lin Xiaolei is good at other places, but she has a little vanity. Otherwise, she would not threaten to find a boyfriend with 10 million yuan. "Well, I'll take your advice." Originally long Yufan wanted to let the field drive his car away tomorrow. It seems that he will use it tomorrow night.

"That's it. Tomorrow is Friday. Come back earlier so that we can go to the Tianrong club." Lin Xiaolei's face is close to long Yufan. He smelled a faint fragrance and felt his mind moved. She was vain and vain, but she was clean. Otherwise, she could eat and drink spicy food with Mao Jiafei.

"You have to be careful of Mao Jiafei. He may have an attempt at you." Long Yufan reminds Lin Xiaolei.

"I know, that's why I asked you to help me as a shield. I guess he won't pester me after he thinks I have a boyfriend." It is for this reason that Lin Xiaolei intentionally bleeds tomorrow. Thinking of spending so much money tomorrow night, her heart is bleeding.

In the morning, long Yufan doesn't want to drive to school. After washing, he runs to school, which can also exercise his body. On the way, he had breakfast to continue to school, did not expect a red BMW sports car to stop by his side. He turned his head strangely to see what was going on. The window rolled down and showed a beautiful face.

Long Yufan recognized this face. He met her in the car market last time. At that time, he also helped her to grab her satchel. "Hee hee, it's really you, sir. Where are you going? I'll see you off. " The girl said happily to long Yufan.

"No, I can walk." Long Yufan shakes his head. The girl is so beautiful that he feels a bit unrealistic.

"Why are you like this? You helped me last time, I haven't thank you yet Girl is very strange, if other people see themselves, absolutely not such expression, what is the matter with this man? She was very curious about long Yufan, so when she saw him on the street, she immediately wanted him to get on her car.

As the girl parked the car on the street, the owner behind him was honking his horn angrily. Long Yufan had to open the door and sit in the co driver's seat. The girl immediately drove. "Sir, last time you helped me, I didn't thank you. My name is Tang Xin. How about you?""My name is long Yufan," longyufan replied. It's not easy for a girl to drive a sports car like this.

"Where are you going? I'll see you off. " Said the girl named Tang Xin.

"I'm going to Huacheng middle school. It's not far from here. Do you know how to get there?" Long Yufan pointed to the front.

Tang Xin nodded, "I know, I am from Haijiang, how can I not know Huacheng middle school? Are you a teacher in Huacheng middle school

"Yes, I am a teacher in Huacheng middle school." Long Yufan nods.

"You don't really know me?" Tang Xin asked while looking at the road ahead. She is good at driving. She should be two or three years old.

"Do you think I should know you?" Long Yufan see Tang Xin and ask this sentence, not from secretly funny.

Tang Xin said with a smile: "hee hee, you are very funny, unlike other people. My cell phone is out of power. Can you give me a call with your mobile phone? "

"Yes," long Yufan did not want to take out his mobile phone to Tang Xin. Tang Xin is still a qualified driver. After taking long Yufan's mobile phone, she did not make a direct phone call. Instead, she stopped her car on the side of the road, and then picked up his mobile phone and called.

Suddenly, from Tang Xin's handbag came a burst of cell phone ring, eh? Didn't she say her cell phone doesn't have electricity? "Long Yufan, the number in your mobile phone is my mobile phone number. You must not give it to the second person. I will call you some other day and invite you to dinner." Tang Xin helps long Yufan save her mobile phone number, but the name is just a "Tang" character.

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