"Wang Qing, it's not like this. Kami, the South African businessman, doesn't live in the blue sky hotel. She lives in the blue family villa." Long Yufan said without good breath. M, that Kami is really confused. I don't know what she wants to do.

"What? That white woman lives with you Wang Qing's eyes flashed with gold, "Long Ge, that woman is very beautiful, very sexy, I have never seen such a sexy woman. I just wonder, isn't she African? Why is the skin so white? " Wang Qing thought that the last time Mandela they came to those people, all black people, he thought that even if it is a beautiful black woman, he also can not mention "sex interest"!

Long Yufan didn't have a good temper to white Wang Qing, "what do you know? There are also black and white people in Africa, but there are more blacks. Kami is white. Is she really as sexy as you say

"Yes, Longge, I've seen some sexy women before. All of them are sexy in their lower body, but when they see their faces, they don't dare to respect them. But this African woman is different. She has a beautiful face and a beautiful figure. Well, if I had a woman half as sexy as that African woman, it would be one day and I'd rather die. " Wang Qing patted his chest, as if long Yufan was God.

"How do I feel like she's just average!" Long Yufan doesn't think so.

"Brother long, how can we compare with you? There are so many beautiful women around you, all of them are beautiful as flowers. You can see that beautiful women are just like family meals. But we are not the same. The women in the company are almost beautiful women. We all drool. In fact, ah Hua, the female secretary of chairman LAN, is also very beautiful. But I still like the sexy woman most, that Kami is the most suitable for my appetite. If I have such a beautiful woman, I must be exhausted and die! " Wang Qing said, drooling.

Long Yufan scolded: "Comrade Wang Qing, do you have some ambition? Don't drool when you see a beautiful woman. You are now the Vice Minister of the security department. In the security department, there are more than ten thousand people. You should stand up and be a person. Don't look at the beautiful women and you will be low B. "

Wang Qing said: "well, Long Ge, I really want to be the Vice Minister of other departments, such as the public relations department, the finance department and so on. There are so many beautiful women there! There are almost men in our security department. Even if there are women, they can't do it! I'd like to make a little suggestion that we should hire some female security guards. "

"There's no problem with this. I'll see if there are any female veterans in the military division. If so, we'll see if people would like to work in blue sky group." Long Yufan wanted to say.

"Brother long, I don't want those female soldiers. As you all know, if the female soldiers in the army are dinosaurs or Saiya people, they are uglier than the female staff in the security department here, and that's not OK." Wang Qing shook her head desperately.

Long Yufan said, "so you mean to invite some beautiful women from the Conservatory of music to come to work, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, if only that was the case. We like it!" Wang Qing nodded happily.

"Shit, are you having a problem with your head?" Long Yufan scolded. "This is the security department, not the public relations department. If you ask those people to come here, you can't fight them, and you won't protect others. What are you asking them to do? If you have money, you can pack two. Don't dream here. "

"How many purses do you want?" Wang Qing asked, salivating.

Long Yufan was so angry that he didn't expect to say something casually. Wang Qing took it seriously. "You get out of here. You're a sex worm on the brain. You're not saved. Don't worry about the blue sky hotel. Just send someone to step up the security work at the Blue Villa. "

"Yes, yes, I will arrange it now." Wang Qing saw that long Yufan was angry and ran out in a hurry.

"M's, Wang Qing, who thinks about women all day, seems to want to help him find a woman to warm his quilt. Otherwise, he can't work at ease if he thinks about women every day." Long Yufan talked to himself back to the computer to play his "master of the best" game.

Also do not know how long, long Yufan room door was pushed open, long Yufan thought it was Wang Qing, he called: "Wang Qing, how is the matter? You have to work at ease and not think about women every day? "

"Hee hee, don't you men think about women every day?" Outside the door came Kami's laughter.

Long Yufan raised his head and saw that it was Kami who was surprised and said: "Chairman Kami, is it you? How did you come here? Where's Qingqing? "

"Hum, it seems that you still think about your blue and green every day? Mr. long, haven't you thought about me? " Kami closed the door and bolted the door, and then came to long Yufan.

"Well, don't mess around. What do you want? This is blue sky group. If you close the door, people will misunderstand what we are doing here? " Long Yufan stood up and cried.

Kami said, "no, I told Qingqing that I would come to you and give you something. President Mandela asked me to give you something. She won't doubt it, and her secretary brought me here just now. I told her to go back. There are my bodyguards standing outside. "

"Kami, what do you want to do in Haijiang? And you're still green. She's still a child. Don't hurt her. " Long Yu Fan said anxiously."The more you are afraid that I will harm her, the more I will hurt her. Do you feel heartache or not?" Kami said angrily.

"Hum, if you dare to do harm to Qingqing, I will not let you go." Long Yufan said with a straight face.

Kami walked toward long Yufan and said, "well, I'm going to be bad for LAN Qingqing. What do you want to do to me?" Kami said as she approached long Yufan, she was turbulent toward long Yufan, which made him feel strange. Wang Qing is right as expected. Kami is a very sexy woman, especially now she is wearing tight clothes, which makes her figure concave and convex.

"Kami, don't do this." Long Yufan secretly swallows his saliva. Sometimes Kami is cruel and unreasonable in front of him, and sometimes he is like a little girl, so that he doesn't know how to deal with her. All along, Kami has never done anything sorry for him, and as long as it is something he puts forward, Kami will try his best to help him finish it. Therefore, long Yufan really has no way to take Kami.

"What's wrong with me? Don't you mean to be rude to me? I'll let you be rude to me now Kami said angrily.

Long Yu Fan accosted and said: "I, I just said it just now. I don't really want to be rude to you. This is China, not Africa. I just want to advise you not to mess around. " Long Yufan finds an excuse for himself.

"Well, what happened to China? If the government here dares to treat me foolishly, we African people will not let them go. " Kami said confidently.

"Yes, I know you're good. I just want you to stop pestering Qingqing. She's still young. Don't hurt her, OK?" Long Yufan said.

"I just like Qingqing, can't I?" Said Kami cunningly.

Long Yufan looked at Kami, "Kami, can't you, do you like Qingqing? Do you like women now? " Kami is a person with abnormal joy and anger, and long Yufan is also uncertain.

"I just like women, can't I?" Kami is also challenging to look at long Yufan.

Long Yufan in the heart wonder, Kami really like women? No, I heard that she used to have a lot of men. How can she like women now? "You don't like men anymore?"

"Yes, I don't like men any more. I only like women now." Kami nodded.

All of a sudden, long Yufan's heart moved. Didn't Kami say he didn't like men? Then he would believe it and see if she didn't really like men. Thinking of this, long Yufan took Kami one step ahead. Kami did not expect that long Yufan would do so, she whined and fell in the arms of long Yufan.

Long Yufan touches Kami's soft body, and his heart is excited. He looked for Kami's lips and gave them a good kiss. At first, Kami was a little resistant, she pushed long Yufan hard, but before long, she was tightly held by long Yufan and lost.

Kami opened his lips slightly and gasped gently. However, long Yufan could not be gentle with Kami. He moved his left hand to Kami's body and squeezed it with force, which only made Kami feel numb and itchy. This feeling permeated her whole body and made her not want to move.

Long Yufan's right hand slowly moved up, he felt Kami's turbulent. Wow, although Kami's turbulence is not as big as the rain, but it seems to be stronger than the rain. The heavy feeling is full of his big hands. No, to be precise, his big hands are out of his reach.

"Ring bell", long Yufan's mobile phone rings. This sound but to long Yufan to wake up, he saw that he felt Kami turbulent, in the heart secretly cry bad. He just wanted to make love with Kami on purpose, to see if she was interested in men. He didn't expect that when he got out of control, he would get angry.

Kami gently licked her lips with her tongue. She didn't make a sound. She just looked at long Yufan and looked at her mobile phone in a bit of a panic. Hee hee, I didn't expect long Yi to be flustered, but it was himself that made him flustered. It was a little interesting. Kami was laughing in his heart. To conquer this African warrior is her wish now.

Long Yufan saw that the caller ID of his mobile phone was a call from Wang Qing. The boy finally did a good deed. If he had just continued to play and walked to the rest room with Kami in his arms, it might be a bad thing! "Wang Qing, what can I do for you?" Long Yufan said.

"Brother long, I have been arranged. There is no problem with the security work of the villa." Wang Qing said.

"Very good, and check our car, there can be no problem." Long Yufan deliberately said aloud. He wanted to divert Kami's attention, and it was best to get out of the room. "By the way, there's something else, isn't it? Well, I'll go over and deal with you now. "

"Brother long, I have nothing to do. Don't come and deal with me." Wang Qing over there said strangely. What's wrong with Longge today? I saw that he was fine just now, but now he seems to have a fever.

Long Yufan said while hanging up the phone, "OK, I'll go, you don't rush me." Long Yufan hung up the phone and said to Kami, "Kami, I have to deal with the security department now. I don't have time to chat with you."

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