After a while, the master banker said: "we can continue to gamble, but my assistant will help me shake, I will open the dice cup." The Master Banker pointed to the original one.

"I can agree with that. You can start!" Long Yufan said impatiently.

"Well, let's start now." The master banker was secretly happy. As he said just now, he asked the former dealer to shake the dice cup. Then he would see where long Yufan was going. If it was not right, he would change the number of dice by opening the dice cup. Of course, this requires the previous makers to roll dice better. The number of points is close to the big decimal. Only changing one dice can change the bet. Otherwise, if the banker shakes "6, 6, 6", it will be useless for him to change another dice. Well, I'll make you cry later. The Master Banker thought in his heart.

The original dealer began to roll dice, when he put the dice cup down. Long Yufan bet all his eight million chips in "small" there, "I bet small, eight million." When long Yufan has just bet, other gamblers have followed long Yufan and Zhang Binglei has also bet. For a while, the chips in the "small" position actually reached 20 million.

The expert banker sneered at the corner of his mouth. He hinted to the original dealer, and wanted to ask the banker to tell him the position of the dice in detail, so that he could change the number of dice. Although he also heard the points in the dice cup, he wanted to know which dice and the number of dice. But he wants to move the dice, is to know the location of the dice in detail. Whether he put the dice to the left, or to the right, or forward, or to the right, there are four probabilities in this!

The banker knowingly wants to go to the side of the Master Banker to tell, but long Yufan speaks. "Hey, you two can't cheat!" Long Yufan said.

"We didn't cheat. He rolled the dice cup and I opened it." Master banker said angrily.

"Then you open," long Yufan said coldly. "In order to prevent you from cheating, you can't be together now, otherwise I suspect you have problems and want to cheat."

"How can we do it?" The expert banker denied it.

Long Yufan said: "unexpectedly you said not to do something, well, you drive now, we all bet. You can't get close to the maker who shakes the dice cup. You doubt what you want to say to him. How can a talk to home like a? " Long Yufan's words immediately got the support of other people. Everyone said that they could not let the two makers talk.

Now, these two makers are in a hurry. How can we not let them talk? Yufan has no way to win. Chuang Yu can't do anything but stare at him. All of a sudden, he had an idea. "I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry. I want to go to the bathroom." Said the original banker. Well, I'll go out and tell my partner through the headset, won't it? The banker thought in his heart.

"Well, aren't you in a hurry? Then you can open the dice cup now, so that you can go. " Long Yufan was smiling darkly.

"I, I," the original banker couldn't speak. He could not open the dice cup now. The master dealer hasn't got the dice points back.

"Yes, banker, your companion wants to go to the toilet. Please open it quickly." Long Yufan looked at the expert banker and said. "You don't have any difficulties, do you? If there is one, please tell everyone and see if they can help you? "

Damn me, my difficulty is to let my partner tell me the position of the dice in detail. I didn't rock the dice. How can I know where it is! However, these words can't be said by the master dealer. "Wait a minute. I'll drive in a minute." Said the expert banker.

"The banker who wants to go to the toilet, you can't leave before your colleagues open the dice cup. If you really want to go to the bathroom, we can send two or three representatives to go to the bathroom with you to show your innocence, OK? " Long Yufan said. Those gamblers also saw the problem. They should have opened the dice cup by the master dealer, but he didn't. And that rolling dice cup of the banker but want to close to the master, when long Yufan do not let them close, he also excuse to go to the toilet.

So they refused. "Hello, banker, what's the matter with you? Do you want to play tricks, but we have pressed a lot of chips in, you still can't open it? What's the matter with your casinos? " The gamblers yelled. I don't know if there are other casino personnel coming in. Now some people are coming in from the outside. Those people are also around here to watch, and some people are shouting. What's more, there are still some people taking pictures here.

When long Yufan saw it, he was secretly happy. He also knows that sometimes the competition between casinos is cruel. If other casinos know that there is a problem here, they will immediately come to "support and find opportunities to trample on each other.". "You see, we are not allowed to gamble in the casino. Maybe they are afraid to open it, or they have to do something about it!" What long Yufan gambles on is that scar doesn't dare to mess around in public. If scar's people dare to do it, it's estimated that the casino will collapse.

When we heard long Yufan's cry, they all cried out one after another. Zhang Binglei seemed afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He began to ask the banker to lose money. At this time, no one else in this casino gambled. Everyone stood by and watched the good play. Moreover, everyone thought that it was wrong for the casino to do so. People came to gamble just to win money. Now you see that people may win money, but they don't even open a bet. No one dares to come here.The scar on the top was so angry that he couldn't help it now. It seems that the man is also an expert in gambling. Although he can't change the number of dice, he can listen to it. After someone else shakes down the number of dice, he will bet on the size. Now they have no way. "Well, banker, you can open it and spell it." Cried scar on it.

Master dealer heard scar's command, he nodded secretly, reached for the dice cup, and then forced to open. When he saw the number of dice, he didn't change his face. He changed the dice, but it didn't change right. The number of points this time was small. "It's small this time. We lost." The master banker said helplessly.

"Ha ha ha, we won again." Zhang Binglei exclaimed happily. He's 16 million now, and if you keep gambling like this, he'll soon become a billionaire. The other gamblers are also very happy, they have won a lot of money.

The staff of the gambling house gave the chips to long Yufan in a black face. Now the gambling house has lost tens of millions of yuan. If we lose like this, we will lose 100 million yuan! "Dealer, you shake up quickly, we want to bet." Gamblers win red eyes, they want to continue to win money ah!

Master Banker embarrassed to long Yufan they said: "everyone, sorry, we are a little uncomfortable, we can not play this dice with you, you can play in other gambling stalls."

"What? Why can't you play these dice? " The gamblers are breaking up.

"We've lost so much here. Tonight we're going to stop this dice gambling stand. Let's go to other gambling stalls and have fun." Another casino manager came down to explain. Several staff members of the dice booth took advantage of this opportunity to slip away. How dare they be here?

Long Yufan see others do not open dice gambling stand, he also do not want to play. He is confident that he is not so capable of winning at other gambling stands. He won 30 million yuan with Zhang Binglei tonight, which made scar angry to death. He and Zhang Binglei came to the counter to cash the chips. They asked the casino to transfer all the money to long Yufan's bank card. After a while, long Yufan received a message from the mobile phone bank that the casino had put the money into his bank card. "Brother, I'll give you money when I go back." Long Yufan smiles at Zhang Binglei.

"Ha ha, big brother, don't worry. When you wait for the money, just spend my money. I'll ask you for it when I need it." Zhang Binglei said happily. Long Yufan has a lot of money, and he is not polite to long Yufan. Mother, he returned to Haijiang City, to the Firebird club every day to sing, package the most beautiful female star. Of course, Tang Xin can't afford it.

Scar stares at the Dragon Yufan on the top of them, do you still have life to go back? I'll make you all spit out in a minute. Thinking of this, scar calls his men, "are you ready? Don't let them run away. " In addition to long Yufan, where they lost 30 million, but also lost a lot to gamblers, scar all these accounts to long Yufan's body.

After long Yufan changed the chips, he took Zhang Binglei to walk in the casino. "Well, brother, this casino is not fun. We win money at the dice stand, but they don't let us gamble. They want us to gamble at the losing gambling booth. What's the point of gambling here?" Long Yufan was afraid that scar would not deal with them, so he deliberately fanned the fire.

Those gamblers listened to long Yufan's saying that they wanted to play in other gambling stalls at first. Anyway, they also won a lot of money, so they don't want to gamble now. So they went back one after another. Anyway, they won the money, or went to other casinos.

At first, the female staff member was waiting for the reward next to long Yufan, but when she heard that long Yufan had a fight with the casino, she didn't dare to follow. She would rather not reward her than let scar punish her.

Zhang Binglei called out: "brothers and sisters, it's not good to gamble here. We've played in other places. Goodbye." Finish saying, Zhang Binglei and long Yufan go outside.

The nearby casino thugs glare at long Yufan and Zhang Binglei, but they can't do it. People don't want to gamble. What can they do? Well, you'll be dead as soon as you go out. The thugs swore in their hearts.

After long Yufan and Zhang Binglei went out, they got on a taxi. "Driver, let's go that way." Long Yufan pointed to the right and said. The street on the right is not busy in the past, which is the most suitable for scar.

"OK," the driver nodded and started the car, which moved quickly to the right. But when the car drove to the remote place, a truck came to block the taxi. Then a dozen masked men jumped out of the truck with guns in their hands. They fired a shot into the sky. The driver quickly opened the door and ran outside.

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