Long Yufan smelled the fragrance of Li Sijing's fragrance, and wondered in his heart that the smell was not perfume, but what was so fragrant about it? Lin Xiaolei also has them. Although she seems to ask for her own meaning, she has been buried in her arms, which can be regarded as her tracking. Well, just help her! Anyway, there is nothing to do in these two days.

"What does the suspect look like?" Long Yufan looked around unintentionally and asked in a low voice.

"The hair is a little long, the face is long, wearing a red T-shirt, about 30 years old man, just at eight o'clock position." Li Sijing dare not raise her head, for fear that the suspect will see her. And now they pretend to be lovers, which should not arouse the suspicion of suspects.

After a while, long Yufan saw the man in the red T-shirt. "I see him. What shall we do now?"

"You find a place where he can't see us," said Li Sijing.

Long Yufan immediately hugs Li Sijing and walks to a place with shelter. Her waist is very soft and her tentacles are soft. "Well, he can't see us." Long Yufan turned his head and took a look at the suspect, who found that he was still there, and then turned back.

Surrounded by long Yufan, Li Sijing is also a little blush. "Mr. long, thank you. You can watch for me. If you find that person is going to leave, you can tell me immediately, and we will continue to follow."

"May I help you, gentlemen? Our fun clothes are the best in the mall. You can have a look if you don't believe it. " A waitress came up.

Li Sijing turns to see that her face is even redder. The sheltered place that long Yufan brings her to is actually a small shop selling women's erotic clothes. The small clothes and interiors that are exposed and seductive make her want to dig a hole to get in. Because she is wearing such a small dress inside.

Long Yufan is also in a daze. He just looked for places that the suspect can't see, but he didn't take a close look at what kind of store this is. No, Li Sijing must think that she is a bad person and brought her to such a shop.

The waiter saw that long Yufan and Li Sijing didn't speak. She immediately picked up a pair of trousers and walked to long Yufan. "Sir, look at this one. It's imported from France. Your girlfriend must look good on it. You can't get tired of seeing it."

Long Yufan's face turned red. Although he had seen too much rain on their pants in the bathroom before, it was a sneak look after all. What's more, it was still a woman holding it for him. He felt that his body had a little reaction.

"I, let's see." Long Yufan didn't dare to look at it. The little clothes are red, and the most cloth is lace.

Li Sijing also quickly turned to look at other places. They were not lovers, so it was very embarrassing to come to this place. But the suspect is there. If he finds out, it will be bad. When she saw the embarrassment of long Yufan, she was secretly amused.

"You don't have to look at it. This piece of montmorillonite is the treasure of our shop. If you match it with that interesting dress, it's definitely a classic among the classics. I'll give you a discount, 8888 yuan. How about that?" The waiter pointed to the dress in front of the model. She saw that long Yufan was a little shy and thought it was a good time to kill people.

Long Yufan looks at the model's interesting clothes, and is even more embarrassed. It's too thin and too small. He can see the bump in front of the model. My God, this model is also too similar, let people see a little blood!

All of a sudden, long Yufan saw the red T-shirt man turned around and was about to go. He immediately asked Li Sijing to hold her and walk outside. Li Sijing also cooperatively leans her head in his arms to prevent the suspect from discovering her.

The waiter looked at long Yufan and said angrily, "poor man, I don't have money to come and see what clothes."

"Mr. long, where is that man?" Li Sijing asked. She still did not dare to raise her head for fear of being discovered by the suspect.

"He went all the way to the gate. Are we still following him?" Long Yufan was laid by Li Sijing like this. He thought of her charming taste and her soft body. He listened to her.

"Well, he shouldn't know you, and we're pretending to be lovers. He shouldn't know us." Li Sijing sees that long Yufan has already bought some things, so there should be no flaws.

Long Yufan nodded, "OK, he is now out of the outside, reached for a taxi."

Li Sijing was worried, "come on, we have to catch up with a taxi. Don't let him run away. This man comes from a terrorist organization. If we let him run away, we will have no line."

After listening to Li Sijing's words, long Yufan immediately reached out and stopped a car behind him. Seeing that the car stopped, Li Sijing immediately opened the rear door and jumped up. Long Yufan also went up. "Driver, come on, help us keep up with the taxi in front of us. Don't lose it."

"Don't worry! I'm an old driver. I won't lose it. " The driver in front of him was about 40 or 50 years old, and he immediately followed the car.

"Driver, don't follow too closely, or people will find out that I am a policeman," Li Sijing said.

"Yes, I'll be more careful." The driver nodded and drove cautiously. The taxi ahead took a big circle in the city before driving to the old city.Li Sijing frowned as she watched the taxi drive into the old city. Many places in the old urban area are in the transformation zone, there are a lot of foreign personnel, and some places have no resident population. It is very complicated here. Because Li Sijing and they didn't dare to follow too closely, when their taxi got to the front, the taxi that had been followed had already turned back.

"Captain Li, it is estimated that the man got off the car in front of him." Long Yufan pointed to the front and said.

"Yes, you go back first. I'll go and have a look." Li Sijing said embarrassed. With little evidence, she couldn't get other police to come and help.

Long Yufan shook his head, "I'll go down with you and have a look. More people will take care of them."

Li Sijing takes a look at long Yufan gratefully. She knows that long Yufan's skill is that he is at his side, which is an extra guarantee. She gave the driver the money, and then went to the front with long Yufan. There is no way to go ahead. It is estimated that the man is near here.

Long Yufan looks at the dilapidated building in front of him. There is no one living nearby. The building on the left is also broken off. It seems that this is not a place for people to live. What is the suspect doing here? Is it a deal, or is it for other purposes?

"Let's go over there and have a look." Li Sijing points to the lane on the right. She is in front, and long Yufan follows behind. Don't know why, long Yufan feel a bit wrong, he feels like someone is staring at them.

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