"To the hospital?" The two gangsters looked at each other, but they couldn't decide on such a thing. They had to report to scar. When the two gangsters hesitated, long Yufan moved. When he raised his hand, a white light shot at the two gangsters.

"Ah The gangster was swept by the belt. Zhang Binglei over there was no ambiguity. He rushed to the gangster next to him, and the old steel over there also took action. These two gangsters were not the opponents of Zhang Binglei and Lao gang. They were killed by Zhang Binglei and Lao Gang after only two moves.

Long Yufan got up and tied up his belt and whispered, "give me a micro gun, Bing Lei, are you ok? Or you give the gun to Lao Gang? " Long Yufan doesn't know how the wound on Zhang Binglei's head is? But old steel was also injured.

Zhang Binglei was a little angry and said, "brother long, how can I not? Lao Gang is more injured than I am. Let me do it! " Lao Gang originally said he could, but when he saw Zhang Binglei stare at him, he did not dare to say.

"Lao Gang, don't worry, we can kill other enemies in a moment, and then you will have a gun." Long Yufan said with a smile. Zhang Binglei found the mobile phone from the gangster's body, he called the contact person. After Zhang Binglei told the contact about the situation here, he left his mobile phone on so that he could find the address there. At last, they went out secretly.

It's late at night and the gangsters are sleeping. Long Yufan is not in a hurry to go upstairs. He needs more weapons to fight. And he didn't know how many people there were in the villa, and he wanted to know what was going on here, find a place to defend, and kill the black elephant and scar. Just now, judging from scar's request, it should be black elephant's villa.

Long Yufan and Zhang Binglei touch the door. The people on guard there seem to hear a voice. They immediately ask, "who is it?"

"It's me. Can't you hear me?" Long Yufan said vaguely. You can't use a gun at this time, or you'll disturb others.

Just as long Yufan and his men were just about to go out and start their work, the lights on the upstairs were all on. There was a sound of footsteps from the upstairs. It turned out that scar and black elephant led his men down this way. Seeing this, long Yufan immediately made a gesture to suggest that Zhang Binglei and Lao Gang should hide. After the scar and the black elephant came down, he would catch them. Everything could be settled.

"Ring bell", it seems that someone's mobile phone rings upstairs. It's black elephant's. When the black elephant saw that someone called him, he immediately took it out to listen, because it was one of the men he sent out to monitor the army. "Hello, what's the matter?" Black elephant felt that something was wrong. At this time, his staff still called to report to him. There must be something wrong with it. It turned out that the black elephant was always careful. He was afraid that there would be action on the side of the army, so he did not remove his men. Even if they had caught long Yufan and others, they continued to monitor the army side.

"Boss, there is a situation. The army is sending out a large group of people. The direction is a bit like going to your villa." The other side said anxiously.

"How could that be possible?" Said the black elephant in surprise. "Are they all armed?"

"Yes, armed, two truck man." Said the other.

After the black elephant hung up his mobile phone, he immediately said to the scar, "you call all our brothers up, and then kill the three men. Then our people immediately disperse. I heard that there is an operation on the side of the army."

"Brother Xiang, we haven't got the money yet." Scar is a little hesitant. They have to get the money to kill long Yufan!

"Do you want money or death?" The black elephant felt that there was a problem here. "You go down quickly to see if they are still there. There is something wrong with the first floor."

Scar saw that the black elephant was angry. He did not dare to say anything more. He immediately took out his whistle and blew it. The rapid voice alerted all the gangsters in the whole building, and they turned on the lights to look for weapons. Scar runs downstairs with his men, while the black elephant goes to the second floor.

"Let's move. I'll go outside. Bing Lei will deal with the people upstairs." Long Yufan rushed to the outside. The gangsters outside just heard a sound, and then heard the alarm whistle. They were also surprised, but they didn't know what was going on. They just looked after them outside. When they see long Yufan rushed out, just want to shoot long Yufan, but long Yufan has already shot. "Bang bang bang", the three gangsters outside were killed by long Yufan. Old steel has been following long Yufan, when he saw long Yufan kill the gangsters outside, he immediately went to take the gun.

Scar heard the gunshot, and immediately called his hand to rush down. He is not a fool. Of course, he knows that it is good to ask others to go down first. After the gangsters rushed down, Zhang Binglei also shot. It's not the same if there are micro guns. Those bullets are fired at the top, and several gangsters roll down.

"Well, no, those people are running out. Come on, we must kill them, or we will all be finished." Scar was surprised. His conversation with the black elephant must have been heard. And his identity was revealed. If these people were not killed, they would all have to run, including the black elephant.

When the gunshot rang out, long Yufan saw that there were some men with guns in the room outside. It was estimated that some gangsters lived outside. "Lao Gang, you are holding it outside. I'll go in and cooperate with Bing Lei. You should be careful." Long Yufan said."Brother long, don't worry, I will bear it!" Lao Gang said confidently. There are not many gangsters outside, and he has a micro gun. What else is he afraid of. He wants revenge. Since he was caught and implicated long Yufan, his heart has been guilty.

Long Yufan took a micro gun and hung it on his shoulder. He rushed inside. Zhang Binglei has exchanged fire with the gangsters upstairs. Those gangsters want to come down the stairs, but Zhang Binglei is there, and they can't get down. "Brother long, they dare not come down," Zhang Binglei said excitedly when he saw long Yufan come in.

"Bing Lei, we're going to attack. They may run away." Long Yufan is worried that there are other ways out in this building, and the second floor is not high from the ground, and the other party may go down from the second floor to the first floor.

"OK, let's rush up." Zhang Binglei grits his teeth. He and long Yufan rush to the other side of the stairs. As the two men cooperated with each other, they were already on the stairs. However, the gangsters above are also closely guarded there, so that long Yufan can not attack them.

Scar on the top of the fire, "well, you use grenades to kill them, I don't believe they can block us, we must kill them, or we all have to die." Scar just received a call from the black elephant and told them to kill the three dragons, or everyone would be finished.

So, those gangsters took out grenades and threw them down. They didn't care, even if it was to blow up the building. "Boom boom", when those grenades were thrown down, long Yufan and Zhang Binglei rushed to the back. What they suffer is that their weapons are not good enough. They have grenades!

"Damn it, why didn't those gangsters have grenades?" Zhang Binglei said angrily. If the dead gangsters had grenades, he could use them.

"Bing Lei, don't worry. Anyway, our people are coming. Now they are the ones who are worried. I'll stay here. You go out to help Lao gang and kill the gangsters outside. Then we'll surround the building." Long Yufan said to Zhang Binglei.

"Well, I'll go now." Zhang Binglei nodded and went outside. He also heard the sound of gunfire outside. He didn't know how Laogang was now.

Long Yufan saw Zhang Binglei go out, he aimed at the stairs with a gun, as long as the other side down a person, he killed a person. Scar saw this scene, he was flustered. If he stayed like this, they were all finished. "If you try to go down, you must kill them." Scar yells at the next man.

"Boss, the fire is so strong that we can't go down." Said the men, grimacing.

"I don't care. You must go down, or we will all die here." Scar let his men rush down, and then he took another group of people from the second floor to jump down. He did not believe that these three people could stop so many of them.

With Zhang Binglei's participation, the battle outside soon ended. Zhang Binglei called to the inside: "brother long, we have solved the problem outside. What should we do now?"

"Dada Da", long Yufan hit a bullet at the stairs for a while, then threw away the micro Chong gun in his hand, the gun had no bullets. When long Yufan went out of the door, he immediately said, "I'll guard the gate. You'll watch from behind. I guess they'll come down from there."

"Good," Zhang Binglei also changed a micro punch gun and rushed to the back with old steel. When they got there, they saw the scar and they jumped down. When scar sees Zhang Binglei coming, they turn in the fire again.

The gangsters upstairs see that long Yufan has withdrawn from the outside, they also came out from the first floor, but when they want to come out, long Yufan is shooting at them again. The gangsters also killed their eyes. They knew that if they didn't rush out, they would die. So, they are also desperate to go outside, and they fight very hard.

"M's, come on. Don't think it's amazing if you have a lot of people." Long Yufan said maliciously. There is Zhang Binglei. They intercept the enemy in the rear. He is not very worried.

"Dada Da", bullets are constantly shuttle, although there are many gangsters, some of them are still shooting at long Yufan from the window. But long Yufan can bow his head, just shoot the gun at the outside. For a while, there was a lot of gunfire, and the gangsters couldn't come out, but long Yufan couldn't help them.

"Squeak", outside sounded the sound of the car emergency brake, and then came a lot of footsteps. Someone outside yelled, "we belong to the Keemen army. All the people inside put down their weapons, or we will be killed."

"You come in, scar. They're going to run." Zhang Binglei called happily when he heard the reinforcements coming from outside. Long Yufan heard his men coming, he also no longer shoot, let those soldiers in first, anyway, the battle behind belongs to them, don't let them hurt themselves by mistake.

Sure enough, when the soldiers came in, they opened fire wherever they saw.

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