When she arrived at the police station, Li Sijing immediately went to her small lounge and put on her small clothes. She often worked overtime to sleep in the criminal police team, so there were clothes to change. After she put on her small clothes, she felt much more comfortable. She did not dare to see long Yufan, especially when she thought of him using his own small clothes. It was really a shame.

However, the director of the State Security Bureau was waiting outside, and she had to go out. Li Sijing went out and told pan Yinsong about the situation at that time, and reiterated that this matter had nothing to do with long Yufan, but forced him to pretend to be a couple. "Xiao Li, you don't care about this organization. Alas, our people are also tracking the suspect. They are very cunning, so my people didn't follow too closely. We can find out the location of their organization, but I didn't expect to be spoiled by you." Pan Yinsong said painfully. If it was any other policeman, he would have scolded his mother for a long time. But Li Sijing has a backstage, and he still bears it.

"Pan is in charge of the criminal police department. He is in charge of our old team. There is no way for him to follow us." Li Sijing didn't know that the National Security Council was also following this organization.

"Now the clues are broken. It's very difficult to find that person. So, if you have any clues, please provide us with them. I have something else to do. Let's go first. " Pan Yinsong looked at the Dragon Yufan who was sitting outside after going out. He was very upset. Every time, long Yufan was there, but it had nothing to do with him. There was no way to take him.

Li Sijing sees pan Yinsong leaving. She calls long Yufan to her office and closes the door. "Long Yufan, tell me honestly, who are you?"

"I am a teacher!" Long Yufan is sitting on the opposite chair. She should have been wearing small clothes. He can't see the bump in front of her body.

"I'm talking to you. You're serious." Li Sijing saw that he looked in front of his body, and his face turned red again. "Also, don't tell others about today's affairs, especially the way you use to prevent poisonous smoke."

"I'm afraid of what happened today. Li team, don't worry. I won't say anything." So wonderful thing, it is a good memory. In fact, Li Sijing is a very excellent beauty, absolutely not inferior to Lin Xiaolei, but she is a police officer, less than charming. But now she looks good with a red face, more beautiful than she looks in police uniform.

Li Sijing looked at long Yufan seriously. "Don't lie to me. Your shooting is very accurate. In that case, you can't open your eyes to shoot. I guess you shoot with your eyes closed. And you fired two shots. The first shot directly hit the gangster's head. How did you do that?" Li Sijing used to think that she was the best policeman in Haijiang police station, but compared with long Yufan, she was not of the same grade.

"I am blind," long Yufan laughed.

"Hum, don't lie to me. You killed that gangster named Laohei last time. You shot for the rain." Li Sijing's face showed cunning, "if you don't tell me the truth, I'll tell pan Ju that you killed the gangster today. He seems to be very curious about you and has been asking about you. You can rest assured that after you tell me, I will not tell anyone else. "

"Don't tell the director of state security," long Yufan is a little anxious. If pan Yinsong knows that he killed the gangster today, he must find his own trouble.

Li Sijing said with a smile: "long Yufan, tell me the truth. I'm just curious. I'm not a policeman now. I'm just a general person to ask. After you say it, I'll forget and never tell anyone else."

Long Yufan knows that if she doesn't tell Li Sijing today, she won't give up, and just now she helped herself hide the truth, so she should be OK. "I killed the old black."

"Did you really kill it?" Li Sijing originally wanted to win over long Yufan, but he didn't think that he killed him. "How did you kill him? At that time, we also investigated your location. You had no place to kill him? "

"I use curve shooting," long said.

"Curve shooting? Oh, my God, you can shoot curvilinearly? " Li Sijing exclaimed in surprise. Her eyes are very respectful now. She is simply a idol of long Yufan. She used to train in a secret special team of the state. The instructor who taught them to shoot once said that the most powerful shooting method in the world is curve shooting, but few people in the world can do it.

Long Yufan nodded, "I will."

"Can you teach me curve shooting? And is it hard to learn to shoot like this? " Li Sijing really wanted to cry out happily, and her eyes at long Yufan were different. At that time, she thought that the shooting instructor of the special team was very strong, but she didn't expect long Yufan to be more powerful.

"Curvilinear shooting is not so easy to learn. It pays attention to talent. In addition, when shooting, you should have the right time, the right place and the right people. Like the scene of that day, if there was no help from the rearview mirror in front of me, I didn't know the scene of Laohei, and I didn't dare to shoot at all. What's more, my success rate at that time was only about 90%, and my physical condition at that time Long Yufan didn't know how to say it. At that time, he was taught curvilinear shooting by an old African shooter. The old gunner also knew the curve shooting method, but the old gunner could not learn it himself.

The old gunner said at that time that the curvilinear shooting paid attention to the strength control, as well as the control of the wind and air at that time, using the strength of rotation. So now Li Sijing says that he wants to learn. Long Yufan has to laugh bitterly. If Li Sijing has studied for a month, if he can't, he can't. this kind of shooting is very talented."Then you can teach me, as long as you want to teach me, you can do whatever you want." Li Sijing looked at long Yufan and said softly.

Any way? Long Yufan's heart suddenly jumped, not from dirty up. It's all right. It comes from a beautiful woman like her. It reminds him of Pianpian. He thought again of the special fragrance that came from that little coat.

"Long Yufan, is that ok?" Li Sijing holds long Yufan's arm and pleads. That kind of shooting is too attractive to her. She didn't know her body was next to him, and the turbulence in front of her was rubbing his arm.

"I, I can teach you, but this kind of shooting pays attention to talent and your own understanding. If you can't learn it, don't blame me." Smelling the fragrance of Li Sijing and her soft collision there, long Yufan agreed in his heart.

"Great, long Yufan, what's your mobile phone number? I'll invite you to dinner when I'm free, and then make an appointment to teach me." Li Sijing smiles happily.

Long Yufan left her mobile phone number, and repeatedly told her not to tell these things to others, he left her office at ease. As soon as he turned around, there was a voice, "the police, that is, he took people to smash my car. You should catch him and kill him."

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