My Evil Boy Toy

Chapter 33 - His Agony

Jayden's mom was raped simultaneously by the three men. Her hands were tied above her head and they tortured her repeatedly. I didn't even notice how long. Her screams and cries echoed in my ears. The boy next to me couldn't even move an inch.

I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear her but it was too loud that even I tried not to listen, it's still ringing in my ears as if it was already in my head.

My heart aches for her, for Dr.Richards and for Jayden. Imagine coming home only to find your wife murdered and your son was the sole witness of that tragedy, a young boy who was so innocent witnessing her mother's horrific death.

After raping her mother, I heard a gunshot. When I looked at them again, my eyes widened from shock. I saw one of the men slit her throat as if he was killing an animal. They were laughing and grinning like devils when they left. They're not humans. I didn't even see any remorse from them.

Jayden suddenly opened the closet's door. I wanted to grab and hug him tight so he won't come out. If only I could.

He went out of the closet and I followed. The house was a mess. The furnitire was ransacked. Jayden froze, staring at something. Or someone. I can smell the scent of blood lingering to the air. I felt the chills all over my body. When I looked at the table, it was Jayden's lifeless mother.

A gunshot wound was visible in her head, between her eyes. And her throat was slit open. She was almost decapitated. Blood was flowing from her naked body. There are wounds all over her. Her eyes were still open. But no more sparkle and color, it was the eyes of a corpse.

Tears fell from my eyes. Fear, anger and rage were my feelings at the moment. Fear, that they might come back for Jayden. Anger, that I can't do anything for Jayden. Rage, to the people who did this to them.

Jayden put his tiny hand to his mother's eyes to close it then he suddenly scream. It was more like a wailing sound. I can feel his despair and grief. Then he collapsed.

"That's what my husband found when he got home. Chris blamed himself for what happened. But he couldn't show any weakness to Jayden." It was her mom. She was standing next to me while looking at her lifeless body.

I felt like my soul was separated from me and I couldn't even say a word. The depth of Jayden's pain was so profound and now I'm beginning to understand how deep it was.

"Peggy, will you help him?" She asked.

I was still stunned and my eyes were tired from. crying. I couldn't understand my own feelings. It was a mess. But I know I wanted Jayden to go back to me. I wanted to help him.

"Give him back to me. I'm not sure if I can be any of help to him but I want to be by his side no matter what. He's the only one for me and I'm the only one for him. I'll do everything for him." I said while crying.

She smiled and touched me on the cheek.

"He finally found his true love. I won't take him anymore but it depends on you and Jayden for him to come back." She said, softly.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Talk to him and never leave his side. Scold him if you want. I trust you." She said. Then she pulled me in her arms and hugged me.

It was warm and gentle. I felt like my mom was hugging me. I cried while hugging her back.

"Mother." I whispered.

"Peggy?" Someone called me while tapping me on my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes and it was Jayden's dad. His face was frowning and I know he's worried because I was crying.

I was still laying on the bed beside Jayden so I stood up and hugged his dad. I know he was confused but I felt his hand patting my head.

"Nightmare?" He asked.

"I saw it. What happened to your wife." I said.

He gently pushed me and looked at me with a confused face. Then I told him about my dream. I know it was just a dream. But they said dreams represent a person's unconcious desires. Maybe it was my desire to see Jayden so much, and his mom showed me his agony and suffering so I could better understand him.

He sat on the bed beside me and took a deep breath.

"I have never spoken to anyone about my wife. It was painful to me, but you know when she died, I didn't cry. I couldn't. I blamed myself for what happened. It should have been me. If only I was there, my wife would still be alive. It was hard to see Jayden after the incident." He paused.

"He woke up after a week, but he was broken. He never blamed me. He would wake up in the middle of the night screaming then he will ran outside the house as if he can't breathe inside. He will collapse after. We started to move from one place to another. I was afraid he will be taken by my wife's family or worst be killed. We were like that for 4 years, I think. We settled in Willow Green for a year and I thought that we finally found peace, but that's when I was called by Alora's father." He continued.

I frowned. From what I remember, he became Alora's psychiatrist for a few times and he said after that they started to hide because he felt someone was following them.

"Do you think there's a connection between your wife's killer and the people who are targeting Alora?" I asked.

"I already told Luke about it. I think they're already on the move." He answered.

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