My Evil Boy Toy

Chapter 8- Stay with me

Three days past and I haven't seen Jayden ever since that incident. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. I'm angry and scared of him at the same time.

"Peggy can I ask you a favor?" Alora asked while we're eating at the breakfast table.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Can you pick up Zoey later after class? James had a family emergency so he took a leave and will be gone for a month. Luke is still looking for a temporary replacement. You know how long he could find someone." Alora said.

Luke is so meticulous in hiring people. Maybe because he and Alora were kidnapped when they were kids so he became very protective and doesn't easily trust anyone.

"Yes. I'm not doing anything later. Hear that Zoey? Aunt Peggy will pick you up later. Would you like to stop by somewhere? I'm free you know." I said to the little in front of me.

"Can we have ice cream Aunt Peggy?" She asked. The girl has brown waist length straight her with hazelnut colored eyes. She's adorable.

"Sure. It's a date then." I smiled and winked at her.

"Sorry I'm late." Says a familiar voice.

I suddenly dropped the spoon I'm holding when I hear the man's voice who just came in. It was Jayden.

"Son, where do you always go every night? You've been coming home late." Dr.Richards, Jayden's father asked.

He sat beside Zoey and greeted the girl by patting her head. My heart was pounding so fast. His handsome face shows exhaustion. Is Luke giving him a hard time?

"Don't worry dad I'm fine." Jayden is quite rude to almost everyone but when it comes to his father, he always has a soft spot.

"Uncle Jayden, me and Aunt Peggy will have a date after school. Would you like to join us? You're face looks tired so let's have an ice cream later." I almost choked when Zoey asked Jayden.

I glanced at him but he wasn't looking at me.

"Take the day off and pick up Peggy and Zoey later." Luke suddenly said.

I stared at Luke then to Alora. Begging her to say something. But she smiled like a villain. Like Camila came out for a moment. That witch!

"B - But" I was about to protest when Jayden answered.

"Okay. Ice cream would be great." He said smiling at Zoey.

God I missed his smile. I didn't talk back and just kept quiet.

After school, I asked my driver to drop me off at Golden Oak Kindergarten and since Jayden will pick us up, we'll be using his car.

He was already waiting in his car when I arrived. He went out and open the door in front. I frowned.

"We still have half an hour. Are you going to wait at the gate?" He said, still not looking at me.

Is there something on my face? If he doesn't want to see me why would he bother to come along? I felt a sudden pain in my heart. I should've been mad at him for what he did to me. He didn't even apologize and now he's treating me like this.

I went inside the car and looked outside. I don't know why but I feel like someone is piercing my heart. I wanted to cry but I can't let him see me like this.

I heard him heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him surprised. He's still not looking at me.

"You can't even look at me when you apologize?" I know I sounded I pissed but I am.

"I can't look at you because I was embarrass. I hated myself for doing that to you. I'm the worst." His voice sounds sincere but frustrated.

"Apology accepted." I said simply.

"Why are you not mad at me?" He asked.

"I am but I'll be angrier if you keep on ignoring me and didn't apologize."

Finally, he looked at me and was about to touch my face but he hesitated and sighed.

I gazed outside the car's window and asked. "Are you still with that girl?"

"I broke up with her the other day." He said.

"Is that the reason you look so tired?" I felt like something's in my throat when I asked him.

"How about you? Are you still with that guy?" He didn't answer me but instead asked me back.

"Yes." I said. It's true I'm still with Kian but not as her girlfriend. It was just a show anyway.

"I have a reason to stay with him." I replied.

"Can you not break up with him? And just stay with me."

Again, I was surprised. I looked at him and met his eyes. He's serious.

"Jayden, I -" He cut me off by suddenly kissing me.

His kiss was passionate and gentle. I missed him. I can't deny that. I missed his kisses, his touch. I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

After sharing a breathtaking kiss, he leaned his forehead into mine.

"Stay with me. I promise I won't do anything beyond kissing. I won't ask you to break up with that guy or anyone just stay with me."

"Jayden what are you talking about? I can't understand you. Why?" I asked confused.

"I'm not sure what it is but I can't stop thinking about you." He said.

"Are you sure you're okay if I'm with Kian?" I asked. I can't just leave Kian. I told him I'll help him.

"Yes." He answered.

"This is crazy!"

"Peggy you can't deny the fact that your body wants me. Do you feel that way towards that guy? I doubt that." He said.

So is this again because he wants my body? Somehow, I'm disappointed but I can't expect more. I don't even know what I feel towards him. But he's right. I longed for him. I want to be with him. Just being like this with him, I feel safe and happy. Not seeing him and him ignoring me was torture.

"Okay. I'll stay with you. But if you also want to have a girlfriend, that's fine. As long as you don't kiss the girl." I don't know why but I want his kiss, his touch just for me.

He answered by kissing me again and again until we heard Zoey knocking on the window.

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