Chapter 448: Cursed Land

After meeting with Jiang Ru, Han Zihao went to pick up Xu Nuan from HJ Entertainment, meanwhile, Feng Sheng went to the Han Corporations to sort out the documents of the land deal that Han Zihao had settled with Jiang Ru during their meeting.

He was shocked when he found out that Han Zihao was planning to sell the land in the Xun district to Jiang Ru. What was more shocking was that Jiang Ru agreed to his offer without any question.

Although the proposal and the price he offered her for the land were lucrative. Even though how can she make that decision without any prior investigation?

Buying land is not a small investment after all. She not only verbally finalized this deal but also signed the contract that Han Zihao has offered her.

It was the contract to finalize their deal and that Jiang Ru will pay Han Zihao the amount less than the market price in return for the land and that she will not back out from the deal later on.

After sorting out the formal documents and formalities, Jiang Ru will pay the settled amount to Han Zihao and that land will become hers.

The land that Han Zihao has offered her to sell, is indeed a profitable one and the land also has the progressing infrastructure in the nearby area.


However, if she is planning to build a hotel on that land, it will be a difficult task to achieve.

Because there are rumors that years ago, a house used to be situated on the place of that land. In that house, a couple used to live.

They looked like a normal couple on the surface, but every night the man used to abuse her wife and beat her to black and blue.

One day, when the woman found out that she was pregnant, she was happy that this might be a new beginning in her life, and her husband who used to love her before their wedding will change for the better.

However, he did not.

Just like every other night, he got drunk and beat her to a pulp, and kicked her hard in her abdomen, causing her to suffer a miscarriage.

The woman was devastated and drowned in the sorrow of her unborn child. She asked for a divorce but the man refused to leave her alone and threatened to kill her if she tried to leave him.

Tired of her exhausting life, one night, she mixed the poison in her husband’s drink which caused him to die in front of her eyes.

Following his death, she also hanged herself to death, putting an end to her miserable life.

Although it was just a rumor, the local people believe that the woman’s ghost still haunts the land, where her house used to be with killing intent in her eyes.

Even though she died, the hatred in her heart is still alive as ever.
Because of this reason, the land with so many profitable prospects turned into a haunted place that people want to avoid the most.

When Han Zihao bought this land, at that time the rumor wasn’t that serious and they assumed that everything would be alright soon since it was just a rumor.

However, it wasn’t true.

After some time, a series of accidents near the land caused people to believe in such rumors and that land was presumed to be a haunted one.

Because of this reason, no business flourished in that area and that land and the nearby area were named the cursed land.

Even if Jiang Ru becomes successful to build a hotel on that land, it will be difficult to change the mindset of the people and despite the good infrastructure nearby, that place will forever remain a haunted one.

Han Zihao did offer her a price lower than the market price but in the end, Han Corporations will be benefiting from this deal since that land is of no use to them and could be called an expensive waste for them, which will soon become Jiang Ru’s property.

While sorting out the documents of the land, Feng Sheng couldn’t help but wonder why Han Zihao would offer such a bad deal to someone.

Although it’s profitable to them, Han Zihao has never played a foul game with anyone before and never tried to take advantage of others while doing the business.

However, what could be the reason that he offered that cursed land to Jiang Ru, who is also the cousin of the woman he used to love before?

He sighed heavily when he looked at the pile of documents in front of him, “I will never become a secretary in the next life. How is it fair for the boss to go home while I am working here, sorting out the documents for the mess he created?” Feng Sheng grumbled while arranging the necessary documents to follow up with Jiang Ru on this deal during their next meeting.



Xu Nuan glanced at Han Zihao who was driving the car and just sneezed, ” Bless you!”

Han Zihao wiped his nose with a tissue that Xu Nuan passed him and said, ” I wonder who is cursing at me right now.”

Xu Nuan chuckled and said, ” It must be Mr. Secretary. Why do you make him work so hard?”

” I am sure he wouldn’t have no time to date anyone. If I were your secretary, I would have left by your side long ago.”

Han Zihao glanced at her in disbelief and said, ” Woah! I can’t believe you’re taking his side when your boyfriend is next to you. That’s not fair.”

” It’s fair. He is the one who acted as a wingman between us. Otherwise, a clueless man like you would have remained single forever.”

” You should be thankful for the efforts he had put in to turn you from single to double.” Xu Nuan said while putting a piece of the potato chips that Han Zihao bought for her when coming to pick her up from work.

Han Zihao couldn’t refute her argument and somewhat agree with her words. He did help them to come together, indeed.

Seeing him not saying anything, Xu Nuan grinned and said, ” I was thinking about it for a while. Mr. Secretary is smart and handsome. He is that nerdy-observant guy that every girl would like to have as her boyfriend.”

” Don’t you think we should introduce him to someone? I feel so bad for him when we go out on dates but he only has his work as his partner.”

” Aren’t you praising him a little too much? Your boyfriend is STILL sitting next to you, Ms. Xu Nuan.” Han Zihao interrupted her.

Xu Nuan waved at him and shooed him off and continued with her argument, ” He deserves to be praised. I feel so bad for him. Mr. Secretary also deserves to be loved and taken care of.”

” I don’t care. If you don’t do anything, then I will. I have someone who is looking for a good match. I think it will be best to introduce Mr. Secretary to her. I am sure they will be the best pair if they get to know each other.” She said excitedly, finally getting an interesting topic to work on.

Han Zihao sighed and nodded seeing her getting so excited about it. ” As you wish. But don’t overdo it while setting him up with someone. Your health comes first before anything.”

Xu Nuan nodded and caressed her barely existing baby bump and nodded. Her health is her first priority indeed.

Because she is now not only living for herself but for her baby as well. The baby who will soon come into their world and will bless them with such great happiness.

“I need to warn him too. His dating life shouldn’t affect the company’s work.” Han Zihao added.

Xu Nuan scoffed and glared at him, ” Look who’s talking! If you can come early from work for your family, then Mr. Secretary can do so. Don’t be so mean to him.”

Han Zihao, who was driving, his heart skipped a beat when Xu Nuan said the word Family. Have they become a family already? Well, they do.

They have already made a life together, what is left is to tie the knot together and they will officially become a family with a little bun by their side.

*Sneeze!* Han Zihao, who was lost in his thoughts but was still focused on the road, sneezed again.

He frowned and covered his mouth and said, “Argh! I think you should sleep alone in the bedroom tonight.”

” I don’t want to pass my cold to you.” He said cautiously, making sure to drive slowly and carefully, especially on the road bumpers.

He does not want to pass his cold to Xu Nuan or the baby. What if she gets sick because of his stupid cold?

Xu Nuan looked at him and rubbed his arms to assure him, ” It’s alright. You can drink the tonic that Grandmother has sent for me. It works best for the colds.”

” If you drink it, your cold will run away like a ghost running away from a shaman.” She added, winking at him.

Han Zihao frowned and murmured on his own, ” I better sleep on the couch tonight than drinking that bitter tonic.”

Xu Nuan chuckled when she heard his low whisper and supported her head against the headrest on the seat and said with her eyes closed, ” It’s not a choice. Be ready to drink that yucky bitter tonic. Only then you will know my pain.”

Han Zihao glanced at her and sighed to see her determined expression. Seems like he cannot run away tonight,

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