"You lost!" Lou Muyan's voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it.

The petrified gray energy on the Tuishan Beast gradually faded away, and he found that the demon soul in the demon mansion had been entangled by the contract technique, and his eyes were a little dazed.

He was actually stamped with a contract by humans during the petrification battle. How is this possible?

"How did you do it?" He returned to the appearance of a burly man, stood up and stroked the dust on his body, looking at the stunning woman in front of him with a complicated look.

Lou Muyan did not speak and directly transmitted the voice: "After you become petrified, you will be violent. Your whole body is as strong as black iron, but you have a fatal weakness. After being stabbed in the hole in your back, you will be unconscious for a while."

Tuishan Beast was shocked, "You, you actually know this secret."

The secret of the Achilles' heel of the Tuishan Beast Group is that it doesn't even know about other Monster Beast Groups that are very close to each other. He really didn't expect this human woman to know such a secret.

"Don't worry, I won't spread it out." Lou Muyan said with a smile seeing the fear in his eyes.

Pushing Mountain Beast's heart relaxed a little bit, if this woman leaked her secret, the Push Mountain Beast clan might face the disaster of extinction.

"You kept hitting me with your fists just now, but you didn't get close to my back. How did you do it?"

Although he temporarily lost his mind when he was petrified, he still remembers what happened after the Qingming Festival. Lou Muyan did not come into close contact with his back.

"When I attacked you with ten flying swords, I quietly released a few flying needles. When you defeated the Void Bagua, I activated the golden needles that were stuck on your body. In addition, I smeared the cannibal blood on my golden needles and the vine king was paralyzed. The poison of the vine thorns, so you fell down before you attacked me."

She actually made two sets of gold needles at the beginning, one was made with Tianhan gold crystals to save people, and the other was made with Tianhan gold marrow to kill people.

Ten kinds of spiritual things, such as Tianhan Golden Marrow Energy and Soul Raising Wood, are called god-level spiritual things. They are naturally extraordinary, and they are not comparable to Tianhan Jinjing. Therefore, the refined gold needles can easily penetrate into the petrified Tuishan. in the back of the animal.

Of course, the separate refining is also to avoid exposure. If the high-level cultivator knows that she has a set of poison needles refined with Tianhan golden marrow, she will definitely be tempted to kill people and steal treasures.

The Push Mountain Beast had already been stamped with the contract seal by her at this time, and he could not betray her at all, otherwise he would be restricted by the purgatory of the laws of heaven and earth, which was why she told him the truth through voice transmission.

Lou Muyan saw everyone looking at them suspiciously, and said slowly, "I would like to admit defeat, do you have a contract?"

Pushing the mountain beast is in a panic, you have wrapped the contract seal on Lao Tzu's demon soul, do you still ask about the contract?

"My contract." His voice was muffled, and it was obvious that he was not happy.

Lou Muyan didn't care whether he was happy or not, he tapped him on the head with a long sword, "From now on, you will be my brother's spiritual pet, or be careful that I'll be rude to you."

"If you dare to go against my brother's wishes, I will let him massage your back a few times a day." Then her threatening voice sounded in the sea of ​​​​snuggling beasts.

Tuishan Beast's heart that he wanted to resist collapsed instantly. It took him eight lifetimes of blood mold to meet this kind of woman.

If she let her brother stab him in the back every day, he would be absolutely paralyzed within a day. Thinking of that scene, he couldn't help shivering.

"Who is your brother?" Although he was a little afraid of Lou Muyan, if the master she found for him was weak and stupid, then as a high-level monster, he would rather die than contract in order to maintain his dignity.

Lou Muyan guessed what he was thinking, and walked to Lou Mubai, took his arm and walked to the push mountain beast, "He is my brother."

Lou Mubai didn't expect that his sister would really subdue this seventh-order monster, and he was shocked and helpless at the same time, with doting in his eyes, "Yan'er, his defense is very strong, you can make a contract yourself, if you meet him in the future. I'll make another contract with another brother."

My sister has offended a lot of people now. If you contract this seventh-order spiritual pet, the strength will be greatly increased, and it will be much safer.

"Brother, I'm not contracted by all monsters. His talent is too poor for me to look down on. You can use it for a while, and then I'll change it for you when I find a better one." Lou Muyan looked at him with disgust. A glance at the push mountain beast.


The Push Mountain Beast almost didn't turn his nose.

What is his talent that she doesn't like? It only took him a thousand years to advance to the seventh rank. Such talent is already considered a genius among the Tuishan beasts, right?

The most irritating thing is that he even said that he found a better monster and then changed his spiritual pet. Uncle, is he really that bad?

Not only the push mountain beast, but other people present rolled their eyes when they heard Lou Muyan's words.

Do you want to be so arrogant? The seventh-order defense class is considered a semi-invincible monster, and even if Sword Master comes out, he is afraid that he will be tempted by this kind of spiritual pet. How high is her vision!

Really more popular than dead people!

In fact, Lou Muyan was not joking or comforting Lou Mubai when she said this. She had seen the talent of this mountain-pushing beast when she made a contract just now. Down.

The spirit pets she has contracted so far are actually very good.

Mo Yan is a pure royal bloodline that is comparable to a real dragon and a phoenix, with a mysterious identity and background; Bingji is the descendant of the Qingluan mythical beast, which can also be regarded as a beast; It is bound to become a golden dragon, a higher-level existence than the Qingluan mythical beast; although the bloodline of the man-eating blood vine king is not as good as that of other spiritual pets, he is superior in talent against the sky, and the rare monsters that have been encountered in tens of thousands of years are rarer than the mythical beasts.

With the comparison of the four monsters, her contractual spirit pet's vision is naturally much higher.

"His defense is very strong, and you can protect you after you take him away." Lou Mubai continued to push back, she thought that what Lou Muyan said just now was just to comfort him.

"His defense is very powerful, but he was also subdued by me?" Lou Muyan directly grabbed Lou Mubai's hand and pierced it with a needle, and a drop of blood fell on the forehead of the push mountain beast, "Brother, you don't I'm pissed off about the contract."

Lou Mubai sighed and looked at his sister amusingly, with warmth spreading in his heart, "Okay, I contract."

This is my sister's intention. Since she insists on him, he will not refuse again. With her talent and strength, she can indeed have a better choice.

Lou Mubai's blood essence entered the forehead of the pushing mountain beast, Lou Muyan stretched out his hand and stamped a few contract seals, merging the blood essence with the contract seal entangled in the pushing mountain beast's demon soul.


Lou Mubai closed his eyes, and a trace of spiritual power merged into the contract with the demon soul in the demon mansion of the pushing mountain beast.

Immediately, a soft jade-colored light surrounded Lou Mubai and the Tuishan beast, and it gradually dissipated after a while.

"Master." Pushing Mountain Beast respectfully shouted to Lou Mubai.

Although Lou Muyan's brother did not have her perverted/perverted/perverted brother, after the contract, he had found that the master's talent was also very strong, there was a lot of room for development, and his resistance to the contract was much less.

Lou Mubai and Tuishan Beast had a spiritual connection, and a gentle smile appeared on Qing Junruchen's face: "We will be companions in the future."

With Lou Muyan's help, Lou Mubai really contracted this seventh-order metamorphosis stage demon cultivator, and immediately shocked everyone present, including the elders of the six major sects who were watching the battle in the central castle.

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