He Lianlie was also moved by the conditions proposed by Si Nan. Lou Muyan must have figured out a way out if he dared to do so.

Lou Muyan looked at the two of Si Nan with a half-smile, and said slowly: "Okay, we will sell you when our auction is over, but I will take 10% of your auction fee as the venue fee and commission."

"..." Si Nan twitched the corners of his mouth, "Didn't steward Jiang charge no venue fees?"

"That's what I got with the Silver Underworld Alliance Token. If you're not convinced, you can go to another venue for the auction." Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him. "Whether you like to sell it or not, there are many people who want to help, and there is no shortage of you."

"I'll do it." He Lianlie decisively chose to make a deal. It's a point to make a profit. Anyway, taking 10% is not too high.

Si Nan finally saw the speed with which this woman turned her face, "Okay, let's get it done."

It wasn't that he couldn't bear the spirit stone, he just wanted to tease her.

"Then why don't you hurry up and invite guests? We only have one hour." Lou Muyan turned around and looked at the few people fiercely, as if they were going to be beaten by her if they slowed down.


Under Lou Muyan's sharp gaze, Si Nan and the others ran out of the auction hall in despair and told his subordinates to hurry up and spread the news of the auction.

After a while, the swordsmen in the entire central city knew that someone was holding a small auction in the auction hall of the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce, and the auction item turned out to be the identity jade card required for the semi-finals to enter the finals.

After hearing this news, many swordsmen who did not enter the 500th place with points, or were already in the 500th place but did not collect the seven-color jade medals, became an instant sensation, and rushed to the competition hall to see if it was true. .

In the courtyard of an inn, a man in black clothes with outstanding temperament was playing a game with him.

"Fourth Prince, you must be interested in some news." One of the elite team hurried in and said.

Ji Xuan didn't reply immediately, and after dropping the last sunspot in his hand, he raised his head and asked, "What news?"

"Lou Muyan and Si Nan held a small auction before the large auction of the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and it's about to start." The man said enthusiastically.

"Holding a small auction? What do they want to do?" Ji Xuan took out the silk and wiped his hands.

"Auction the identity jade card needed to enter the finals." The man replied with a smile.

Ji Xuan raised his eyebrows, and after pondering, he laughed softly: "She's bold."

"Is she provoking the authority of the organizer by doing this? Will she be punished?" asked a person sitting beside Ji Xuan.

"The organizer has never stipulated that the trading of identity jade cards is not allowed. She is considered a loophole, and at most she will be banned in the future, but this time she definitely made a profit." Ji Xuan himself is also a person who likes to calculate. Thinking of Lou Muyan, that woman can calculate more than him.

How did she come up with the idea of ​​selling identity jade cards, which is only profitable, not losing, and no cost?

"Let's join in the fun." Ji Xuan stood up and went out, and the others quickly followed. They were also curious about the auction of the identity jade.

At the same time, Yan Jun and Mo Ling were negotiating a deal in the private room of Xi Zhaolou, when they heard a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jun put the person in and asked.

"Master, Lou Muyan, together with Si Nan and others, held a small auction in the hall of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce. Shall we go and have a look?"

Lou Muyan cured Yan Jun's illness, and they were very grateful, so they were more concerned about her affairs.

"Auction? What the hell is that woman going to do?" Yan Jun's unparalleled face showed interest.

That woman Lou Muyan can really do something wherever she goes, it's interesting!

Mo Ling was also very curious about what Lou Muyan wanted to do this time.

"She wants to auction off the excess identity jade cards, so she borrowed the auction house of the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce to hold a small auction."

Mo Ling said in surprise: "The venues of the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce are not rented out. How did she do it?"

"I heard that she has a Phantom Alliance Token in her hand, but I don't know the specifics." The person who reported it scratched his head and said.

"What? Order of the Underworld?" Yan Jun was puzzled, and after drinking the spirit wine in the cup, he suggested, "Mo Ling, let's go take a look?"

He really wanted to see what tricks Lou Muyan, a daring woman, was playing. It was the first time he heard that things like identity jade cards could also be auctioned.

"Okay!" Mo Ling was also somewhat interested in Lou Muyan.

The news that Lou Muyan was going to auction the identity jade badge was widely spread, and in just a moment, a lot of people gathered in the auction hall.

Seeing that the time and the number of people were almost the same, Lou Muyan walked up to the auction stage with a smile on her face, and she was elegant and pleasing to the eyes.

"I believe you have heard the news and know what we are going to auction today."

Seeing the fiery eyes of many people below, she smiled and said, "That's right, what we are auctioning now is the key to the finals, the jade card of identity."

As soon as she beckoned, Si Nan and Luo Li came up with two plates, causing everyone below them to be startled.

Lou Muyan lifted the red cloth on the tray, and the seven-color identity jade cards lined up on it instantly attracted the attention of those present.

"Miss Lou, how do you sell this jade card?" Someone below asked impatiently.

His points ranking has already rushed into the top 500, but unfortunately there is only one yellow jade medal missing. I was still anxious about how to win the yellow jade medal and keep the final place. I didn't expect that it can be bought with money now. Can not be excited.

"Seven-color jade plaques have a base price regardless of color. The auction will start with the purple jade plaque. The base price is 10,000 spirit stones, and the person with the higher price will win." Lou Muyan announced the auction price following the man's words.

"What? Ten thousand spirit stones? I'll go, this is robbing people."

"This is too pitiful, ten thousand spirit stones are so expensive."


As soon as her voice fell, there was a quarrel, basically disagreeing with the price.

Even Yan Jun and Ji Xuan, who were sitting in the last row, couldn't help but stroke their foreheads. Is this a habit of slaughtering people?

They dare to shout about the reserve price of 10,000 spirit stones and an identity jade token, but why do they think that the final price of these jade tokens will definitely be unexpected.

Lou Muyan didn't stop it immediately, and after a while of discussion, she cast a look at Si Nan, "Da Sao Bao, are you still out?"

When Si Nan received the look in her eyes, he knew that there was nothing good, but he was forced to ask her for something and became interested in her, so he could only bite the bullet and scold her regardless of shame.

"What are you arguing about? Isn't the quota for the competition worth 10,000 Spirit Stones? Get out if you don't want to buy it."

Si Nan's voice carried the coercion of Jianzong. Although he had a suave smile on his face, there was a coldness in his eyes, which made the bottom instantly quiet.

He was very satisfied with the effect and continued: "I believe that some people have already rushed into the top 500 of the standings, but they have not collected the seven-color jade cards. There are only the last two days until the finals. It would be a pity to be eliminated like this. ."

"Yeah!" The person who spoke before couldn't help but said in cooperation.

"So the identity jade card of 10,000 spirit stones is really not expensive. If you buy 10,000 spirit stones and enter the finals, where can you find such a deal?"

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