Lou Muyan had actually read the files in the royal library before coming to the competition space, but he hardly mentioned anything about the secrets of the mainland.

The Flame Universe might be considered a medium-sized country in the surrounding area, but compared with the participating countries in the competition space, it was like the difference between a rock and a gravel.

Just a few Sword Sovereign-level elders from the superpower can destroy Lou Muyan's country, which makes her sense of danger stronger and stronger.

To keep Lou's house standing, she must continue to become stronger, and even Lou's house needs to be transformed into an iron wall, so that no one can take advantage of it.

"The place of inheritance is a very mysterious place. It is opened every hundred years. The six major sects and several top forces in the mainland jointly open up a channel for the disciples to enter." Si Nan introduced.

Lou Muyan thought for a while and asked, "Is it a fixed time every 100 years? Did they open a passage just for the disciples to enter?"

When Si Nan and the others listened to her question, a feeling of admiration arose in their hearts unconsciously. She really has an exquisite heart, and she can take the initiative to grasp the key in just a simple introduction.

"The opening time of the Land of Inheritance is actually not fixed. It's just that every hundred years there will be a period when the ban outside is the weakest. The six major sects and several top forces use that time to open up channels."

"And it is really helpless to only let the disciples enter, because the inheritance space can only accommodate the sword masters who have cultivated under the sword saints. The space storm strangled or spontaneously spread out." Si Nan continued.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "Didn't the auctioneer just say that the local-level sword skill was found by a sword saint powerhouse in the inheritance space, why can he enter?"

"That was two hundred years ago. After the last time the place of inheritance was opened, the strong swordsmen who cultivated were unable to set foot there. It is said that the endurance of that space has reached the limit and is on the verge of collapse."

Yan Jun interfaced: "If the Sword Saint powerhouse forcibly enters and fights in the space, it will cause the riot in the space to collapse directly, and the place of inheritance may not be opened again in the future, so the six major sects and several top forces dare not take this. Dangerous, but also reluctant to sacrifice the strong swordsman."

"What good things are in the inheritance space? Is it a secret realm?" Lou Muyan was obviously more interested in what was inside.

Ji Xuan's brows smeared with a smile, "The most attractive thing about inheritance is inheritance. It is said that the space began to develop in ancient times. After every high-level swordsman and swordsman level powerhouse died, As long as their final will condenses the request, they will leave an inheritance hall in the inheritance space, and use a ray of spiritual soul to preserve their life skills or special techniques to pass on to those who are destined."

"There are also sword saints or sword god-level powerhouses who will spontaneously go to the inheritance space to build an inheritance hall when they have no hope of breaking through. There are life-long exercises and instruments, just to find someone to continue." Luo Ye added.

"So that's the case." Lou Muyan had a hidden interest in his eyes, and he would have to take a look when he had a chance in the future.

While several people were discussing, the auction was also going on hotly, and the price of the local-level cultivation technique had already reached 20,000 spirit stones.

"You don't take pictures?" Lou Muyan asked how many people in Si Nan were.

If she remembered correctly, Si Nan and Ji Xuan had the elemental law of cultivating the ice attribute.

"There are some flaws in this local-level exercise, and people who know it usually don't shoot it." Si Nan said in a low voice.

Lou Muyan looked at him and asked curiously, "How did you know? What flaw?"

"This exercise method was auctioned once more than ten years ago. It was photographed by a genius swordsman at that time, but because the will in the swordsmanship has the disadvantage of swallowing spiritual power, that swordsman could have advanced. The hope of reaching Sword Sovereign was also dashed." Si Nan said with a little regret.

Looking at the people around you, you will know that there is no sword master in a superpower. Although this is a secret matter, there are many people who know it. After all, things that come from the place of inheritance are rare.

It's not that they are not tempted, but they dare not gamble on a sword trick with the future.

Lou Muyan looked around and found the problem. Her eyes showed a hint of interest, the will of the sword that would devour mental power? interesting.

"This swordsman has bid 20,000 spirit stones, is there anyone else who has bid higher?" Leng Yi scanned the people who sat down and said with a smile, "I count to three, if no one bids, then this book The sword skills belong to this friend."

"One, two." Just when Leng Yi was about to call three, a lazy and clear female voice suddenly sounded.

"Thirty thousand spirit stones."

Si Nan and Ji Xuan looked at her as if they didn't know Lou Muyan, "Are you crazy?"

"Lou Muyan, Si Nan also said about the flaws of that sword skill, the three spirit stones are not worth it." Luo Li didn't expect Lou Muyan to follow the bidding even when he knew there was a problem with the sword skill, so he persuaded.

Lou Muyan has beautiful eyebrows and an unrestrained smile on her face, "It's okay, I have a lot of money, if I don't need it, I'll burn."

"..." Several people rolled their eyes in their hearts, what is the reason?

"Forty thousand." Obviously the previous sword master was also very interested in sword skills.

Lou Muyan ignored the eyes of several people who wanted to stop her and continued to bid: "50,000."

The swordsman's face showed a bit of displeasure, and finally he sighed and stopped bidding. 50,000 had already exceeded his expectations.

"Lou Muyan, you're panicking because you have too much money. You can let us use it for you. You buy this flawed exercise to be careful to lose your wife and break the army." Si Nan couldn't help but say something.

This woman is really not a normal person, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and the tigers go to the mountains.

"Can't I buy a desk pad?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, with an expression that an old lady would be willing to buy if she had money and nowhere to spend.

Si Nan took a breath and turned his head away, otherwise he was afraid that he couldn't help strangling her.

Lou Muyan is a woman that people love and hate at the same time, and no one can compare her anger.

Ji Xuan and the others couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths when they looked at her looking like I was rich and looking for a lottery. If they didn't have the same knowledge as her, she couldn't look at it with ordinary people's eyes.

In the end, Lou Muyan took pictures of the local rank sword at the price of 50,000 spirit stones, which made many swordsmen present pay more attention to her.

"Lou Muyan, after you get the sword skill, don't go into it easily. I heard that this sword skill is very evil, and many masters have been rotated." Luo Ye knew that Lou Muyan never had no reason to do things, he naturally I wouldn't believe her statement that she was burning too much money, but she couldn't help but remind her.

With such an excellent talent against the sky, it would be a pity if it really fell into this sword skill.

"Thank you for reminding me, I know it." Lou Muyan responded with a smile.

It was because of the flaws in this sword skill that she did it, otherwise she would spend 50,000 spirit stones to shoot a local-level sword skill when she was full.

Of course, it is naturally impossible for her ideas to be publicized to the outside world, after all, she has never studied the sword skills of that evil sect.

She photographed sword skills entirely out of interest and curiosity.

"You are an unreasonable woman." Luo Li glared at her.

Lou Muyan smiled, and said very ruthlessly: "No way, who told me to have more money?"


While secretly itching their teeth, several people had to admit that Lou Muyan was indeed the one with the most spirit stones among them.

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