While Lou Muyan was chatting with the ancestor of the Feng family, the head of the Feng family walked in with a handsome man in a red robe.

He is reckless, with a confident and domineering temperament all over his body, coupled with that peerless face that is comparable to a monster, he is the focus of attention no matter where he goes.

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan exchanged a tacit glance and smiled, and then respectfully bowed to the ancestor of the Feng family.

"Ming Xiu has seen Old Ancestor Feng."

The patriarch of the Feng family looked at him from the moment he arrived at Ming Xiu. In the end, he had to admit that this man had unlimited potential, and his appearance and temperament were even more impeccable. He was simply perfect, and he was indeed a match for Lou Muyan.

"No gift, sit down."

Ming Xiu walked to the position between the two and sat down, his eyes fell on the chessboard that had just been played.

"Stinky boy, do you know how to play chess?" The elder Feng family's attitude towards Ming Xiu was quite approachable.

Ming Xiu smiled and replied, "I know a little bit."

"Come and accompany the old man to the next game."


So Lou Muyan got up consciously and let Ming Xiu and the ancestor of the Feng family play a game.

The two of you came and I went down for more than two hours before finally finishing, but it turned out that Ming Xiu won.

"There are murderous intentions lurking everywhere, full of patience, and careful thought. He really deserves to be the slick son of Emperor Ming." The ancestor of the Feng family was not angry when Ming Xiu won, but he was in a good mood.

He is a thousand years older than Emperor Hades. Although Emperor Hades is now comparable to him and his strength is higher than him, he is still a junior in his eyes.

It is not a junior in the realm of cultivation, it is purely compared to age.

"The ancestors praised me wrongly." Ming Xiu smiled.

"Why are you here this time? My girl, Yan Yan, hasn't married yet." The ancestor of the Feng family meant that this was not your Yue family.

Ming Xiu's expression did not change, and the smile was always on his face.

He took out a box made of ice crystal marrow and put it on the table and said, "My father said that he would give Yan'er the spirit essence fruit he got, so I'm here mainly to deliver the fruit today."

If he said that he mainly came to see Lou Muyan, he would definitely be embarrassed by the Feng family, although that was his purpose.

Had Emperor Underworld heard what his precious son said, he would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry. It was this stinky brat who wanted a wife, and he stubbornly squeezed all his Ling Yuan fruit and took it to his wife, but he was too embarrassed to use him as a raft.

The ancestor of the Feng family also heard that Lou Muyan was an eighth-grade spirit sommelier, and his eyes lit up when he saw Lingyuanguo.

"Girl, I still have some spirit fruits that are made of spirit wine at the eighth level. I'll give them to you as well." The ancestor of the Feng family took out more than ten boxes of ice crystal marrow and put them on the table.

Lou Muyan was not polite, she opened her face one by one, and the more she looked, the darker and brighter her eyes became.

"Thank you, ancestor, let's talk first, and I'll brew a few pots of spirit wine." Lou Muyan also liked alchemy and brewing itself, and he couldn't help but itch when he saw so many spirit fruits of the eighth level.

Moreover, it was not long before she reported to the Mercenary Union. She also wanted to use this free time to brew some spirit wine and refine some medicine pills to give to the ancestors, uncle and others as a gift.

Since coming to Feng's house, she has received many gifts, and she wants to repay them.

"Haha, this little girl." The ancestor of the Feng family said with a smile: "Go, don't forget the old man's share when you make it."

At their age, there is basically no one who doesn't like to drink spirit wine.

"By the way, brew some more. In two days, the old man will be able to entertain a few old friends and make them envious." Lou Muyan is his junior, so naturally he will not be polite.

Thinking of the jealous, envious and hateful eyes in the eyes of those old people made him feel happy.

Lou Muyan said with a smile: "Don't worry, I must let the ancestors drink enough."

Sometimes when people get older, they occasionally show some childish temperament. The so-called old children are like the ancestors of the Feng family and his close friends.

Lou Muyan hurriedly carried the spirit fruit to brew spirit wine, and the ancestor of the Feng family chatted with Ming Xiu.

"How is your father now?"

Ming Xiu smiled and replied: "My father is very good now. This time I came here to say hello to my ancestor. This is a gift he prepared for my ancestor."

Immediately, Ming Xiu took out a blue and white jade bottle and handed it to the ancestor of the Feng family.

The ancestor of the Feng family opened the bottle cap, and a refreshing scent with a strong spiritual energy overflowed. He immediately covered it and smiled, "His father has a heart."

Unexpectedly, Emperor Hades even took out such god-level spiritual things as Wannian Lingyu in order to allow Ming Xiu to gain his approval, which really did not weaken the reputation of Emperor Hades as a darling.

"I have heard from her mother about you and Yan girl. The most important thing for you at the moment is to work hard to improve your cultivation and strength."

The ancestor of the Feng family paused and sighed and said, "The battlefield outside the territory is about to start, and it's time for you young geniuses to go out and sharpen them."

The smile in Ming Xiu's eyes was restrained, and it was as deep as the sea. After a moment of silence, he promised: "When the time comes, I will bring Yan'er back safely."

The smile on the face of the ancestor of the Feng family became deeper and deeper, and he admired Ming Xiu's thorough thinking, "I believe you can do what you say."

Their Feng family couldn't lose Lou Muyan, a peerless genius, but the rules that lasted hundreds of thousands of years were set, and no family or power in the mainland could avoid or compete.

"I will definitely do it." As the most favored son of Emperor Hades, Ming Xiu naturally knew many secrets about the mainland.

"The old man was also fortunate enough to participate in the opening of the last extraterritorial battlefield. By chance, he was able to comprehend the rules that can break through the fusion of heaven and man."

The ancestor of the Feng family paused for a while and continued: "Where is the place where the geniuses of countless ethnic groups have fallen, but it is also the place where countless geniuses have risen. Since it is unavoidable, let's give it a try."

The victory or defeat of the extraterritorial battlefield completely determines the many secrets and futures of the Guangling World. In front of Dayi, no family is allowed to hide their secrets, and all the most outstanding genius disciples will be selected and sent to the battlefield, even if he is like Emperor Hades. The powerhouses standing at the top of the continent are also powerless to interfere or change.

No way, who made Lou Muyan and the others just meet the opening time of this session.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, Yan'er and I both like excitement, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to be selected to be teleported to an extraterritorial battlefield." Ming Xiu smiled confidently.

"You can see it clearly. You young people are bloody, but that's fine. Only if you are aggressive can you go higher and farther." junior.

The two no longer talk about this topic. After all, the specific opening time has not yet been determined, and it is useless for them to talk more.

So the gossip started all over the world.

Not long after, Lou Muyan also brought up the brewed spirit wine.

The ancestor of the Feng family just took a bite and even said three "good" words.

"Okay, you two little fellows are bored to accompany me, an old man, you go down first." The ancestor of the Feng family held a few pots of spirit wine and began to drive people away.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu looked at each other, smiled and got up, "Yes."

So the two of them left together and went to the residence of Lou Muyan to practice.

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