Minho brought us to a famous high-end subdivision, Green Meadows. Houses in this part are so beautiful that you can't even compare your face. Well of course it would be this beautiful, since world-renowned architects and engineers made these. Is Minho showing us his home?


We arrived at a huge, beautiful villa. It's still half-finished, but you could clearly see its elegance and beauty.

"Guys!" A familiar female voice shouted at us.

"Gina, my love!" That female voice was Gina's. She's wearing black skinny jeans, white sleeveless top and a hard hat. Hmm, I remember Ash mentioning that Gina is an architect.

I don't want to see their lovey-dovey so I focused on the almost finished villa. I noticed there were two, side by side. Both are two storeys high. The one at the right had a Victorian-style. But the one on at the left had a Mediterranean style, my dream house. I don't know, but my heart has been captured by this house. I want to live here.

"Like what you see?"

I jumped from fright. "Minho, don't scare me like that!"

He chuckled. "Sorry. I didn't know you were so mesmerized by the house. Should I just demolish everything?"

"What?! What are you talking about? Don't you ever do that! This house is the best I've seen so far. Quick! Tell me who owns this house and I'm gonna buy this from him, or her."

"I currently own that house. You want to buy it from me?"

I stepped back and looked at him for a better view of his face, "You own this? Then, how much is this? Would you give this to me?" I made puppy eyes so that he'll pity me.

"Of course you can but, " he came closer and whispered by my ear, "you have to be my wife."

I stood there, mouth agape.

I heard him chuckle and lightly ruffled my hair. I closed my mouth and glared at him.

"Don't sweat it for now. I'm not pressuring you. But I mean what I say. Be my wife and the house is yours too."

"What wife are you saying? I'm not your girlfriend and you're not even courting me! What more become your wife!"

He tilted his head to the side, looking contemplative. "Of course I'm courting you. I don't impose my wants on someone. I want to show my love, passion and effort to get what I want."

He is courting me? "When did you start? We just met!" Men should tell us first if they're courting or not, or we might assume too much or too less.

"Today. And why not, from the first day our eyes met, I liked you."

I blushed. Well, straight-forward Minho.

He continued, "And I'm not willing to give my house to anyone. This house is worth sharing to my other half, the one who'd give her love to me, and my love to her."

I smiled. How can there be a guy as sweet and good as Minho? Whoever that girl will be, she's so damn lucky. I inched closer to him.

"Minho, is this your dream house?" too?

"Yes. I can see myself having a family in this house. How about you? What is your dream house?"

My heart thudded. Why is he like me in so many aspects. I looked up at him and said mischievously, "Your house."

Minho grinned, "Ah destiny. Such a cruel thing. Well, you know what you have to do. Let's now be-"

"Oooooooooooooyyyyyyy! Let's go. I'm hungry!" And Ash just ruined the moment.

I shook my head helplessly, held Minho's hand and pulled him towards Minho and Gina.

"Hey guys, let's tour the house. I can't wait to marry my love."

"Ash, stop it will you."

Minho whispered, "That other house is Gina's."

So that's why. They're such a sweet couple. When can I go bicker with the one I love? I sighed.

Minho wrapped her arms around my shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's go follow them."


After the tour, we had our dinner at a nearby restaurant. Gina and Ash were all over themselves so I was left talking to Minho, which I liked very much.

All in all, my day was wonderful, just peace and bliss.

Ash and Gina abruptly stood up, and Ash's hands are around Gina's waist. But I find that particular hand is getting lower and lower by the second.

"Uh, guys. Ash and I will go first. We have something to take care of."

Of course you have. I smiled knowingly at them. "Sure no problem. Go ahead have fun."

When the lovebirds were gone, Minho and I burst out laughing.

"Well a good night for them."

"Ah love!" I envy their happiness. Why am I doomed in my sadness?

"Cassidy? Why are you sad?"

I smiled at him. "Nothing. I just feel tired."

"Then I'll take you home."


"Goodbye Minho. Thank you. Take care on your ride home."

"Will do. Goodnight Cassidy."

"Goodnight. Bye~"

I walked up towards my apartment, a happy smile on my face. Minho's definitely a good guy, a better one, but I don't know if I'm ready for a new relationship. I'm still so broken inside. I guess I have to fix myself first before letting anyone in.

As I reached my floor, my whole body froze.

A man was standing just outside my door.

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