The skies were clear, not a cloud to be seen. The sun was shining soothingly, lighting up the world as if bringing hope and joy. Birds were flying across trees, singing beautiful melodies. The wind swept up unknowing skirts and hats. Children frolicked along the road, with their parents in tow.

It was a beautiful, sunny day.

It was Layla's burial.

Burials are very sad occasions. They are a representation of a loved one's final goodbye. You can't see, hear and smell the person who has been a part of your life. It is a final parting, a final goodbye.

But the people who went to place Layla in her final resting ground felt otherwise. The people all wore genuine smiles, all wearing vibrant colors, all exuding a festive vibe.

This was not a mere burial. This was a celebration of life.

"We are gathered here today," the pastor drawled. He was saying about things, about heaven, death, resurrection. But I cannot focus on what he's saying, so I shifted my focus on where Layla was lying. There was no mirror, and her body is slightly raised so that her face is visible to everybody.

She looks at peace, albeit smiling. She is free, and I'm happy she won't ever suffer anymore. Memories with Layla flashed in my head. Of the things we talked about, of the gossips we shared. She was the only one I ever told of Ethan, and she knew he was her doctor. But she never ever judged us, and never even showed any signs that she knew that secret. She was such an angel. A pure angel.

I was propelled back to the present by the claps of the people.

"We know Layla as a sweet and beautiful child." The pastor said, intertwining his fingers in front of him. "She was very dear to us, a ray of hope, a fountain of joy, and a spring of love. We may never see her again, but she still remains in our heart. We are not to forget all she did for us. We are to remember her as a friend, a sister, a daughter."

Silence. And then, "No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away. So we remember until all the days in our lives so that she'll live in each and every one of us."

A thunderous applause. And then someone spoke beside me, "Does it really? Scientifically-"

I smirked and said, "Shut it Ethan. No one wants to hear your scientific explanation."

I faced him and hugged him. "Thank you for that."

He laughed. "What are you thanking me for? I only said the truth."

I smacked his shoulder and rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Let's go."

"Go? We're going where?"

"I knew you'd be hungry. So let's go eat."

"Hmmm okay. But I have to talk to Ash first. We went here with the class."

"Okay. I'll accompany you."

"It's okay. I can-"

"No, how am I supposed to contact you, my phones dead."

I sighed. "Okay fine."

His lips curved up. God how handsome is this guy. I swallowed. Why am I complimenting my ex? Okay focus Cassidy.

I turned around and looked for Ash in the crowd, which is not that hard to do because Ash towers a lot of the people here. I found him near the fountain surrounded by the kids.

I made my way to him, wondering what the kids are trying to say to him. As I reached them, I barely heard Gary say, "Please Ash, we want to go home. Please, no class?"

Ash then replied, "I have to talk to Cassidy first okay? We have to talk it out first."

I smiled. The kids always know what I want. So I made my voice a little louder for all of them to hear, "Okay kids, you can all go home. We'll have our classes tomorrow."

Ash looked up at me confused, but the kids were jumping for joy.

"Yeey! Thank you Miss Cass!"

"Thank you Miss Cass!"

Some of them hugged and kissed me before running towards their parents to share the good news. Some parents looked my way and I gave them a thumbs up indicating that whatever the children said was true. They nodded in thanks and went their way.

Ash approached me and said, "What was that? I tried so hard to talk to them that we should talk about it first but there you were, suddenly proclaiming whatever they wished."

I chuckled. "You know Ash, they're still kids. You have to be lenient at them at times, and understand their mood. Seeing them now, they are probably tired so having a class would prove to be futile. They won't be attentive enough to learn something."

He sighed. "I know. But I still wanted to get your opinion because you know, I'm not their permanent teacher."

I frowned. Yeah Ash is just a substitute to Ria, who I haven't visited still. I heard she gave birth last week. I have to find time to visit her and ask her what are her plans.

Ash then snapped his fingers in front of me. "Stop daydreaming! Where are we headed to? Ethan here is throwing daggers at me."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Ethan. I raised a brow at him, a question. He just shrugged and pointed his thumb to his back. Huh okay.

"Ash do you have anywhere else to go?"

He grinned widely. "Uh huh. I wanted to visit Gina's working place."

I swear I could see the gears in his head moving and concocting a plan. I could guess what that plan was.

"Okay Ash. Have fun!"

He smiled and nodded, "Oh yes I would." He waved and set off towards his car.

I turned around and looked at Ethan. "So, let's go?"

He nodded, and took out his hand which I gladly took.

I asked him, "Where are we going?"

"To where it all began."

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