Lian Chunsheng is the leader of this folk Caotai band.

When he received a deposit of 50000 yuan, he suspected that he might be dreaming.

If it wasn't a dream, how could Mr. Zong from the city come up with 100000 yuan to invite them to a town house?

100000 yuan!

When he was young, the leader of his second eldest brother's company set up this nine person folk band, specializing in the business of weddings and funerals.

At the wedding ceremony, they will play "a hundred birds in front of the Phoenix", and at the white ceremony, they will play "is there a car coming and going in heaven?".

But whether it's red or white, the band's hard work never paid more than 2000 yuan.

Now someone offers 100000 yuan to knock it out somewhere - just for the new house, and the show is over.

How can Lian Chunsheng not doubt that he is dreaming?

However, what puzzled him was that Mr. Zong refused to disclose where they were asked to go and to whom they were given the house. He only said that he could not tell people about it.

If not, Mr. Zong would have to be compensated twice as much, that is, 200000 yuan.

Even the class leader was confused: "the total number of performances in my life may not be able to earn 200000. I'm a fool to break the contract. "

All the members of the team think it's very strange, but no one talks much. After all, this job has a profit of 10000 yuan.

When they were received into a courtyard and saw the "bridegroom" on the bed, the big guy knew it was a secret marriage.

The dead and the living.

No wonder it's so mysterious that Aunt Zhang, who is the youngest in the band and already has two grandchildren, is worried that she will be kidnapped by criminals and robbed again——

If it's a modern band, even if they give more money to the dead, they will beat drums in their hearts.

But even the class leader and others will be at ease.

In the past few decades, the band has participated in several secret weddings, and often received the work of blowing locks for the dead.

So it's not a matter at all for them, just do what they should do according to the master's will.

Ten minutes later, the band stopped.

Ten minutes is long enough.

When you put it in a village house, it's basically two or three minutes.

Even the class leader and others played for 10 minutes, just for the face of 100000 yuan.

"I'm sorry to hear that. We're here tonight to ask you to go out for a while. That's your duty. Please forgive me

After all the musical instruments were turned off, the leader of the company gave a deep salute to the southeast corner.

When Mo Jin Xiaowei robs a tomb, he will light a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb, which proves that the southeast is the most auspicious direction.

When giving a new town room, the band will bow to this direction before leaving.

After the ceremony, Lian Chunsheng took the lead and came out.

Zonggang, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately handed over a thick envelope: "even the headmaster, you have worked hard."

This is the remaining "project payment".

"Thank you, Mr. Zong."

After Lian Chunsheng took the envelope, he was a little stunned.

Just because of the weight of the envelope, it was more than the 50000 yuan he had received.

"Is it true that the fifty thousand yuan he gave this time were all worth twenty yuan?"

Lian Chunsheng muttered in his heart and opened the envelope by the lantern light on his head.

Before he came, he had promised the other eight members that after the performance, each of them would get a performance fee of 10000 yuan.

As the leader of the class, he got 20000.

If Zonggang's final payment is not right, then he will break his promise to the band members. Of course, he has to see clearly on the spot.

"That's right. It's all 100 in cash. But how can there be so many? There are more than ten stacks. "

When Lian Chunsheng was puzzled, Zonggang said, "this is 150000 yuan. We are very satisfied with your performance by offering you double the price. That hundred thousand dollars is a bonus. "

Oh, good man.

I live so big, or the first time I met such a generous good man, a hand to 100000 yuan!

After figuring out what's going on, even the head teacher was surprised, and felt somewhat ashamed.

Zonggang gave him an extra 100000 yuan. When Lian Chunsheng went out, he also gave him a piece of advice.

Pointing to the door god on the gate of the courtyard, he whispered: "Mr. Zong, according to the custom of our folk marriage, these two door gods on the gate must be invited down. Please go up after the wedding night. Otherwise, the bridegroom will not dare to come in. "

Before the Tang Dynasty, the door god was not a god valued by the people.

The reason why the door god prospered in China was that Emperor Taizong Li Er killed two brothers Jiancheng and Yuanji, and brought their wives into the harem as the second wife. Every night, they would dream of the elder brother. They were covered with blood. They led the Yin soldiers to hold up their swords and guns and yelled: "you have no conscience, take your life!"

Every night I have such a dream, which almost makes Li Er, a wise and powerful man, panic and collapse.

People also quickly haggard down, see about to die of this disease, old Taoist yuan Tiangang see your majesty look not right, quickly asked how this is done.

After Li Er made it clear, Lao Yuan said with a sneer, "it's easy. Aren't they just ghosts? They dare to frighten your majesty. They are just looking for ghosts. Your majesty, you only need to send two strong generals, dressed neatly, with weapons, to stand at the door of your bedroom, and you will be able to have a good night's sleep. "

Li Er, who had the spirit of accepting remonstrance, immediately adopted Lao yuan's idea and ordered Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong to show me the gate in the evening.

Sure enough, when the two tiger generals showed Li Er the gate, his Majesty's sleep quality was super good, and he was in high spirits every morning.

However, his majesty Li Er was in high spirits, but Qin Qiong couldn't stand it for a long time: "Your Majesty, you are very happy to be turned red every night in your bedroom, but our brothers can't stand it. It's all boiled into panda eyes. If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the hat will turn green. "

Li Er is a famous monarch. Of course, in order to get a good sleep, he didn't want to make the two tiger generals' hats turn green. He hurriedly went to Lao yuan again and asked again.

After pondering for a long time, Lao Yuan pointed out and said, "it's easy to do. Just ask the painter to draw the two generals on the paper, and then paste them on the door, which can also have the effect of avoiding ghosts. "

Yuchi Gong was angry when he heard that. He raised his big fist and smashed it: "I'll kill you old bastard. Since there has been such a good way for a long time, but my brother and I have to stay up late and stand guard for such a long time, you are - you are the culprit of my donkey's inexplicable pregnancy, aren't you

In this way, the portraits of Qin and Qiong were posted on the gate of his majesty Li Er's bedroom, and Jiancheng and Qiong did not dare to make trouble.

Later, the incident spread to the imperial palace. When the majority of the craftsmen heard about it, they immediately followed suit. Every family pasted pictures of Qin Qiong and their gate.

Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong are definitely the most generous people in Chinese history.

Gayne's family has never asked for the portrait fee from the majority of the craftsmen, and has always worked hard as the door god, so that all evil spirits are not allowed to enter the door.

Among them, Li Nanfang, who died in the British three islands, was also included.

Can Li NanFang's ghost beat Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji?

Because of the existence of the door god, the two brothers did not dare to break into Li Er's bedroom, let alone Li Nanfang?

After listening to Lian, Zonggang hesitated: "I really don't understand that. Leader Lian, is what you said true? "

If master Kongkong was not injured, after the wedding, he ran away from Beijing like a rabbit whose tail was on fire. Zonggang could ask him about it.

Well, it's time for the old monk to have a mobile phone.

Zonggang, who hesitated for a long time, thought it was best to listen to the company leader's advice.

After all, in this respect, even the head teacher is a professional.

When master Yue was alive, it was an old tradition that he always insisted on inviting door gods every year.

After Yue Lincheng and Yue Zitong became the family owners, they all inherited the old tradition of the old man.

After carefully asking the two door gods to come down, Zonggang quickly walked to the door of the study, raised his hand and knocked on the door gently.

In the past, when Qi Yue was here, you just need to tell her anything.

During the day, in order to protect her mother-in-law, Qi Yue was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. It is estimated that she will not be able to return to her for three or five months.


Yue Zitong's voice came from the door.

"Miss, the people of the town house have already left."

Zonggang hesitated and said, "according to their proposal, I invited the door god down."

The study is in the west of the backyard, not far from the bridal chamber. After Lian Chunsheng and others stopped beating, Yue Zitong could certainly hear it.

But she won't show up. She's the bride. She's wearing a red dress and a red cap on her head. She's waiting for the bridegroom to come and invite her to the bridal chamber.

After listening to Zong Gang's words, Yue Zi Tong's head under the red cap murmured: "well, that's good. Since I want to marry in the south, I have to follow the rules of marriage. Well, uncle Zong, you should take away all the guards. "

At the scene of Yin marriage, someone actually took the opportunity to assassinate Yue Zitong, resulting in severe injury to Qi Yue.

It's a big deal.

Qi Yue is gone. As the housekeeper of the Yue family, he doesn't need anyone's advice at all, so he brings in several experts to deploy around the Yue family and closely watch all the changes.

In every big family, an exclusive private force will be cultivated.

This is just like the servants in the feudal society.

Yue Zitong asked Zonggang to remove the servants, which is exactly the same as Lian Chunsheng's suggestion to invite the two door gods down from the door.

The guards were all fierce, fearless and bloody.

With them, the ghost of my nephew, dare to come to my wife's house and start a romantic wedding night with my aunt?

Even though it's bullshit - shady marriage, isn't it bullshit?

Of course not!

If so, there would not be such a strange scene at the wedding scene, which is completely consistent with what master Kongkong is most worried about.

Zonggang was also very clear, but he hesitated: "Miss, if you withdraw them all, then your safety --"

Yue Zitong raised his hand: "it will be OK."

Zonggang had no choice but to nod and agree. After asking for instructions in a low voice, he slowly retreated.

Soon, the guards in charge of the safety of the Yue's family withdrew from the yard and formed a more rigorous guard circle outside.

Squeak a sound, and Yue Zi Tong eight characters match the bride, lightly walked in: "Miss, the auspicious time has arrived."

With the help of the bride, Yue Zitong, wearing a red wedding dress and a red head, limps slowly to the new house.

After helping Yue Zitong to sit on the bed, without waiting for her to tell her what to do, Xiniang consciously retreated.

At the moment of closing the door, Yue Zitong felt that he was surrounded by a sinister spirit.

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