Jing Hong's life is gone.

For Li NanFang's good attitude, it cost him 32 yuan to let him pay for his meal.

When Li Nanfang went to the bar to pay, the landlady's face drooped to the ground.

In particular, after seeing him take out a black card, the landlady bit her back teeth hard, so she could not resist the impulse to break the professional ethics and yell: "you said that you two big men came to my shop for dinner. It took so long for the ink to finish, and they only spent 32 yuan in total. Now I'm very forced to take out a legendary black card to brush the bill. Why don't I die? "

However, it seems that boss Li is not a good person. She still has to put on a smile, and after collecting money, she says that she welcomes Mr. Li to come again next time.

Li Nanfang didn't pay attention to the attitude of the landlady, even because her hands trembled and she brushed away an extra zero.

He's thinking.

Jing Hongming only told him the story of Jiang Muran, but did not listen to him tell the story of Yang Xiao and Hua yeshen.

What does that mean?

It can only show that Jing Hongming already knows Yang Xiao's existence, that she has stolen Jiang Muran's clothes, and that she knows what Li Nanfang has done in the hotel.

Perhaps, long ago hiding in the distance, with the most advanced telescope, through the window to see Yang Xiao for the two people's wedding scene.

As the person in charge of the "East Hall" in the capital, Jing Hongming ignores Yang Xiao when she finds out that she is a big devil.

What does this mean?

Li Nanfang walked out of the hotel with his clothes in his arms and walked forward for more than ten minutes before slowly pondering over the taste.

There is no doubt that Jing Hongming knew Yang Xiao's existence for a long time.

After all, Lao Hu once had a fight with the devil.

As long as Lao Hu knows, Jing Hongming will know.

That's not the point.

The point is that Li Nanfang finally sees that there is a relationship between Jing Hongming and Yang Xiao that he can't see through.

To put it more bluntly, Jing Hongming should have known Yang Xiao's existence for a long time, and she knew more about her purpose of existence and why she wanted to kill Li Nanfang - but he didn't say it, and he didn't want to intervene. Just like an outsider, he sat on a pony and watched with a watermelon.

Li Nanfang really wants to know what's going on.

His new wife, Hua yeshen, should be able to solve most of his doubts.

But he didn't want his sister to say it.

There is no grand revenge in this life. Li Nanfang, who just wants to live happily and wait to die, has a very clear feeling of being involved in a maze.

It can also be said to be a game.

Li Nanfang never likes to play games. Isn't it good for everyone to have the time to catch up with girls?

But reality forced him to play the game.

You can't play without all your energy, or you will die.

Li Nanfang is the most important part of the game.

All the rules of the game revolve around him.

The game probably started from the day he came to the world.

As a disrespectful old man, amiable and respectable teacher's mother, GUI Longteng, April brings his wife to lie dormant in Xie Qingshang for more than 820 years. Jing Hongming, a cold-blooded but sentimental woman, and Yue Zitong, a capricious girl, are transformed into a beautiful girl's flower night God. Even Jiang Muran, Sui Yueyue, Shangdao Sakura and others play different roles in this game.

Li Nanfang almost never plays games that fascinate modern young people, but he knows the basic flow of all games.

It's nothing more than customs clearance, upgrading, fighting monsters, and finally getting rid of the big boos hidden behind the scenes.

The reason why games are fascinating is because of its uncertainty.

Now the game he is playing is more than 10000 times better than the mobile game.

Because the game that young people play is to spend money at most, but he wants to play with his life!

Not only his own life, but also the lives of Hua yeshen, Jiang Muran and others.

Now it's all on him.

If he goes wrong, not only will he lose his reputation, but also the people he cares about will have a miserable ending.

So from now on, Li Nanfang can't help but have a little negligence.

But there is no doubt that the more difficult the game is, the more surprising the result will be.

How much you give, how much you get back. This is a natural law that will never change.

"Well, let's play. Anyway, I don't have any way back, and I can't go with the flow. I really have to wait to die. I'm just fighting for all my wealth. "

After thinking about this, Li Nanfang looked up at the gray night sky and laughed happily.

He laughs because he is proud that in this game, he will play a flower that no one can think of.

Who knows, just as it was getting dark, he asked Hua yeshen to send him a grand wedding?

He wanted to tell Jing Hongming.

But the cool Jinghong tenth uncle thought he had mastered all of him. With a wave of his hand, he interrupted his conversation and turned away.

Thinking of what surprise Jing Hongming would be when he received the invitation from Hua yeshen, Li Nanfang even wanted to smile with pride.

"He looks very proud."

After seeing Li Nanfang walk quickly on the sidewalk downstairs, Jing Hongming said faintly.

"That's because he thought that he would hold a big wedding with huayeshen, which would surprise everyone, including you."

The tone of Hu Mie Tang's speech is becoming more and more like a master. He is lazy.

"Are you sure he'll have another wedding with the flower night God?"

Jinghong life back, words is to Hu Mie Tang said, eyes but looked at the door at the corner of the sofa.

This is the window box of a teahouse.

Tea house is not a restaurant. The most important thing in this kind of place is the atmosphere.

The box is not as bright as the light in the hotel box, only a desk lamp is placed on the table, emitting soft blue.

The cover of the desk lamp was obviously inclined, and all the lights that were not very bright were shining on the other side of the window.

The corner behind the door is the most backlit place.

A person sitting on the most backlit sofa, originally not very conspicuous, but also wearing a loose black robe.

This could be a nun?

The nuns in the church wear such clothes, which can cover people's head and feet, with black gauze on their faces and only a pair of eyes on their whole body.

Eyes, still closed.

It's hard to notice, just like a ghost of the night who is about to appear.

When Jing Hongming asked this sentence, Hu mietang also looked at this man.

But this person is still as if he doesn't exist. He doesn't move, let alone speak.

Jing Hongming doesn't like others to ignore what he says. When he frowns slightly, he finally opens his eyes.

But it just opened and then closed.

Although it was a moment when I opened my eyes, the light in the room seemed to be suddenly bright, with the color of the Arctic night sky.

What color is the night sky in the Arctic?

It's mysterious blue.

Then the man began to speak.

This is a woman.

Very young, very young - voice.

It's so crisp that people can think of the sound made by a naughty little girl in the countryside, picking a snow melting ice cone from under the eaves, filling it in her mouth and snapping it.

But every word she said, Jing Hongming couldn't understand.

Her words seemed to be cut off by her teeth, half a syllable, half a syllable jumping out.

But Jing Hongming knew that this was the legendary Mesopotamian language.

It's not that he can hear it, it's because Lao Hu told him so.

Lao Hu is the translator of two people.

Jing Hongming was slightly surprised that Lao Hu could barely understand Mesopotamian.

Jing Hongming's surprise made Lao Hu a little proud.

Lao Hu is like a child sometimes.

Is it better to be the murderer? He will be proud after he shows off in front of Jing Hongming, Xie Qingshang and others.

It's not easy to get this complacent one. He didn't see the woman say three words before he asked?

I must be asking if I heard you wrong?

The women were very worried about Lao Hu's "stupidity" and reached out their hands at the end.

Jing Hongming found that her hands were very white.

It's tender, too.

This proves that a woman's actual age is directly proportional to her crisp voice and is very young.

This is a girl.

He murmured something that Jing Hongming couldn't understand. Until the girl in black robe nodded her head and closed her eyes as blue as the Arctic night sky again, Lao Hu raised his hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'd rather kill ten people in the street than talk to her again."

Lao Hu said silently in his heart. When he looked at Jing Hongming again, he was proud that "I can understand what she said, I'm powerful." she said, "you can't doubt her. Because her ability of divination and physiognomy is unparalleled in the world. In the past 20 years, she has helped people more than 70 times, and has never been forbidden. She added: 'if you question her professionalism again, you will be punished.'

Jing Hongming immediately coldly said: "help me ask her, I doubt her professionalism, what kind of punishment can be."

"Good. You pay me to eat sweet potato, let's dance disco together

Lao Hu spoke to the girl very fast.

The girls didn't respond.

Lao Hu helplessly put out his hand and said to Jing Hongming, "you can see it too. She won't say it."

Jinghongming is too lazy to pay attention to Laohu again. The corner of her mouth is hooked, and she walks to the door with her hands on her back.

Lao Hu is so naive that he really thinks that director Jing Hong can't recognize that he is talking nonsense when he asks a girl?

As soon as he opened the door, Lao Hu's serious voice came from behind: "she just said that she had seen from the photos of the two people that they would have such a wedding. That little bastard is playing more and more now. "

Jing Hongming stopped opening the door and asked, "can she stop this farce?"

Lao Hu murmured a few words.

This time, the girl in Black opened her eyes and said something.

Lao Hu shook his head and said to Jing Hongming, "she said just now, she can't. It's God's will. Just as she warned us, never meddle in Li NanFang's affairs to try to change the outcome that God has long predestined. "

Jing Hongming turned her head and looked at the girl in black robe: "what is the result of fate?"

After Lao Hu asked the girl in black in a low voice, he replied to Jing Hong: "Li Nanfang, will die. Xuanyuan will be reborn. "

"After rebirth?"

"The world is in chaos."

"Since we already know that the world is in chaos, why don't we stop Xuanyuan King's rebirth in advance?"

"If you do that."

After asking the girl in black again, Lao Hu slowly replied, "she asked you, do you know how Mesopotamian civilization disappeared?"

Jing Hongming was silent for a long time before she asked the last question: "who is she?"


Hu mietang replied, "the last saint of Mesopotamian civilization."

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