"What's the matter?"

At this moment, Yue Zitong, who was in a serious mental distress, took out the thermometer from the drawer.

Zonggang said softly, "at zero today, a torrential rain came to Qingshan."

"Is it?"

The owner in law, who is so busy in the daytime, certainly doesn't care about the weather change at zero today.

But she was very happy when she heard that there was a rainstorm in Qingshan.

Like Li Nanfang, Yue Zitong takes Qingshan as her hometown.

Some time ago, when I went to see Helan fairy in a women's prison in a province, she also lamented why her hometown didn't come to a heavy rain to water her hometown.

What's the reason for Zonggang not to pay attention to the drought all the time?

So I heard that after the heavy rain in the early morning of Qingshan, Yue Zitong was still very happy for the people of Qingshan.

"And there is a legend."

Zong Gang, who knows that the eldest lady is "worried about the country and the people, but more worried about all living beings in the Castle Peak", said that when it came to the heavy rain on the Castle Peak, it was a happy event, but he didn't think of anything else.

But when he said this, a light flashed through his mind and thought of the legend.

Tonight, the Castle Peak dragon is home.

Therefore, it's only in Qingshan that there is heavy rain!

When Zonggang spoke these two sentences in an extremely slow voice, Yue Zitong's slowly rising body temperature could not stop her from making the shocked expression of a person who was absolutely healthy.

The old monk Kongkong, who was far away in the northwest, only after the people appointed by Liang Mou Chen, with painstaking words and entreaties, vomited out the five words of "last night, the Dragon went home", which let the master-in-law and others rack their brains to analyze.

Just when Yue Zitong began to have a fever and still remembered the five words of Epiphany, Zonggang suddenly mentioned the legend from Qingshan folk.

The old monk's five character mantra and the Castle Peak folklore all mentioned the words "night, dragon, go home".

The five words of the old monk are hard to understand.

But the folklore of Qingshan is something that everyone can understand: "the reason for the drought in Qingshan is that Qingshan dragon went to other places to take a horse some time ago. When he finally learned that his hometown was going to die, he came back in time and there was a torrential rain through the ground. "

Yue Zi Tong was stunned for a long time. After blinking, he found that Zonggang was no longer there.

It's better to be rare for a young lady to be cute when she is in a daze.

"Green mountain dragon, home?"

Yue Zitong got up and went to the window. He pushed the window to look at the moon.

Looking at the gray night, she didn't move for a long time.

Just because she doesn't move doesn't mean time will stop immediately.

The eight o'clock sun in the morning, through the glass, sprinkled on Dong Shixiong's office, making the room much hotter.

Recently, Chen Dali, who doesn't have much to do with his hair and beard, scolded something and turned on the air conditioner.

Brother Dali is slovenly, and his mental outlook is also haggard. He is no longer the high spirited Chen chuchang of last year.

Back then, brother Dali got married for the first time. When he became the director of Security Department of Southern Group, what was his prestige?

It is said that it may be a bit empty when you go out, but at least no matter where you go, there are three or two people around you. You don't even look at cigarettes under 20 yuan, and you disdain to sit in a car less than 200000 yuan.

No way, who let others be the direct confidants of the big boss of southern group?

Let's not say how much salary each month, just say that all the bosses who come to negotiate business, in order to buy Nanfang black silk in time, they will give them the benefit fee, which is enough for him to buy a place as big as a toilet in Beijing.

High spirited.

This word seems to have been invented for him.

But look now.


Brother Dali, with a low sigh in his heart, looks down at the yellow rubber shoes on his feet, tears two pairs of trousers with mud, and looks at the cocoons from his hands. In his heart, he scolds a woman who has no conscience after gaining power.

Chen Dali also admits that if he just sends his boss from the south to work hard on the Yellow River levee in the Qingshan section, but he still keeps his fixed welfare salary.

After all, he, Wang Defa and others have survived from the hard times. The physical work that is a little dirty and tiring is not a matter of Mao. It should be physical exercise.

But Kang Weiya, who has been officially appointed as the executive vice president of kaihuang group by Yue Zitong, should not exploit all the benefits of everyone. He should take away the real power and leave them with nothing but vice president Dong, vice president Wang and director Chen?

Without the previous welfare and real power, even if they are called the president, what is the use of Mao?

They also want to resist and use the law as a weapon to fight for their own rights and interests.


A copy of the will written by Li Nanfang himself cruelly deprives Chen Dali and others of the right to use the law as a weapon.

The will clearly says that if Li Nanfang dies, the Southern Group will have Yue Zitong's full power to inherit.

When Li Nanfang died and his will came into effect, the Nanfang group was Yue Zitong's property.

All resources, including manpower, has the final say.

What Mr. Yue asked brother Dali and others to do, they had to do.


OK, then hand in your resignation letter, roll up your bedding and go away.

According to Chen Dali's temper, he handed in his resignation letter long ago, and then wrote a line at the bottom: "if you don't stay here, you can stay there."

Then he walked away and continued to be a knight errant with two kitchen knives in his hand.

He disdained to stay in the company without boss Li, but Wang Defa, especially Dong Shixiong and his wife, did not leave.

It's not that they are reluctant to leave the company that has devoted a lot of their efforts, but because after they leave, where can they go?

Everyone in Wang Defa's hometown is within 3000-3000 meters, but they all know that he didn't graduate from junior high school. Now he is the vice president of a multinational group in the city, and he has more than 100 people in charge.

Just at the beginning of autumn last year, vice president Wang bought a house in Qingshan and took over his wife and children. From then on, he no longer had to face the Loess and face the sky. He has become the idol of envy, envy and hatred of all the people below junior high school diploma.

If he resigns and goes to find a job, for people of his age, in addition to being a security guard, or doing a small job on the construction site, he will get a monthly salary of two or three thousand. Isn't that a big shame, which will make countless fans grieve?

The fall of idols may bring down a large number of fans in spirit.

Therefore, Lao Wang has to stay in the company anyway, even if his monthly salary has been reduced to 3500, he can't go!

To stay here, at least someone will call him vice president Wang, and let him keep some useless face.

If he leaves, he will only be called Lao Wang.

It's not the one next door.

As for Dong Shixiong and Lin Wanqing, they can't leave the company.

No matter what Yue Zitong did to them, they were born in the company and died - the company must be responsible for their life support. No matter how the Chen family in Lingnan wanted to get rid of them, they had to consider who was covering them.

On the contrary, Wu Yujie, Lao Zhou and others are very open about it.

You can stay and you can't go.

However, we are all good brothers who have survived the difficult times. Naturally, we have to advance and retreat together.

Chen Dali is the only one. Even if it's just for the sake of Lao Wang's face and the safety of Mr. Dong and his wife, he who has the highest value of force has to stay and support a safe sky for everyone.

Although his position as head of security department has long been replaced by the horse shop sent by the headquarters, he has become the deputy head of security department who has no power.

The brothers under his control, that is, several irons like Gouzi.

"It's raining at last. I can have a rest today."

After feeling the heavy atmosphere in the room, brother Dali, the strongest, laughed, went to the sofa, sat down and took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket.

Lao Wang reached over immediately.

Chen Dali frowned: "grass, and I want to smoke."

Lao Wang doesn't put a fart, and his right hand is still there.

Chen Dali sighed and patted the remaining half pack of cigarettes in Lao Wang's hands.

He knew that after Lao Wang put his family in the downtown area of Qingshan, he would spend a lot of money every month just talking about the two children who were in school.

Three thousand five hundred yuan is not enough.

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law is now out all day doing short-term work, earning a hundred and eighty yuan to subsidize the family.

Seeing Lao Wang light a cigarette immediately and close his eyes after taking a hard breath, Chen Dali doesn't know why he suddenly wants to cry.

When boss Li was here, how happy was everyone's day?

The cars, the houses and even the cigarettes and drinks are given by others every day.

At that time, who would have thought that everyone could be reduced to this level?

It's all Yue Zitong - no, it's not Yue Zitong. It's Kang Weiya, who has blonde hair and blue eyes and is eager to be swayed by men!

Yue Zitong was no longer in castle peak last year, devolving all the power of kaihuang group to kangweiya.

It's said that Mr. Yue, who has a little conscience, has become a family leader.

For Chen Dali, Lao Wang and others, the word "home owner" feels like a parent.

However, Dong Shixiong understood very well and explained to them that the head of the family in law is a big man with certain influence in the whole country and even in the world.

The sky is so big!

How can a big man have the mind to take care of big brother and other small people?

Chen Dali and Lao Wang once called general manager Yue to complain. They asked her to see that for the sake of being acquaintances, adults enjoyed a lot of rice.

The phone got through, but the person who answered the phone was not Mr. Yue, but a girl with a dull voice.

After knowing who they were, without waiting for them to ask, they coldly asked them to go to Mr. Kang.

And then he hung up.

Again and again, Lao Wang was desperate.

If you go to take charge of kangweiya, do you still need to call president Yue?

Who deprived everyone of their rights, reduced their salaries, and bent on kicking them out of the company, even though former Secretary min and now vice president min repeatedly interceded with them?

It's comvia!

This smelly woman is authorized by Yue Zitong to be in charge of kaihuang group.

The reason why kangweiya wants to kick everyone out of the company is very simple. The cultural level is too low to bear the burden.

Well, Chen Dali admits that he and Lao Wang are really shy about their education, but what about Dong Shixiong and his wife?

It's a graduate of a famous university. No matter what the diploma looks like or what the working ability is, he can be a vice president. How can he be excluded?

The reason is simple.

Kangweiya must have a deep understanding of the history of the former Nanfang group and know that they are all the confidants of Li Shenggui. It is said that the appearance of Li Nanfang led kangweiya to follow general manager Yue, and naturally he would not like his former subordinates.

"It's true that the tiger has been bullied by the dog."

At that time, the door of the house was suddenly kicked open, and someone cheered: "if you don't go to the construction site to work, you'll think about spring here!"

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