When he was in bed with his own woman, Li Nanfang would not know where to go.

Especially when the soft meat under the ribs is pinched and bleeding by a woman's sharp fingernails, don't say it's called aunt, even if it's called aunt - so what?

"Go to hell, I don't have a son your age."

The impure dragon city immediately recognized the evil meaning from Li NanFang's cry. He hurriedly drew back his hand, put his arms around his chest and rolled aside.

But with a scream, he rolled from the bed to the ground.

Lying on the bed, laughing, looking at the beautiful young woman lying on the ground rubbing her chest, she said it hurt, and the evil Li Nanfang immediately rolled down.

As soon as Longcheng was about to get up, he was pressed on him. Just as he was about to scream again, his mouth was blocked.

When she finally broke Li NanFang's mouth and hit him in the chest with a powder fist, the cheery cry had already reverberated in the room.

If they let Chen Dali know that boss Li is cheating, they will certainly curse him for not being tough in the future.

Yesterday, after Han Jun took them back to the police station, he immediately took some measures against them.

Chen Dali is the main culprit for the serious injuries of Ma Hang and Ma Hang. He should be punished justly, and there is nothing wrong with being locked up in a small dark room.

But it's hard to say that Wang Defa and others have also taken such measures.

Dong Shixiong, who had gone through many difficulties last year, can still keep calm, but Wang Defa, Lao Zhou and Wu Yujie can't bear such a crime.

Especially in solitary confinement, a person is handcuffed to the heating pipe, can't see the sky, there is no light, the room is quiet and frightening, as if he is the only one left in the world, that kind of helpless despair, loneliness, make them almost crazy.

This is the legendary black house. It's closed.

What is confinement?

Neither beat you nor scold you, that is to say, you can't see the sky outside and hear any sound except your breath and heartbeat. In the long absolute silence, you can slowly feel the mystery of where life comes from and where it goes.

In the beginning, no one would think it was great.

It's just no light, no sound.

Think of it as sleep.

When people sleep normally, they don't speak, don't want to be disturbed by the sound, and let their relaxed thoughts fly slowly in an ethereal state?

But the problem is, people wake up in normal sleep, will quickly integrate into the real society, for those mundane chores.

This is life, a living life.

But if people do not need sleep, need to see light again, hear sound, but there is no such thing.

So, you wait, wait, hope to wait for what you want to see, even if there is a gust of wind.

Because the wind carries a lot of living information.

For example, the earthy smell of earthworms when they drill through the soil, the fragrance of flowers when they bloom, and the sweet smell of milk from the corners of a baby's mouth - these flavors are life, which can make you sure that you are still alive.

But you can't feel the smell in the wind, only the uncomfortable smell of mildew, sour smell and even death.

No matter how you force yourself to go to bed, you can't sleep, your auditory, visual and other sensory nerves will be particularly excited.

Because after a long sleep, they are just as eager to feel vitality as you are.

They can't really feel these things. They will mistakenly think that there is something wrong with their functions, so they immediately get excited, and like octopus, they stretch their tentacles as far as possible to search for the information they desire.

But no matter how hard they try, they can't find what they want, and their excitement will gradually decrease, and they will be in a state of confusion.

When all the senses are at a loss, the brain's thinking nerve will be unable to receive the normal phenomenon, and slowly appear a terrible illusion, like hiding an incalculable black corpse in the invisible darkness.

They are staring at you, ready to wait for your tight nerves to relax a little, will immediately flood over and drown you.

Get under your skin and eat your flesh.

No matter how you struggle, slap, scream, you can't change, you will gradually become a skeleton.

Therefore, it is the most terrible punishment not to scold you or beat your little black house.

Mental torture is far more serious than physical torture.

This is also the reason why some people become insane when they are very strong.

Of course, because of their own experience, calm cultivation and other reasons, everyone's strength to adapt to this kind of environment is not the same.

If the Super Master Hu mietang is locked in a small dark room, he can hold on for about ten days.

As for ten days later, when he opened the door again, no one could guarantee whether he was a madman or a normal man with a haggard face.

Chen Dali can last three days.

Three days at most, more than half an hour later, he may completely collapse. After he is released, he will only chase a seven-year-old girl in the street, shouting for sugar from his sister.

He can last three days, or because he used to fight in the street, nervous than the average person a lot.

What about Dong Shixiong, Wang Defa and others?

It's great to be able to last 50 hours without being insane.

According to the experience summed up by the industry, 36 hours is the "safety category" when ordinary people are detained in small black houses.

So far, they have been in the small dark room for 48 hours.

June 9, 10 a.m.

The sun was shining high in the sky, and cars were coming and going in the street. A group of pigeons circled from the office building of the police station in the air, and the pigeon whistle gave out a pleasant whine.

The cool and fresh south wind comes from the southern part of Qingshan mountain, which is the messenger of the coming summer.

In the courtyard of the police station, visitors in a hurry and police officers with a calm look passed from time to time.

People talk and laugh, and there is no shortage of people who cry and mourn.

The police station is the most basic "yamen" in the country.

It's a real Yamen. Any villain who breaks the law will be caught here by the captors to receive ideological correction education.

There was even a shrill cry.

But after half a cry, he was stamped back.

According to the law, the police are not allowed to impose corporal punishment on those who violate the rules and regulations without authorization. The traditional instruments of torture, such as beating boards and tiger benches, have long been swept into the garbage heap of history.

The owner of this howling sound, who was stomped off, was a scum who was specially aimed at cheating primary school students.

This kind of inhumane guy, everyone has to be punished, kick him a few times, no one will think there is anything wrong.

Perhaps, after being pushed into the interrogation room, he will suffer more severe punishment.

He'll be beaten up, crying and crying. He looks miserable and can't bear to look directly at him.

But all this, Wang Defa can't see, hear or feel.

God can guarantee that if Wang Defa, who has not been touched by a finger, knows what happened to this scum, he would rather kneel down on the ground to keep someone's leg and beg them: "I'll be beaten for you, even if it's the top ten torture in the Qing Dynasty. You come to be locked up and enjoy the infinite peace that the little black room brings you. "

In the dark world, Wang Defa can't see his present facial expression.

So I don't know that his face at this time is full of dementia smile.

His eyes were dull, too. His eyes seemed to be fixed by an invisible nail, at least two hours after his last rotation.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

He didn't even know if he was alive.

He just sat cross legged in the boundless darkness and silence with dignity.

Suddenly, a very vague shadow appeared in his sight.

The visual nerve immediately caught the shadow and quickly passed the information to the brain. Then the brain gave the order to the eyeball and asked them to immediately show me where the fuzzy shadow was.

The eyeball didn't respond.

Commanding the whole body organs of the human body and the brain of the official, he was immediately angry and gave orders to Wang Defa's two eyeballs again.

The eyeball still doesn't respond.

After the seventh command in the brain, Wang Defa's eyes finally moved and looked at the fuzzy shadow.

Wang Defa's eyes finally locked on the black shadow that seemed to be absent, and then fed back to the brain command center through the visual nerve, forming a certain image.

"Grandfather, grandfather?"

Wang Defa was stunned when he saw who the shadow was.

He saw his grandfather.

But my grandfather died more than ten years ago. How could he suddenly appear in front of him?

Grandfather is still wearing the clothes he wore more than ten years ago. He is old-fashioned and rustic. He has a pot with a cigarette in his mouth and looks at Wang Defa with a kind smile.

Wang Defa thought that he was surprised when he saw his long dead grandfather.

In fact, he didn't even move his tongue.

He just thought he called.

Then he saw his grandmother who died more than 30 years ago.

A rural woman with small feet, slightly bent waist, next door carrying a basket, stood beside her grandfather.

A pair of old people all looked at Wang Defa and said kindly, "Xiaofa, let's go. Let's go with grandparents and buy you marshmallows."

Wang Defa stood up - at least, he thought he stood up and nodded his head.

When he was seven or eight years old, his favorite food was marshmallow.

But as soon as he took two steps forward, his legs were hugged.

He looked down and saw the two children kneeling on the ground, one hugging his leg.

This is a couple of his children.

My daughter is older. She is fourteen years old.

My son is younger. He is nine years old.

Lao Wang's children looked up at him and cried: "Dad, don't go, don't go! That's not grandpa or grandma. They're ghosts. They're ghosts! If you go with them, you will go to another world! "

"Are they ghosts?"

Wang de was stunned, and then angry, glared and scolded: "fart! How do you two bear kids talk? They are your grandparents. How can they be ghosts? "

The two old people echoed: "Xiaofa, you have to take good care of your children. I don't know how to respect the elderly at all, and I don't know how those teachers teach them now. "

The more Wang Defa let the two children get out of the way, the more they held him tightly and cried.

"Get out of here!"

This made Lao Wang very angry and kicked his son out.

He didn't know where he got so much strength that he kicked his son to the wall a few meters away.

After a loud bang, the son fell to the ground heavily.

Whose son is in pain.

When he saw that his son had been hit with a broken head and blood, licking calf affectionately quickly left and right Wang Defa, so that he could no longer ignore his grandparents who called him to go with him. He ran to pick up his son in a hurry and was about to shout his son's name——

There was a big bang.

Wang Defa felt that at the moment, none of his relatives could be seen.

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