The corridor is brightly lit, but it gives people an unbearable sense of depression.

Helan Xiaoxin knows that this kind of atmosphere is because the whole club is shrouded in grief and indignation.

Just as new sister wants to know which guest room Li Nanfang is in, Vice President Chen, who has served her for two hours, has to tell her that.

The door of the guest room seems to be closed, but in fact there is a gap.

This is Yue Zitong after the failure, for the convenience of Helan small new start B plan, deliberately left.

Actually, plan a and plan B do not exist.

Two people have never agreed on any plan, not to mention Yue Zitong defeat, He Lan Xiaoxin on the stage.

But the two women are interlinked, and they know what they should do without any discussion.

This is the real collusion.

Helan Xiaoxin, like a thief, looked back at the empty corridor, then slowly opened the door and flashed into the room like a civet.

In the room, there is still the smell of Yue Zitong.

New sister's sense of smell is quite sensitive - of course, the main reason is that Yue Zitong's red wedding dress is still on someone on the sofa.

The guy seemed to be asleep, with his red wedding dress on his face, and lay there motionless.

Helan Xiaoxin gently kicked off her shoes with a charming smile.

Since it is the top guest room of the club, it costs tens of thousands to stay one night, so whether it's the layout or decoration, it's luxurious and toothache.

Take the carpet on the ground.

This is a pure hand-made wool carpet. Stepping on it is like stepping in the clouds. It's soft and comfortable.

Especially when you step on it barefoot, the comfort from the soles of your feet makes you doubt that you are a fairy standing in the clouds.

Since it's a fairy, how can it be a male?

Only women.

Is that the truth?

It is also said that fairies don't wear clothes.

In ancient mythology, the saying that Dong Yong stole the clothes of the seven fairies is pure nonsense and groundless.

Anyway, Helan Xiaoxin thinks fairies don't wear clothes.

Now that she regarded herself as a fairy, she would not wear any more clothes.

One by one, the men's clothes that really didn't match her delicate body dropped down from her delicate, smooth and milky body.

If Da Vinci could see all this at this time, he would shout: "bring me a pen, and I'll draw another pair of Venus with arms!"

No, it's Mona Lisa.

In a word, whether it is Venus or Mona Lisa, Helan Xiaoxin is full of light at this time, which is enough to arouse the strong desire and hope of all painters.

But absolutely, the new sister does not want these painters to paint her.

Even if Li Nanfang suddenly became the most famous painter in the world, she was not rare.

What does she want Li Nanfang to do to her?

Who knows.

The heart of a woman, the needle of the sea.

Li Nanfang is deeply touched by this famous saying.

He felt that what he had said to Yue Zitong was clear enough: "it's impossible for both of us, even if there is no mountain or sea, you are the wind and I am the sand - but why are you here again? I hate it. "

Hearing that the door was gently pushed open, as if the spring rain had fallen on the earth, Li Nanfang sighed in his heart.

He didn't have to lift the red wedding dress on his head, but he could imagine that the sound of spring rain came from the clothes falling on the carpet.

Well, why did Yue Zitong come back? If he didn't agree, he was ready to give welfare?

Of course, it's because she didn't want to die. After she failed in a false way, she was ready to use her last trick to seduce boss Li.

"Well, you look down on me. Don't say I hate you so much now. I will never have any more affairs with you. Even if I don't hate you, how can I be immoral with you in her club when the life and death of the night God are uncertain? If you do it, the sin will deepen

When a soft and elastic body gently leans on Li Nanfang, Li NanFang's disgust towards Yue Zitong has reached the extreme.

At the same time, he also felt a little strange that Yue Zitong should not be so brainless.

She should be very clear about Li NanFang's attitude towards her now. The little skills of beauty's self recommendation will only have the opposite effect at this time.

Well, she should be very clear.

Otherwise, during the two hours when they were alone just now, she would not have had a word of explanation.

That is, she didn't explain why she wanted to marry Li NanFang's ashes at the beginning, and put the rather tasteless thing on all the people in the Yue family.

She just whispered "I'm sorry.".

A gentle sorry is better than a thousand words of explanation. It is elegant and dignified, which is in line with her current status as the head of the family.

So, how can she be so shameless now, even kneeling on the sofa, lowering her head to open her sexy mouth and gently biting Li NanFang's belt?

Whether it's hand or mouth, it's all about unbuttoning.

But there is no doubt that when a beautiful woman uses her small mouth to untie a man's belt, the impact on a man is far greater than that by hand.

As long as you think about it, you can make your blood boil.

Li Nanfang has lived so long that he has met countless women, but no woman can untie his belt like Yue Zitong at this time.

This makes Li Nanfang, who only wants to make a low roar and kick her away when she is aware that she has a wrong idea, never want to move again because of the strange feeling from somewhere.

In my heart, however, I have a very strong expectation.

He wants to see how Yue Zitong will play next.

If it's wonderful enough, after making up for the regret of the couple twice, it's better to turn over with her.

Anyway, men basically have a good habit of not admitting when they put on their pants. Li Nanfang doesn't want to spoil a pot of soup because of his "rat excrement".

You never know what a woman is thinking, just like you should never think that when a man is in a bad mood, he doesn't want to ride a horse with a woman.

Women's capricious, doomed that song will be handed down sooner or later -- "girl's mind you don't guess.".

A man has to finish what he wants to do even if the sky falls down.

Therefore, when the small mouth spraying hot air deftly unties the belt for boss Li, and it's difficult to bite the pants down, Li Nanfang pretends to turn over in deep sleep and just helps her to easily take off her pants.

Li Renzha's action of not only being a whore, but also setting up a chastity archway made the woman smile.

He Lan Xiaoxin is very proud that her husband, who can make his married wife still in the intensive care room, half hesitates to acquiesce in her active attack. He feels that in the past six months of prison, he has really spent a lot of time.

Prison is a melting pot, and the "practitioners" come from 360 lines.

There are all kinds of heresies.

And employees also have a very obvious feature, that is, they are basically the top elites in the industry.

If you don't play with flowers, you are not qualified to work there.

This is true for male prisoners, especially for female prisoners.

Why even more so?

Just because compared with men with endless ambition, women are easy to be satisfied.

As long as she was not forced to retreat, she would never like to be in prison.

Therefore, the aunts and grandmothers in women's prisons are the absolute elites in their respective industries.

Of course, it also includes the elder sister who makes a living by laughing.

Like those women who can be satisfied by standing on the street or half covering the door, they never want to enter the gate of provincial prison in their life.

Not qualified.

At best, after being caught, a fine of 8000 yuan will be imposed.

Therefore, he can become a comedian of Helan's new inmates, and he can be regarded as the world's most male psychological expert.

They can easily make men remember her, put a lot of money, all into the bottomless hole.

Helan Xiaoxin, who was afraid of making mistakes in his spare time when he was in prison, naturally would not miss a great opportunity to learn from his teacher.

After she got out of prison, how can she show her feminine charm and make a man fall into her gentle country.

More art than body.

I've done my best.

Helan Xiaoxin, who has been studying hard for more than half a year in a women's prison, can finally show her skills tonight. It's time to show her real skills.

In fact, according to the heart to heart teaching of the laughing elite, when the new sister gently swallows something with her mouth, her snow-white and pink right foot should be gently scratched on the man's mouth.

Only in this way can the desire of wild animals in men's bones be aroused to the greatest extent.

Helan Xiaoxin is afraid to do so.

Because she had tried before, let boss Li kiss her natural show foot, but he opened his mouth and spat.

Li Nanfang said that among the hundreds of millions of feet in the world, only my son and my daughter's little feet before their first birthday can make me willing to kiss them.

Kissing your baby's feet is a more pleasant taste than eating the whole meal of Manchu and Han.

The smelly feet of amiable women?

This is an insult to Laozi's noble character!

Just because she knew Li Nanfang thought like this, she didn't dare to put her foot on his mouth when she was showing her power.

But you can draw circles on your chest.

Is this supposed to be ok?

Can it be ok?

Li Nanfang, who clearly felt his blood boiling all over, finally didn't want to pretend to sleep any more.

Who can go up and down with a woman's head and body when pretending to sleep?

"Night God, I'm sorry. It's not that I'm not strong enough, it's because the enemy is too cunning. "

Li Nanfang yelled in his heart and suddenly raised the big red wedding dress with his head covered.

The reason why scum can be called scum is that when he does bad things, he can always find the most suitable reason for himself.

To be honest, Li Nanfang is not to blame.

If Yang Xiao doesn't use the flower night God to open a certain mode for him, his willpower to resist female sex is quite firm.

And He Lan Xiaoxin's action at this time coincides with Yang Xiao's original intention.

So even though Li Nanfang has already gnashed his teeth in the resistance, it is still because the woman's determination to die after making a charming light hum in her nose is still completely collapsed like a flood.

Li Nanfang, who turned over and sat up, raised his hand to grab the woman's hair.

When women serve men in this way, don't men all like to pick their hair?

Li NanFang's right five fingers, will touch the woman's hair, suddenly stunned: "yes, it's you!"

"Not me, and who? Do you think I'm Zitong? "

Helan Xiaoxin raised her head with a charming smile, and her bright red tongue swept over her red lips.

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