Not to die, do not know the value of life.

Before that, Zhanxing God had heard this sentence no less than 10000 times.

Every time I listen, I feel like a piece of rubbish.

No matter how great the truth is, it will always be ignored as nonsense after repeated hearing.

Now Zhanxing God knows that this sentence is not nonsense.

It's the truth.

She was deeply touched.

How long has she disappeared after learning that Wang Shang has returned safely?

One day?

Two or three days?

Or, a century?

She can't remember.

When anyone is on the run, he will forget which day, which month and which year it is today.

Only day and night.

Even more, they will become afraid of the crowd. They will run wherever they are remote and where the vegetation is lush.

The fear of escape and the fear of encountering extreme danger are both fears, but the feeling is diametrically opposite.

Encounter such as alien invasion of fear, is where people, where to drill.

The fear of escape, however, is like a bird in shock, any wind and grass will make all nerves of the body suddenly tense, just want to go to the place where few people visit.

That's how Zhanxing is.

She felt that Li Muchen should be the same.

When they got the news that Wang Shang came back safely, they immediately realized the danger and started to run, they didn't act together.

They are the family members of their parents. They care for each other, one to the South and the other to the north.

Although two people are only more than one, and they can take care of each other on the way to escape, the probability of exposure at the same time will double.

What's more, if the two run away from each other, the king will not know who to chase first.

That's a bet.

Zhanxingshen and Li Muchen are gambling on how much more they can live.

They all sincerely hope that Wang Shang can go after each other first.

In this way, she had a chance to escape further.

Of course, there is no winner in the escape of the bet.

Because they both know that no matter how far they run or how long they stay, they will be captured by the king sooner or later.

In this case, they still run away, just want to live longer.

In fact, there is another kind of escape, even if the king is ten thousand times more powerful, they will never be caught.

But they are not willing to set foot on that road.

That way, it's death.

But both of them have decided that no one is willing to give up the right to live until the last moment.

After escaping to this mountain, Zhanxing God had some regrets.

She regretted why she didn't choose to flee north when she was discussing the direction of escape with Li Muchen.

Because in the north of China, there is a mysterious country.

As long as she can escape to that mysterious country, the chance of being caught by the king will be greatly reduced.

This mysterious country is called South Korea.

The reason why we call this country a mysterious country is that they always claim that all the cultural places of interest in the world were created by their ancestors.

This is the mysterious, Great South Korea.

South Korea's cosmetic surgery industry is the most developed in the whole universe, second only to its cultural heritage which affects the development of the whole world.

As long as you have money, no matter how ugly you look, cosmetic experts will take care of you after a few cuts, so that you can become a big beauty.

Zhanxingshen has money.

Will the movie stars who are popular all over the country and even the whole Southeast Asia have no money?

The bank card you carry with you is as much as 30 million.

Don't look at the group of vampires in the Presbyterian Church. They always suck her blood, but they can't stop the thoughtful Zhanxing God. They carry forward the spirit of leeches eating bones, and slowly accumulate 30 million private money.

This amount of money should be enough for zhanxingshen to survive after plastic surgery.

But unfortunately, Zhanxing God didn't think of this when he chose the escape direction. Instead, he chose to flee south under the hint of Li Muchen.

Li Muchen hinted to her: "in order to ensure that one of us will survive, we should run away from the north and south. In the south, there are many mountains, and the vegetation is luxuriant, so it is not easy to be seen by people. "

On the phone, Li Muchen just said this, he was interrupted by Zhanxing God: "I'm going south!"

Li Mu Chen was silent for a moment before he said it.

Exhibition star God now think of, just know that she was Li Mu Chen's hint, brought into the ditch.

But it's too late to regret.

The last thing people should do is regret.

Because they know better than anyone that regret is the most useless thing in the world.

It doesn't do you any good except to make you restless, demoralized, and to weaken your desire for life.

So Zhanxing will not regret it.

She only for how to escape the king's pursuit, and racked her brains.

From the beginning of escape to the present, Zhanxing God has no luxury to take a plane, take a motor car, or start a romantic self driving tour.

Wang Shang doesn't know how to trace her whereabouts by using air tickets and train tickets, and he has no ability to thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of her car through the traffic control department.

But don't forget, there is Li Nanfang beside the king!

That bastard can come back with Wang Shang and get permission to marry Hua yeshen, which must have reached a certain consensus with Wang Shang.

The key is that Li Nanfang has reason to help Wang Shang and arrest them.

The reason is very simple. After Wang Shang and Li Nanfang both had an accident off the British three islands, Zhan Xingshen and Li Muchen joined hands to threaten Hua yeshen to revolt.

It's because of Li Renzha's persistence to the beauty - it's strange if he misses the chance to help Wang Shang chase and kill them.

Li NanFang's participation means that Jing Hongming behind him is also involved.

Jing Hongming, the chief of the supreme Security Bureau, participated in the event, which represented - in the end, it is estimated that he could represent the whole violent organization in China.

In this case, if zhanxingshen takes a plane and a motor car to play a self driving tour, it's no different from telling Wang where she is.

So there are countless vehicles that can make zhanxingshen fly away with the fastest speed, but she can only choose to use two legs in the end.


With a bright lightning piercing the night sky, a thunder explodes above the unknown mountain, waking up zhanxingshen who curls up under the big tree and sleeps in the grass.

Just in time, she was caught by the king in her dream, and the five fingers of her right hand, like five short daggers, stabbed her head.


With a shrill scream, Zhanxing turned over and sat up in the grass.

The king disappeared.

In the whole world, there are only the lightning, the thunder and the big trees that seem to be alive and swaying around.

It turned out to be just a dream.

Staring at the dark distance, the raindrops bigger than soybeans and falling in disorder, Zhan Xingshen was stunned for three minutes before he breathed out a long breath, closed his eyes wearily and leaned on the tree.

She was so tired that she would not have slept so heavily.

Don't care if you are in the field of lightning and thunder. Don't hide under a big tree, or you may be struck by thunder.

She just wanted her heart to calm down and feel the joy of being alive.

If someone passes by at this time, I believe that even her most determined imperial concubine can't recognize who she is.

Is this still the young, sexy, cool and noble Zhanfei on the stage?

Beggars on the street are better looking than her.

Her hair was dishevelled and her face was covered with dirt. The key was that her clothes had been torn by the thorns in the barren mountains.

Even the most down-to-earth beggar disdains to wear this suit.

However, even the most excellent beggar does not have the delicate skin and flesh of Zhanxing God.

After the torrential rain, while drenching her into a drowned chicken, she also washed the dirt on her body.

Rain from her body, fruit dew on the outside of the skin, appears particularly white.

Especially the two slender legs, it is almost at a glance.

Unfortunately, no one can see the beauty.

Zhanxingshen herself can see it, but even if she is like most girls who are infatuated with her body, she is not in the mood to appreciate anything at this time.

She just silently appreciated the rainstorm in her heart, so that she could finally have a good sleep. She would never have to sleep like before, even if she just wanted to die.

It is almost in the subconscious of all fugitives, such as the current bad weather, the pursuit will not appear.

So is Zhanxing.

So she breathed a long breath, closed her eyes, let the rain water, but soon into a real dream.

In her dream, she returned to her childhood.

In the past, whenever she had a dream of returning to her childhood, she would sleep sweetly and wake up full of energy.

That's because of her childhood. It's golden.

Although she did not know who her parents were, she had three siblings.

In particular, the elder sister Luna and the second sister night God, who are older than her, always take care of her and Li Muchen.

It is not too much to say that they are the mother of Zhanxing God.

Because in her childhood, she had never been bullied or suffered.

But when did zhanxingshen stop treating huayeshen as his mother's elder sister?

Instead, she was used as a stepping stone to climb up!

Therefore, after discovering that she had an affair with someone who had been searching for thousands of years in the organization, she did not hesitate to plot against her with the hundred day husband and wife given by Wang Shang.

Exhibition star God now all don't understand, at the beginning she how can ruthlessly, stab steel needle into flower night God body.

How can he turn a blind eye to the pain of Hua yeshen, and finally join hands with Li Muchen to threaten her and ask her to make a choice of life and death.

When did Zhanxing God become so cold-blooded?

She has forgotten.

Dream, can't remember.

But she will regret it.

I regret my dreams.

Otherwise, she was clearly trapped in a happy childhood dream, but shed tears of remorse.

It's like the pouring rain, the tears are more and more urgent.

In the end, she burst into tears.

As another blast of thunder swept over the sky, she woke up crying.

It's still raining.

The wind is still blowing.

In the midnight sky, the silver snake dances!

A slender white figure, standing three or five meters in front of the tree, looked at her quietly like a ghost.

As if, can't bear to disturb her dream.

The last dream of Zhanxing God.

No matter how beautiful the dream is, there will be a waking moment.

Zhanxing God woke up from his dream and saw this man.

Her eyes, pupil, suddenly shrink!

It was totally subconscious, and her right hand reached back quickly.

No matter how ragged your clothes are, you can hide a pistol.

The pistol is loaded and can be pulled at any time.

But as soon as her hand touched the back of her dress, she drew back like an electric shock.

He raised his hand and wiped his eyes. When Zhanxing opened his eyes again, he heard a very gentle voice saying, "you are not dreaming. Your dream is awake. "

"Yes, yes. My dream, I wake up

Zhan Xing said in a trembling voice and stood up slowly.

The waist is not straight, the knees have been bent, straight kneel down.

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