The rain is much less.

It seems that it has completed the mission of helping zhanxingshen hide his whereabouts. What's the meaning of it?

When Zhanxing God slipped at his feet and knelt down on the wet road with a puff, the rain finally stopped.

There is a moon from the scattered clouds, slowly out of the head.

"Don't you mind? Be careful

Walking in front of Yang Xiao, stopped and asked.

By the bright moonlight, Zhanxing God can see that her face is full of concern.

However, she would rather have the king's face full of anger.

Sometimes, being cared for is not a good thing.

Because it is possible that the more she cares about you, the more she wants you to die miserably.

Zhan Xingshen shook his head silently, got up and went on.

During the time when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they didn't speak any more. They were strangers.

No matter how desperate and scared zhanxingshen is, she has to admit that Wang Shang's walking posture is absolutely the most handsome in the world.

Compared with Wang Shang, those supermodels who walk in catwalk, twist their waist and swing their crotch on the stage are a group of vulgar and coquettish people.

There is hardly any comparability between the two sides.

Wang Shang's figure proportion, walking posture, and even his long silver hair blown by the night wind all seem to be the perfect result after years of hard calculation by the world's best computing engineer.

Zhanxingshen looked at it, looked at it, and was crazy.

There was even a strong impulse to rush up, hold Wang Shang tightly, and rub into his body.

Of course she didn't dare.

Just like she can't imagine what kind of punishment she will suffer after falling into the king's hands.

In fact, it's not that I dare not think about it, it's unexpected.

The king's work has always been like a giant claw in snow and mud.

Zhanxing God only hopes that the road down the mountain will be longer.

It's better to go forever.

Because only in this way can she be safe.

But no matter how long the road is, no matter how hard and slow you are going, there will be a time to finish it.

On the side of the road at the foot of the mountain, a black car was parked.

Without looking at the brand, just judging from the assembly line of the car body, zhanxingshen can conclude that this is a luxury car.

Yang Xiao went to the front of the car and waved his right hand. The car let out a cry and the four little lights flashed.

Instead of opening the door, she kept waving.

Every time you wave, the car drips.

She doesn't care. She just looks at the trunk.

Seven or eight times later, Zhanxing God finally asked, "Wang, what are you going to do?"

"Do you care what I want to do?"

Yang Xiao, who would lift the trunk of a car when someone points the key to the remote control, has been counting the car seven or eight times, but he never gives face to the broken car.

This made her a little embarrassed and angry, just as Zhanxing God asked her, naturally she was not angry.

Of course, Zhanxing God does not dare to control the great king.

Just after watching her wave seven or eight times, and still no movement, she scolded a little, walked quickly to the back of the car, raised her foot and kicked!

There was a loud bang. In fact, the strong trunk of the car immediately sunken out like a rear end collision.

"No wonder the elder always says that some people belong to broken cars and don't respond to kicking. It turns out that there is such a car. "

Yang Xiao reached out to lift the back cover of the car and nodded with satisfaction.

Zhanxing God realized that the great king was trying to open the trunk of the car by pressing the remote control one after another just now.

But the problem is, you don't click the relevant key, just press the open key, can you open it?

She understood, but did not dare to say.

Because if she said it, even if she explained it from the heart, she would be mistaken by the king for ridicule.

At this time, making a fortune is the king.

"Here, put on your clothes."

Yang Xiao took out a paper bag from the trunk and threw it casually: "do you see the waterfall over there? Give you a good time to wash

Zhanxing God instinctively raised his hand, caught the paper bag, looked back, and saw a waterfall more than ten meters away.

To be exact, it's the rain that flows down from the high cliff. It seems that someone's tap hasn't been turned off. It's splashing down.

Yang Xiao is 100% sure that he can catch Zhanxing God.

Otherwise, she would not have prepared clothes for the exhibition beauty.

That's the style of the dress - Oh, is it a man's style?

It's supposed to be a 1.8-meter-tall man.

No matter how tall zhanxingshen's figure is, it's only over 1.7 meters. Unless he gains two more laps, he can probably hold up his clothes.

Fortunately, the shoes are women's slope heel shoes, which should be about the same size as zhanxingshen's feet.

When Yang Xiao broke open a fashion shop to take away the clothes, it was very good to think of the pair of women's shoes.

"Why, you look very embarrassed. Don't you want to change? Or do you think that the clothes I gave you are not worthy of your fame as a big star? "

See exhibition star God with clothes, standing in the same place up and down, is not to change, Yang Xiao is a little impatient.

Yang Xiao is not a real girl because of her special body structure. Of course, she doesn't know that when a girl changes her clothes, no matter what environment she is in, she will examine her clothes first.

"No, no, I just look around."

After hearing that the king was angry, he would be guilty. Zhan Xingshen shook his head, put his clothes back in his pocket and began to take off his rags.

Soon, a delicate body, exposed to the bright moonlight.

She has long legs.

Her waist is slender.

Her two peaks are plump.

Her mouth opened slightly, her eyes narrowed slightly. When she looked at Yang Xiao, her tender tongue came out like a snake and swept slowly along her upper lip.

It has to be said that zhanxingshen, who is beautiful in appearance, is also super class in figure, otherwise she will not be fascinated by herself.

And she also knows that a woman's delicate body is sometimes the most powerful weapon for a man.

She thought that when she became a man, she should be very interested in her delicate body. Maybe she would improvise, so that she could exert all her abilities to please the king and fight for the chance to live.

When Zhanxing God looks at Yang Xiao, he hopes that she can turn into a beast.


Yang Xiao didn't rush at her, just leaning on the car and looking at her.

Looking at her eyes, full of strong drama abuse.

Also, disdain.

Exhibition star God's heart son, Dong ground big jump next.

She could see that Wang Shang had already seen through her mind, as if watching monkey playing. She waited patiently for her monkey to have a wonderful performance next.

Just, let exhibition star God have a kind of strong bad premonition is, why does the king disdain?

Is her body not perfect enough?

Not enough to charm any man in the world!

Exhibition star God has such confidence, so just about to be punished, by Yang Xiao let her change clothes, gritted her teeth to show her last weapon.

But the king above to her perfect Jiao body, is disdain.

It's as if the king had a better woman than her.

"How can it be?

Is it the night God?

Or Mu Chen?

It's not mu Chen, because she still has Shougong sand.

Although the night God's body is beautiful, it is quite different from me, totally two types.

She is mature and plump, like a peony.

But I'm like a orchid in an empty valley. I'm clean but I'm not. "

When Zhanxing God thought of it, a light suddenly flashed from his mind and blurted out: "I know!"

She knows.

She finally knew why the king disdained her perfect body.

Because the king is also a woman!

Only the king is a real woman, so she can show disdain when other women show her delicate body.

Don't forget that when you went down the mountain just now, Zhanxing God praised Wang Shang's walking posture in secret.

If you don't have an absolutely perfect body, then when you walk, you will never walk as pleasing to the eye.

Yes, it's just pleasing to the eye!

Compared with this word, words like "wear flowers and brush willows" all have to be rough.

In the mind of Zhanxing God, when she couldn't help floating on the king's walk, she said faintly, "it's not a good thing to know too much."

It's a habit formed by the oppression of the king for more than 20 years. When Zhan Xingshen heard the bad meaning of her words, he didn't even have time to think about it. He just fell down on his knees in the muddy water and didn't care about the snow-white knees. So he knelt down heavily on the ground and might be bruised.

It's going to hurt men.

She did not dare to look up.

After she peeped through the king's biggest secret, the whole person was covered with incomparable fear, and every cell in her body was shaking and shouting.

In addition to kneeling on the ground, shivering all over, waiting for the verdict of fate, she didn't mean to resist at all.

Waiting for the cruel blow, did not come.

Only the cold sweat mixed with soil dripped from her forehead and nose.

Drop in the small puddle under the knees, splash a little spray.

The longer you wait, the more scared Zhanxing is.

Positive days, as if all the pressure on her shoulders, so that she can not bear, just want to suddenly look up, yell something, and then - happy death, perhaps is what she is most eager for.

There was a snap.

Just when Zhanxing God was about to collapse, the sound instantly drove away the pressure she couldn't bear, prompting her to raise her head.

Then, she saw Wang Shang still leaning on the car body, holding a lighter to his face.

By the red flame, she saw the king that sexy full lips, holding a cigarette.

Maybe it's because of preconceptions?

Anyway, Zhanxing God can be sure that Wang Shang now is exactly the same as Wang Shang just now, without any change.

But Zhanxing God dares to swear!

When I saw Wang Shang's lips before, I never thought of using adjectives like "sexy, full" to describe her lips.

At most, I think her mouth looks better.

A good-looking person should have a good-looking mouth.

If the mouth is not good-looking, is it a good-looking person?

Wang's lips are not only good-looking, but also smoking posture is incomparably charming and handsome.

Coquettish, handsome, originally two can not be mixed words, should not appear in the same person.

But now they are all shown by the king's action of smoking.

Incisive, perfect connection, but also make up for her smoking is a novice defect.

That is to say, Yang Xiao's Kung Fu is superb, and he can even effectively control the normal operation of the five zang organs. If Daoxing lacks a little more, he will definitely be choked by the smoke.

She can no longer maintain her current elegant appearance.

No matter how high Yang Xiao's Kung Fu is, his lungs can't stand the nicotine erosion that he has never been exposed to.

As a result, she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth and coughed softly after pretending to spit out a mouthful of smoke.

"What's the fun of smoking?"

Yang Xiao's snow-white eyebrows wrinkled and his fingers flicked the cigarette out.

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