Every morning at seven o'clock, no matter where you are, off duty or performing, zhanxingshen will get up on time.

It's a habit she's kept for years.

Once the good habit of getting up early is formed, the body's biological clock will form an inherent law.

Every time this period will wake her up, remind her to go outside to exercise, let the spirit full up, to welcome the new day.

Li Mu Chen, who is poisoned by beauty, tucks in a corner of his blanket and stares at his face, which used to be young and beautiful, but now has overlapping wrinkles. After three minutes in a daze, Zhan Xing Shen sighs silently and gets out of bed.

Originally, she felt that the poison of walking dead was the most miserable fate in the world, but compared with Li Muchen, she was lucky again.

For beautiful girls, appearance is more important than their life.

The girl who looks safe will never have the feeling of Li Muchen at present.

So Zhanxing God can be sure that if the king can be kind enough to untie Li Muchen's beauty, even after she looks at her in the mirror, she will kill her immediately. I believe she will not hesitate to agree and die with a happy smile.

But obviously, the king will not be so magnanimous.

She should know that the betrayal of the two men was the first one picked up by Li Muchen.

It's an eternal truth that a gun can shoot a bird in the head.

Creaky, with a light sound when the door opened, zhanxingshen walked out of Westinghouse.

In the morning of a small mountain village far away from the downtown, the air is very fresh. From time to time, birds fly over the sky.

If there is no Li Muchen in the back room, if there is no poison of the walking dead in his body, if there is no king in the golden sun, dressed in white, sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, Zhanxing God will surely say that this is a beautiful morning.

The king is practicing.

No matter whether Zhanxing God is indifferent to life and death, he doesn't dare to make any more noise to avoid disturbing her.

As one of the four goddesses on the throne, Zhanxing God would hear one or two words about the martial arts practiced by the king from others even if he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

There are the nine Yin manual classics and eighteen dragon paws in martial arts novels.

In modern movies, there are lost track boxing and cut-off road.

In real life, there are Sanda, Taijiquan, judo, taekwondo and so on.

The Kungfu practiced by the king is the divine skill of the imperial daughter.

It's not jade, it's Yufeng.

Zhanxing God thinks that the king's Kung Fu should be called Yunan's divine skill.

After all, the king is a daughter, and now it has proved that she has fallen in love with some scum.

Since her sexual orientation is OK, why do you want to use the magic power of the imperial maid?

She can't be a man like Li Renzha seven times a night.

"Oh, I see. He should be the earliest Xuanyuan king. He hoped that after practicing this set of magic skills, he could become a man who was a royal girl. Unfortunately, no matter how you practice, you can't be a man. "

When Zhan Xingshen thought of this, he couldn't help smiling sarcastically.

She thinks it's good to be a daughter.

Just like normal men, few of them want to be women.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Yang Xiao, with his back to Zhanxing God, suddenly talks.

Exhibition star God a Leng, immediately surprised, subconsciously bent down and whispered: "dare not."

"It's not that you dare not, it's just that you dare not laugh at me openly."

Yang Xiao slowly exhaled a long breath and opened his eyes: "don't deny anything. Do you think I can't hear the obvious changes in my breath when you laugh at me in your heart?"

This is a super pervert!

But it's true.

When people can't help laughing, their belly will shrivel. This is because the air in their lungs is pressed out to match the action of laughing.

No matter how light the secret ridicule of zhanxingshen is, it can't change the changes of the lung lobes to the airflow.

Yang Xiao, who has abnormal hearing, hears it and then judges what she is doing.

Secretly laugh at the king, this is the trend to be punished.

If put in the past, Zhanxing God would be scared to death.

But now - she's half dead, what else?

At most, after a big surprise, the heart rate immediately returned to normal.

The same applies to beautiful women.

But Yang Xiao didn't mean to punish her.

Is it interesting to knock on a broken jar?

I didn't see how she posed, so she floated down from her chair and said, "OK, I know I'm not interested in doing anything to you, so don't pretend to be afraid to fool me."

Without waiting for Zhan Xingshen to say anything, Yang Xiao walked slowly to the gate of the courtyard: "come here."

The king has orders. How dare Zhanxing not follow?

Shortly after six o'clock, this small mountain village, which should not last long, wakes up from sleep. Those businessmen who are greedy for cheap rent here step on their motorcycles or small tricycles one after another and kill them in the city.

It's all eastward.

The courtyard Yang Xiao rented is the westernmost part of the village.

So no one's ever been in front of her house.

Moreover, the rugged mountain road to the west of the small mountain village, no one came here in the early morning, but it created a good environment for Yang Xiao to spread.

Along the rugged path, Yang Xiao and Zhan Xingshen went up to the top.

A signal tower stands at the top of this mountain.

Yang Xiao raised his hand and stroked the signal tower in the sunshine. He said with emotion: "if all the ancestors can live to the present, I think they will change their original intention."

"What was the intention?

Do you want to fight out the valley of flame and restore the original intention of the Sui Empire?

That's death.

Don't look at the king. You are invincible in killing. The legendary four masters of Longteng are not your opponents. However high your Kung Fu is, you will be knocked down with one shot.

You shouldn't practice the divine skill of the imperial concubine.

You should practice the golden bell jar, the iron cloth shirt, or the King Kong.

It's the most hopeless career to be a rebel at the moment. "

Exhibition star God in the heart of such a "cheering" way.

If she didn't have the poison of walking dead in her body, she would never dare to think so in her heart.

Just because of the disgusting poison, Zhanxing God was not afraid of the king: "whatever you do, I'll give you a hundred jin."

Yang Xiao turned around and looked at the twinkling Zhanxing God: "you say, if I really fulfill the long cherished wish of my ancestors and restore the Sui Empire, how much success can I achieve?"

Without even thinking about it, zhanxingshen simply replied, "no one in Chengdu."

Yang Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly, which made her more beautiful and put more pressure on Zhanxing God: "ten percent, none?"

"Strictly speaking, we should not use the word" Cheng. "

Zhanxingshen dodged Wang Shang's eyes, looked at the small mountain village shrouded in clouds, and said honestly, "one should be used."

"Then, what fraction?"

"100000 is not enough."

Zhanxing God raised his head and said in a low voice, "my Lord, I think you should be very clear now. China has become more powerful than ever. Especially at present, the country is peaceful and the people are in peace. It's the flourishing age of China, and people live and work in peace and contentment. If you call out -- "

"What happens when I shout?"

"People can only have two reactions."

"Which two?"

"First, I thought I was making a movie."

Zhan Xingshen bit his lower lip and continued: "second, we think, think --"

Yang Xiao interrupted her: "think the wall of the neuropathy hospital is crooked?"

Zhanxingshen was stunned.

She really did not expect that the cold and eccentric Wang Shang could say this.

"Don't be surprised. I'm influenced by Li, some scum."

Yang Xiao walked slowly around the signal tower: "although your answer makes me very unhappy, it's a reality that we can't change. These days, as long as I watch movies, I just watch modern war movies. "

When it comes to the term "modern war", Zhanxing God can recognize that Wang Shang's tone contains too much bitterness.

The emperor Xuanyuan of the dynasty certainly did not expect that weapons in modern war had developed to such a stage.

If it's just pistols and rifles, it's better to say. After all, as long as the Kung Fu is high enough and the action is fast enough, the role of firearms is not very important after they rush into the crowd and take close combat.

But why do armed helicopters fly in the sky?

And why is it that if you press a button on this side, there will be missiles soaring up into the sky?

For the explosion point ten thousand miles away, the error will not exceed several hundred meters.

The devastating blow after the explosion can cover hundreds of meters away.

It's just that people outside don't know the existence of flame valley.

If the authorities know that there are some stupid forces that want to cause chaos to the country, they just need to click on the button, and then the missiles will fly by, and in just a few minutes, the valley of flames will be razed to the ground.

What's more, they only need one nuclear bomb, which can make thousands of people in the valley belch at the same time!

Even in this sky, there are their eyes.

It's said that the Big Dipper system has been started, and the ants running on the ground can be seen from nine days away - alas, how can we fight this war?

After clearly feeling Wang Shang's dispirited spirit, Zhanxing God was pleased in his heart and quickly advised: "Wang Shang, so his subordinates feel that it's better to hide their ancestors' aspirations in their hearts and change their strategies."

"What kind of strategy?"


Zhanxingshen believes that according to Wang Shang's IQ, she can definitely understand what she wants to say from this idiom.

Subtle original meaning refers to the change of a person's thought or character due to infection and influence unconsciously.

Yang Xiao said gently, "you mean you can bring out the people in the valley, mix in the inland, cultivate them, let them stand out and take control of the power of the country, and then restore the Sui Empire?"

Zhan Xingshen nodded.

"It's really a good idea."

Yang Xiao said with a smile: "it's just that if we want to wait for the perfect realization of the plan, we don't know hundreds or even thousands of years later. At that time, does anyone remember the Sui Empire? "

Zhan Xingshen's mouth moved and didn't speak.

Yang Xiao guessed: "do you want to tell me that now no one thinks we can succeed except that I want to follow the long cherished wish of my ancestors. It's better to live comfortably. "

Zhanxingshen nodded again: "my Lord, I think you should see it now. In addition to you, elders -- "

"They are them, I am me!"

Yang Xiao's harsh voice suddenly rose and interrupted Zhanxing God's words: "even if I am the only one in flame Valley, I will follow my ancestors' wishes and strive to realize my great mission!"

"But you will not succeed."

Exhibition star God is bold, low voice persuades a way.

"Then, die."

Yang Xiao suddenly laughed, facing the rising sun: "with him."

Under the sun, her smile is so charming.

The God of Zhanxing couldn't help looking at it. When he was stunned, the golden light flashed in front of his eyes.

Without waiting for her to make any response, the pain came from her face and made her cry, "ah!"

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