Two women dare to play with him like this, it's not because they think they're going to eat Li Nanfang?

Since Li Nanfang was able to go to the Lu family last night, he must come to the Yue family today.

Otherwise, be careful, the moths will fly up in groups, making this guy exhausted and unable to resist.

Sleep in the morning and wake up naturally?

All right.

Traffic jam, it's 11:00?

that 's ok!

Even if you come here and stay at the entrance of the Hutong for eight hours, it's up to you.

Anyway, sooner or later you have to appear in front of the great master-in-law.

The later you get, the less confident you are.

Even if you wave a taxi and just walk away, the entrance of Yuejia hutong is quiet, even without a ghost.

I really think that if I give you an invitation, the Yue family will have to be like the Lu family. Three generations of ancestors will stand at the door, waiting for you?

"Ha ha, you are so naive."

I don't know why, Li Nanfang heard his aunt's gloomy laughter.

This strong illusion made him hate himself: "why should I say that to the reporter when I was in the Seven Star Club? At that time, I saw people's shocked faces, but my heart was very sour. But at that time - I didn't seem to realize that when I was in the limelight, I tied a collar around my neck. "

There is no doubt that the shameless degree of the video that boss Li was interviewed by reporters has shocked the whole world.

Anyone who cares about it knows that he will live and die with Yue Zitong and He Lan Xiaoxin.

If he turns around and leaves now, he will not only attract Yue Zitong, but also make people in the circle think that he is a farting guy and start to despise him.

Originally, Li Nanfang had an absolute advantage in front of Yue Zitong. How could he suddenly become like this?

It's all his fault.

After he married meijiaoniang of Seven Star Club, he was greedy and wanted to take Helan Xiaoxin and yuezitong into his pocket.

The irrational behavior under the impulse has created Li NanFang's embarrassment.

"Go or go? It's a tough multiple choice. I have to think about it. "

Li Nanfang murmured, but like an invisible chain tied around his neck, he walked into the alley involuntarily.

In the past, when Mr. Yue was alive, no one could enter the Yuejia Hutong.

According to Yue's valuable contribution to the construction of China, there are armed police on guard at the entrance of Yuejia Hutong where he lives.

That's the privilege!

But no matter how stupid people are, they will not raise any objection to it.

After the death of Yue Laoxian, however, the fighting experts like Li Nanfang only need to have a look to see that these people all have real kung fu.

Real Kung Fu is the Kung Fu of killing people.

When killing people on the battlefield, do you still need to be as good-looking as Taekwondo?

No, it was just a show.

In other words, it's a live target to kick the yolk to pieces.

To kill people, you don't need any frills at all, whether it's buttonholing or throat locking, chest attacking or Yin lifting. It's absolutely necessary. It's for the purpose of killing each other as soon as possible.

"Ah, ha!"

Li Nanfang leans against a tree and looks like a handsome man. When he sees it with relish, a group of young men in black shorts suddenly shout, jump up and kick his opponent heavily.

The opponent sent out a stuffy hum, the body slanted to stab inside to fly out, the head bumped on a bowl mouth thick flowers and trees.

There was a loud crash and a rush of petal rain.

Stick guy like no trouble, a carp jumped up, face don't care about the neck, eyes fierce stare at the opponent, slowly raised the right fist.

As long as you don't die, fight to the end!

The young woman who was in charge of supervising their fight, although her face was still calm, nodded slightly.

It seems that she is quite satisfied with her opponent's performance.

More than a dozen big living people, who are also burdened with the burden of protecting the family in law, suddenly come to a strange Li, standing there with a cigarette in his mouth, showing his real quality of being idle, but no one looks at him.

Not only that, the ordinary looking young woman stopped the young man who almost broke the flowers and trees in her head. She continued to challenge her opponent, stretched out her right index finger and gently hooked the winner of the two.

The meaning is obvious: "come here, let me teach you a lesson."

The winning stick boy's face immediately became dignified.

Instead of the past, he took a deep breath and stepped back two steps.

The other five teams stopped fighting and quickly ran to the west of the second gate, forming a line.

Hands to back in the back, two legs 25 degrees angle of divergence, show their true colors.

To tell you the truth, Li Nanfang is not too keen on their professional stance.

No one else, this is the standing posture used by US soldiers who are too strong for the earth.

Perhaps this standing posture is the most powerful embodiment of the military.

Li Nanfang just doesn't like it.

for nothing.

Just like he disdains Yue Zitong to use this way to give him a bad impression.

No matter how wonderful these guys play, what can they do.

Compared with Li Nanfang, who has fought for countless times, it is still too tender.

Including the young woman with short hair.

Li Nanfang once met this young woman in the corridor of the intensive care unit of the general hospital. She knew that she was the bodyguard of Yue Zitong and was trained by Jing Hongming.

This guy, he must be a killer.

No matter how much Li Nanfang disdains her, he knows that the person who is taught by Jing Hongming is not a simple person.

But he just disdains it.

Don't ask why.


Just when Li Nanfang slowly spat out a circle of eyes, the stick boy suddenly gave a roar, just like a mad bull, with his hands open, and rushed straight at the young woman.

There is no flower shelf jumping up in the air, just like a bulldozer.

Li Nanfang, with his abusive eyes, finally got serious.

When his eyes slightly changed, the young woman standing still suddenly stepped back when the stick boy was about to jump on her.

There's no graceful demeanor of flowing water. It's just to retreat quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it retreats to Li Nanfang.

No matter how fast the young woman retreated, she couldn't rush to her best.


The stick boy roared again. When the forward speed suddenly accelerated, his right fist had been raised and hit hard.

The young woman's right heel turned in place, her body tilted in the stab, just like a stake blown down by the strong wind.

Wang Yang is worthy of being one of the twelve gold hairpins trained by Jing Hongming. He can rank among the top 100 close combat experts in the world in terms of experience and force.

If at present on the battlefield of life and death, the baton boy is the enemy again. When she suddenly tilts out of the stab, she can hit the enemy with her right fist and break several ribs.

But it's not on the battlefield.

Stick guy is not the enemy, so Wang Yang certainly won't use that kind of killing move to deal with him.

Even if he dodged, he let the Batman's fierce right fist empty, and hit Li Nan's side door hard.

Yue Zitong's downfall is a bit excessive.

After Li Nanfang emptied his fist, he not only didn't recover it, but also accelerated the smash again. It's very clear.

He was a little annoyed.

Not only did the boy fight with all his strength, but also Wang Yang, who flashed the punch in the oblique stab, suddenly put his hands on the ground, lifted his right foot quickly and pointed at Li NanFang's chin.

There is a famous move called scorpion wagging its tail.

In the blink of an eye, Li Nanfang, who was originally a spectator, was attacked by Wang Yang and the stick guy.

He has no choice but to retire.

I'm leaning on the tree to play the handsome man who is laughing.

If Yue Zitong and He Lan Xiaoxin are present, they will surely guess what will happen next.

Naturally, Li Nanfang quickly raised his hands, one hand blocked the fist of the stick boy, and the other hand dragged Wang Yang's right foot away.

These two women firmly believe that it's not too easy for Li Nanfang to make this in an instant, depending on his force value.

Just waiting for him to make this move!

In that way, Wang Yang will be able to join hands with the baseball guys to launch an "open and aboveboard" attack on him.

If necessary, the more than ten good guys who have taken a step forward will also rush up.

The fierce tiger can't stand the wolves. No matter how skillful Li Nanfang is, how can he beat these 13 people with his bare hands?

Even if he can't compete, he will be embarrassed and lose face!

Aunt Yue's downfall is not for fun.

Don't talk about Mao.

If Li Nanfang shows up at the gate of the Yue's house before eight o'clock with a gift from her filial elders in her hand, how can she arrange for her aunt and nephew's sake?

It's just obvious that both of them have miscalculated.

They have forgotten what Li NanFang's nickname is.


The biggest characteristic of scum is that they like to do things that others don't expect and don't like to do things that others think.

Therefore, in the face of Wang Yang and stick together to attack, Li Nanfang dementia like no action.

Almost at the same time, Wang Yang's right foot, as well as the stick boy's right fist, hit Li Nanfang heavily in the face.


The dull sound of combining the two sounds harsh.

Blood, like an arrow, splashed from Li NanFang's nose.

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