After being taught by Wang Yang and others, Li Nanfang will come in and complain to her aunt.

But how can he go?

It's not scientific.

Just when Yue Zitong was in a daze, Wang Yang said in a low voice: "at that time, I was training with Xiao Luo. In the fierce competition, I suddenly found someone coming. As you know, miss, when we are training, we pay special attention to one eye, four directions and all directions

Although Wang Yang's mind is much more flexible than Qi Yue's, he is not the master of Li Nanfang who is used to lying. Even if he lies for three days and nights, his face is not red.

Wang Yang couldn't do it. After a few words, he couldn't go on. He simply said the key point: "after we hurt him by mistake, he left."

"You, you hurt him by mistake?"

Yue Zitong is smart, and immediately caught the meaning of this word.

The meaning of accidental injury is to hurt someone accidentally. It's not that both sides are pinching each other, which leads to his injury.

How is that possible?

Yue Zitong didn't believe that Wang Yang could hurt li Nanfang by mistake.

What's more, I don't believe Li NanFang's bad temper. After being hurt by mistake, he didn't come to her for justice, so he turned around and left.


It's really unscientific.

In Yue Zitong's face full of disbelief, thinking about what Li Nanfang is doing, He Lan Xiaoxin said: "Wang Yang, you come here."

When she found something wrong, she immediately realized that she couldn't talk about it in front of others.

It's better to find a secluded place and let Wang Yang tell Li NanFang's reaction at that time.

To the west of the backyard is the room where Yue Zitong used to hold Li NanFang's ashes.

The urn was gone, but the house still kept its peculiar gloomy when it was there.

As if there was an invisible ghost, melting in the air, looking at the three women coming in, smiling with pity.

To this kind of atmosphere, He Lan small new quite uncomfortable, stretched out his hand to push open the window.

Immediately, bright sunlight came in, driving away most of the Yin Qi.

Everyone else at the Party saw that an accident had happened.

However, no one will show great interest in this matter, just as nothing happened, they still play their own games.

But Yue Zitong, standing in the sunshine in front of the window, can see the taste of ridicule from the corner of Yue Qingke's mouth.

She didn't care.

Because what she cares more now is that the little nephew, a real bitch, didn't follow her plan.

Helan Xiaoxin also has some silly eyes.

In the process of making a plan to invite Li Nanfang to visit the Yue's family, she made great efforts and made sure that Li Nanfang had to do what they expected. Whether they were seeking justice or angry, they would have corresponding moves to deal with it.

It's like making multiple choice questions.

Yue Zitong gave Li Nanfang two answers, a and B.

Also for these two answers, fully prepared for the follow-up.

But who would have thought that Li Nanfang chose neither a nor B, he chose C.

Give a Yue Zitong two people did not think of the answer.

do a seemingly clever thing which turns out to be a foolish one instead.

After listening to Wang Yang, Yue Zitong and his wife look at each other and see a strong sense of failure from each other's eyes.

Don't ask at all. Li Nanfang is very angry now.

But also very proud.

Just pay a small price of being hit crooked nose, can solve a lot of unnecessary trouble, he can not be proud of it?

Almost at the same time, Yue Zitong and He Lan Xiaoxin sighed: "Alas, what should we do?"

They were stunned at the same time and said in unison: "go to the general hospital!"

If a man with a crooked nose and blood on his shirt takes a taxi and says to go somewhere else, the driver master will be very surprised.

It's not only possible to be rejected, but also to call the police and say that there's a bloody guy here. Isn't he the suspect who just finished the case and is ready to flee?

But if this person said he was going to the general hospital, it would be very normal.

What's the general hospital for?

It is specially used for all kinds of injuries, whether it's the one whose nose is crooked or the one who happens to hold a bird when closing the door.

Of course, people hurt by love are not included.

But the driver didn't feel that Li Nanfang, who was still humming a ditty with a crooked nose, seemed to be hurt by love.

After giving the driver an extra 100 yuan in recognition of his kindness of refusing to carry someone with a bloody face, Li Nanfang bowed his head and stretched out his hand to straighten the bridge of his nose.

Being beaten is also a kind of learning.

Those who know how to be beaten, even if they are beaten and kicked for five minutes, will get up afterwards, pat their buttocks and leave like no one else.

As for those who won't be beaten, they don't know what to do to avoid heavy injury when injury comes.

Li Nanfang knows how to get beaten, so after straightening his nose and opening his mouth, he felt a little sore and wanted to sing.

I still don't sing.

It's important to get down to business.

Li NanFang's business is very simple. He's going back to Castle Peak.

Before returning to Castle Peak, you must come here to say goodbye to Hua yeshen and Jiang Muran.

Oh, and LV Mingliang.

Hua yeshen, who was completely out of danger, has now been transferred out of intensive care unit and went to intensive care unit.

So is LV Mingliang.

Had it not been for Lin Kangbai's injury, it is estimated that LV Mingming would never have had the chance to live in the intensive care unit of the general hospital in his life.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

I think so.

Jiang Muran forgives him.

Otherwise, he and Hua yeshen would not be arranged in the intensive care unit on the same floor.

In this way, it is convenient for Jiang to take care of them.

Lu Ming Liang's ward is closer to the elevator.

Li Nanfang just walked out of the elevator, just saw Jiang Muran holding a plate, just about to enter the door.

"Ah, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Li Nanfang had blood on his chin and chest, Jiang Muran was startled.

"It's OK. I was thinking about something when I was walking. As a result, I accidentally bumped into the pole."

Of course, Li Nanfang will not tell her the truth, although he also understands that Jiang Muran will not believe what he said.

But Jiang Muran would never ask more. He would only give the tray to a nurse who came by. After a few words, he turned and hurried to the duty room.

This is the smart woman.

When she came out again, she had a small first aid box in her hand.

"Are you going back to Castle Peak?"

Jiang Muran is an excellent surgeon. When he wiped Li NanFang's blood, he already saw that he was just bleeding from his nose, and it didn't matter.

"Well, I'll leave later."

"In such a hurry?"

Jiang Muran bowed his head and squeezed the alcohol cotton into a cake shape. The mosquito hummed and asked, "can't you go back early tomorrow morning?"

She knew very well that boss Li was very busy. She didn't know how long it would take for them to meet again when they left Beijing this time.

She wanted to spend a good night with her before he left.

Li Nanfang hesitated. As soon as he opened his mouth to say yes, Jiang Muran raised his head and said with a smile, "let's go. I have to wait on patients at night."

She is not only smart, but also sensitive.

Li Nanfang just hesitated a little. Jiang Muran knew that he was in a bit of a dilemma and immediately advised him to go away.

With a smile, Li Nanfang said, "there are people in the night God. Don't strain yourself."

"It's OK. I have nothing to do after work anyway."

Jiang Muran shook his head: "you go to see them first, I'll come."

Li Nanfang agreed and pushed the door into Lao Lu's ward.

The nurse is changing his dressing. He is awake.

Although Lao Lu had just climbed out of the ghost gate, his face was very pale because of excessive blood loss, but he had a good mental outlook.

If we have to say whether it is worth it or not, Lao Lu's brave act of standing in the way of Jiang's bullet was worth it.

He was not only forgiven by his ex-wife who always hated him, but also regarded as a hero. Even the Lin family in Jinghua came to see him.

The Lin family has reason to thank him.

If Jiang Muran is really shot and killed by Lin Kangbai, the whole Lin family may be dealt a devastating blow.

Let's not talk about Jing Hongming's attitude for a moment, but Lin Dashao's crazy behavior of killing people with guns in full view of the public is enough for his political enemies to hold on.

Thinking that he was confused, wrong, and brave for a while, he could gain so many benefits, Lao Lu wanted to get shot again and be in a coma for a few more days.

Lying on the bed, Lao Lu was looking at the nurse's flat bottomed shoes, thinking happily. A voice rang out in his ear: "Lao Lu, how do you feel?"

"Ah? It's Li, Li -- "

As soon as Lao Lu's head turned, he saw that it was Li Nanfang. His pale face was immediately flushed and he was about to sit up.

It's strange that he can sit up like this.

Li Nanfang quickly reached out and pressed his shoulder, with a heavy look of brotherhood: "Lao Lu, lie down, lie down, don't touch the wound."

People injured in the back can only lie on their stomach.

It makes Li Nanfang very awkward to talk to him, but no matter how awkward he is, what he should say still needs to be said, and the thanks he should express should not be stingy at all.

It was his woman who gave up his life to save him.

take care of the wound.

When you recover from the green hill, I will give you another Baijiu to express my solemn thanks.

As for the work in Qingshan hospital, don't worry.

To be exact, it's your Dean's throne. No one can shake it.

Lao Lu, you have developed this time.

Not only no one can shake your throne, but in order to thank you for your bravery, a family must also put you in the position of the main leader of the provincial department.

Lao Lu, your future is like the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. It's dazzling and makes people want to curse their mother——

Li Nanfang said this not to deceive Lao Lu, but to tell the truth. When Jing Hongming called him, he said it clearly.

Lao Lu was very excited. He held Li NanFang's hand tightly and was reluctant to let him go.

Li Nanfang, who has the spirit of night flower in his heart, how can he spend too much time with him?

He said a few words to make him happy, and then he said goodbye.

Just out of the door, just as Jiang Muran out of the elevator, holding a brand-new clothes.

Blue denim blue, dark blue long sleeve shirt.

This dress was bought by Jiang Muran and put in her dressing room.

After he changed his clothes in the duty room and put the old clothes with blood into the paper bag, Jiang Muran stood on tiptoe, put his arms around his neck, and gave him a heavy kiss on his lips. Without saying anything more, he turned and left.

It's all in the kiss.

"I don't wipe the lipstick on your mouth either. Is this a deliberate way to show off and make me jealous?"

Compared with LV Mingming, Hua yeshen, who was more seriously injured, recovered much faster than him, and could talk to Li Nanfang with a smile.

"Am I that shallow? You must be dazzled. There's no lipstick. "

Li Nanfang, who had just come in and had no time to speak, was a little embarrassed. He raised his hand and wiped his mouth. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up her hand: "even if I want to show off, I will go to show others after you kiss me."

"You're going back to Castle Peak."

"You are so clever."

Li Nanfang smiles and gently scrapes her nose with her fingers: "a woman who is too smart is not very likable to a man."

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