When Lao Zhang and others thought that they were here, someone finally appeared.

That's a beautiful young woman.

Beautiful appearance, good figure, can let people see, can think of the beautiful young woman in winter.

The indifferent young lady, not far from Lao Zhang, also saw this scene.

So many peace loving oriental men are indifferent to this. Of course, Lao Zhang does not dare to expect that beautiful young women will rush to rescue them.

At that time, he only yelled to spare his life in Chinese and trembled like swinging his legs.

Toyo Heise would sneer and scold something. When he reached for Lao Zhang's pocket, Lao Zhang swore that the knife light he saw really flashed in front of his eyes like lightning.

Then, Hei se Hui had already reached into Lao Zhang's right hand in his pocket and fell to the ground with a click.

The blood from the broken wrist, like a blood arrow, sprayed all over Lao Zhang.

The scream of Hei se Hui, whose right hand is cut off, is enough to wake up the whole city about to fall asleep.

Also awakened Lao Zhang.

He just saw that the beautiful young woman who just looked here and was about to leave had come to him.

Beautiful young woman's hand, carrying a broken knife.

Under the light of the street lamp, there is a drop of blood on the blade of the knife which looks like autumn water.

How dare this beautiful young woman cut people in the street with a knife!

Is there any royal law?

Do you still see the famous Oriental black astringent in your eyes?

The scream of the companion whose right hand was cut off awakened several others.

Everyone roared and raised their guns - the result of raising their guns was not so wonderful.

As soon as they raised their pistols, before the muzzle of the pistol pointed at the beautiful young woman, Lao Zhang heard more than ten Chi Chi voices.

Then, there were several more blood holes on those black and astringent bodies, as if they were crazy. They trembled violently in the same place, then they fell to the ground and did not move any more.

When they woke up, they found that they had come to the parking lot of their hotel.

As for how they came here, who they talked with and what they said before they came here, they don't know.

Only the beautiful young woman stood in front of them and asked them whether they were from Qingshan, East China province, in fluent Chinese.

After Lao Zhang and others nodded, they finally knew that it was time to thank others for saving their lives.

When the beautiful young woman waved her hand and turned to a black car, she left a sentence: "don't thank me. I'm Qingshan's daughter-in-law. How can I see you being bullied but standing by."

She said she was Qingshan's daughter-in-law.

Qingshan's daughter-in-law?

Qingshan whose daughter-in-law ah, so awesome!

Lao Zhang thought all the way, but he didn't understand it.

Don't think about things you don't understand.

It's not only a headache, but also reminds Lao Zhang of that terrible scene.

Anyway, as long as you can go home alive, it's the most important thing, isn't it?

Hot people like Lao Zhang have lived in Qingshan for most of their lives, and they have never thought how good the city is - for example, they also believe that the well-known celebrities say that compared with developed countries like Toyo, China's economic development and people's quality are not only a little bit worse.

But now, the car owners feel that castle peak has never been so beautiful.

Look, how elegant is the girl who takes the dog for a walk and spits everywhere?

How sweet is the roar of the man who wants to be heard by people all over the world when he calls?

That - and that row of black suits standing in front of the car, all wearing sunglasses, hands crossed in front of the belly, without squinting, like the full-time black astringent meeting. How kind?

It may be that Lao Zhang and others were almost hit by Toyo Heise. When the bus driver saw such a line of people standing on the side of the road in front of him, he ignored the traffic regulations and slowly stuck his car on the side of the road.

No one can be offended.

Lao Zhang and others silently looked at the row of people, no one spoke.

It has the appearance of hundreds of people, unified black suit, unified sunglasses, unified facial expression.

Behind them, there must be about 30 cars parked, the same model - taxi.

These fool youth, even if the black astringent will, trouble to dress the occupation, OK?

Not to mention all of them are driving BMW and Mercedes Benz. It's good for you to get ten vans. How can you get some taxis to make up for the number?

But no one dares to teach them this. The cars in the back follow the example of the bus and stop at the edge.

People are all talking about who is the boss of this family, who dares to make such a big show in the Castle Peak, and is not afraid to be taken away by the police when they yell at the wine table?

I remember two years ago, there was such news in the newspapers that when a big brother in a certain province was released from prison, hundreds of his younger brothers were at the gate of the prison to welcome the old man's demobilization, creating a huge momentum, and the result was that he was immediately arrested.

No, there won't be any trouble.

When people were secretly talking about whether a boss who was welcomed by the younger brothers would be invited into the police station tonight, a black big car came slowly from the rear.

"Who dares to challenge the dignity of the black and astringent society when he thinks he's running away? He's so impatient."

When Lao Zhang heard the bus driver whispering in this way, he nodded with the same feeling and saw that the car was parked in front of him.

When driving out of the toll station on the expressway, Li Nanfang wondered how the cars in front of him stopped one by one.

Is there any official figure who wants to pass through here to implement traffic control?

It's not like that.

Because you can see clearly from a high place, the cars on the street below are running normally.

So why do these cars need hemming?

Li Nanfang, who feels it's good to go home, is not in the mood to wait for a big man's passing.

Scum, right?

Others disdain to do, dare not do, scum is to do energetic.

Isn't the current situation a good time to show the style of scum?

Li Nanfang just hesitated a little and drove off the highway.

After passing the bus in front of him, Li Nanfang found that there were hundreds of black suits and sunglasses standing on the side of the road, which made him feel painful. He wanted to drive over directly. Well, even if you come to flatter me by waiting for the return of Laozi king, don't make such a show.

This is definitely the idea of Chen Dali and Wang Defa.

It's just that such a calm person as Dong Shixiong, how can he agree to their proposal and still rank first?

Li Nanfang really wants to put his head in his pants, or drive away at a high speed.


It's a shame.

Who came up with a bad idea to get some taxis to drive?

Li Nanfang decided that after he went back, he would immediately deduct the quarter prize of flatterer who came up with this idea!

For the sake of not wanting to cool their filial piety, Li Nanfang had to stop the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Dong Shixiong, Chen Dali, Wang Defa, and Lao Zhou from the R & D department, the four King Kong of boss Li, came quickly.

Chen Dali, who was ranked second, opened the door first.

Dong Shixiong, who ranks first, leads hundreds of employees of Nanfang group. He bends down and shouts with one voice: "welcome the boss home!"

Hundreds of people shout a word in unison, or shout at the top of their voice. Even if it doesn't shatter the car glass, the sound wave can go straight to the bullfight.

Li Nanfang opened his mouth and didn't speak yet. There were firecrackers outside.

Qingshan is the capital city of the eastern province. It was forbidden to set off firecrackers in public places 20 or 30 years ago.

Especially after hundreds of firecrackers were ignited together, the rising smoke covered the sunlight instantly.

The pungent smell of sulfur makes people cough.

This is simply endangering the health of the people in Qingshan.

Who came up with this bad idea?

In the deafening sound of firecrackers, Dong Shixiong and others roared twice to welcome the boss home.

It has become a rule to say important things three times.

"You bastards, this is harm - cough, cough!"

As soon as Li Nan Nan got here, he was choked and coughed violently by the smoke of gunpowder blown into the car.

Hundreds of firecrackers were set off together, and they rang for a whole minute.

The smoke, like a thick, thick dragon, hovers over the toll station at the lower entrance of the expressway, roaring and circling.

Fortunately, today's strong south wind, the sound of the bloody firecrackers finally stopped, only half a minute later, the very thick long dragon was blown away.

Li Nanfang, half choked, raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, lit the four King Kong outside the car, and scolded in a dumb voice: "you bastards, this is harm - cough, cough!"

Boss Li, who highly suspected that his lungs had been badly damaged, managed to stop coughing again. When he raised his hand to wipe the choked tears, he saw several cars with the words "Qingshan environmental protection bureau" painted on their bodies. He didn't know where they came from and suddenly appeared not far ahead.

When the door opened, more than a dozen uniformed staff members jumped out of the car one after another, and there were two people here to greet them.

One of them was Wu Yujie, holding a large envelope in both hands and handing it to the chief official.

If it is in normal times, after the people from the environmental protection department are killed, they will severely criticize those who are good at setting off firecrackers at the scene, and then bring the main person in charge back to the Bureau for further ideological education and a ticket.

But this time, after Dong Shixiong and others brought unforgivable air pollution to the people of Qingshan, it was not important for them to bear the burden of fines. The most important thing was to let them understand that they could not set off firecrackers without authorization. However, they did not criticize on the spot. They just took the big envelope in Wu Yujie's hand and took out a bill from their pocket.

After coming instead of being rude, the official, who might be a bureau seat, turned around and waved.

Then, all the environmental law enforcement officers jumped into the car and ran away.

Li Nanfang was stunned and forgot to cough. He asked, "what did Wu Yujie give people?"

"Three hundred thousand dollars in pollution penalty cash."

Wang Defa, who has never been able to make a profit, has finally found an opportunity.

"Lying trough!"

Li Nanfang was shocked: "you, have you discussed with the environmental protection department for a long time?"

Lao Wang ha ha a smile, haven't spoken, a burst of harsh siren sound came.

As soon as the car of the environmental protection department left, several police cars from a branch of Qingshan were killed from the street below.

A few police cars have not stopped, Li Nanfang saw the dog with two people, bumpy bumpy bumpy to meet up.

As shown in the movie, when the police, who are responsible for the importance of public security, arrive at the scene, the troublemakers who seriously disturb the public security immediately turn themselves in, willingly be handcuffed by the police, put into the car and turn around.

Looking at the far away police car, Li Nanfang murmured: "how much does it cost to bribe the police?"

Lao Wang also preempted the answer: "they are relatively black, 300000 is unfair! He also got on two domestic police cars. "

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