"That voice is a warning from Yue Qingtian, who is hiding elsewhere?"

Suning raised her hand and took out again the salty pig hand that Lao Qin didn't know when to put into her collar.

If in the past, as soon as Lao Qin made this move, Suning would have twisted his waist and wrapped it up like a snake. She breathed out in his ear and whispered that she had just learned a posture from a slut. Do you want to try it.

But now, sister Ning doesn't mean that.

Anyone who hears the whole process of this confidential file, which is regarded as No.1 by Huaxia, will have a very strong curiosity.

I'd like to be on the scene immediately and fly to the scene to have a look. Where else can I afford to rent something shameful?


Seeing that Suning didn't mean to cooperate at all, old Qin only hummed bitterly.

He prefers to do that and tell stories at the same time.

"Let's talk about it first, and I'll give you something later."

Seeing this guy's unhappy face, Suning put his hands on him and said, "dear husband, hurry up - since that voice is not from Yue Qingtian, who will send it out?"

"It's a woman."

Qin Yu can't stand it. Suning even pinches and twists him. He has to get down to business.

Yue Qingtian is a man, a standard seven foot man.

All along the way, we all said so much together. Even if the seven warriors closed their eyes, they could still hear his voice - powerful, right?

So, as soon as the voice came, we quickly analyzed that it was not Yue Qingtian.

It's a woman.

A woman's voice should be very nice.

But how does this woman's voice sound itching in people's heart? She thinks that the shovel is dragging along the road and the iron is rubbing?

What's more, it's clear that it's daylight, but the woman's voice is pitiful, as if it came from an ancient tomb. People can't help but cover their ears and run away.

What's more important is how can there be seven warriors in this place, and people other than Yue Qingtian!

Still a woman.

It's not scientific. It's not scientific.

Don't forget that it took the whole nation three years to prepare for the plan before the seven warriors stood here. With the help of the most advanced exploration equipment, four of their companions died. They had to work hard to get here. So how did this woman come here?

Is it flying over here?

Shedao Xiehe and others looked up at the sky and shook their heads a moment later.

Even if there is a bird with wings in the world, it is impossible to fly over the extremely complicated and severe mountains and come here like an airplane.

Can we say that as early as how many years ago, there were Chinese people living here?

It's impossible.

According to the observation of the sky at night and pinching the finger of God in the day of Shedao Xiehe for many years, the birthplace of the Dragon veins in the world was determined after countless calculations according to the sky.

It's not that people can't live here, or its special aura can make people who live here not only have mental breakdown, but also have some changes in their body. They can't bear it any more. They just bump their head on the pole.

If there are poles here, too.

It's not Birdman, it can't be human, so is it a ghost?

Just when the words "ghost" came to people's mind, the voice of the woman who was hard to hear was echoing: "Japanese pirates, get out of Kunlun. Warning, I won't say it a third time. "

If she doesn't say it for the third time, that is to say, it's the last time she warns the Oriental warriors.

If Shangdao Xiehe and others don't listen, they may be sorry.

Let the Oriental warriors die, or die miserably. Is that a pity for them?

Sheshima union doesn't like to think about it.

He only knew that they had come to the core area of the birthplace of the world's Dragon veins. At this time, if because of the sound of this woman pretending to be a devil, they would be sorry to the great emperor and their companions who had been sleeping in the snow hole.

I can't go.


It's a big deal. It's just death.

As long as the plan to destroy the country is completed, what are the fears of death and the joys of life?

It's just a passing cloud.

As long as you can live forever, be revered in the latrine, and receive the support of future generations for thousands of years, your life will be worth it.

What's more, do you think the Oriental warrior is a bully?

Are the guns in their hands vegetarian?

In those days, the Manchu Qing Empire was so competitive that it had a sharp horse and a neat army array. In the end, it was not the sharp cannons of the Eight Power Allied forces that opened the door of the country, thus saving hundreds of millions of Chinese people in dire straits?

So, with one shot in hand, all the seven warriors in the world saw their great perseverance in dying rather than giving in from the envy of their companions. They opened the insurance one after another, quickly stuck it back to back, and walked slowly to the longan behind the giant statue.

Women's voices, again.

This time, it's not a warning, it's advice.

It seems that the mysterious woman who spoke also knows that heaven has the virtue of living well. If she can't kill people, she won't: "leader, no matter who you are, you'd better withdraw immediately. Otherwise, if you intrude into the valley of flame as an alien, you will not only die miserably, but also harm your descendants. "

"Ha, ha ha, the devil believes it."

Shedao Xiehe laughed and said in a loud voice: "don't play tricks with me here. If you have the ability to jump out, let's choose alone. Seven of us, if we are still unfair to you as a woman, how can we live in this world? "

Woman's voice, no longer sounded.

Just after Shedao Xiehe and others walked through the huge sculpture, her voice came back: "well, since you are all bent on death, I can't stop you. But I have said that in a few decades' time, you and your descendants will get some retribution. However, considering that you are offending the holy land for your country's sake, your sins will be alleviated a little bit. "

"No, it needs to be!"

Shedao Xiehe has a lot of backbone. Lang Sheng interrupts the woman's voice and only lets her come out quickly, so that everyone can choose one by one.

"In your third generation, more than 80 years later, there will be a woman who has been insulted by others, but has fallen in love with him and humiliated your ancestors. There will be a fourth generation of women who are killed by a bad old man, but their wives are happy with their enemies. There will be another -- "

The woman just slowly said here, suddenly sighed: "Alas, it's late. What's the use of saying this to you? "

"What's late?"

Shedao Xiehe and others sneered in unison: "ha ha, are you coming out at last?"

The woman with a bad voice didn't come out, but she came out——

"What is it?"

When listening to people's speech, Suning hates people to use this form to entertain her.

Even if this person is her husband Qin Yuguan, also can't suppress her displeasure, open mouth to want to lie on his shoulder, vicious bite on a say again.

"Be careful, I'll knock your teeth off. It'll be more comfortable to use that way."

Qin Yuguan, a rogue, reached out in time and put her right thumb and index finger into her mouth just right. With an eight character brace, sister Ning's cheeks bulged and her teeth clasped.

"Bah, you bastard."

At the beginning, Suning also deliberately cracked her teeth, but she immediately thought of Qin Yuguan's hand. She had touched some part of her body just now, and she was immediately angry.

Seeing that she was turning over, Qin Yuguan quickly withdrew her hand and asked, "do you want to hear the story?"

"Come on. Otherwise, you will die tonight. "

Suning strong curiosity, really can't let her resist the temptation of red one confidential files, only temporarily let Qin Yuguan, urge him to speak quickly.

"Where am I?"

Lao Qin always has a bad memory when he is entangled with women.

Fortunately, Suning's memory is good: "you just mentioned that the woman who spoke badly didn't come out, what came out was - what is it?"

Lao Qin nodded: "yes. What's coming out? "

"I'm asking you. I'm pretending to be a ghost again. I'm hanging my appetite!"

Suning raised his hand and beat Lao Qin heavily.

Lao Qin said, "I don't know what came out."


Suning was stunned: "you don't know?"

"Yes, I don't know."

"Haven't you seen the confidential files of red one?"


"Can you stop saying yes, yes, OK? It's such an idiot. "


Qin Yuguan nodded: "because the file, recorded here, the next on the wrong."


Su ningxiu frowned: "how can it be wrong?"

"No, it means that the passage about the death of Shedao Xiehe and others is blank."

Lao Qin patiently explained: "it's not artificial. No one knows how those poor foreigners died. Anyway, they're dead. They're all dead. None of them survived. "

Suning blinked: "No."

"What is wrong?"

"No, it means that if all the Asians died, how could these things they experienced before they died be filed in the top secret room?"

"Sister Ning, if you can think of this, you are really smart. I finally believe that. Women with big breasts have no brains. "

Qin Yuguan's face was full of praise. He pinched her on her chest and said, "I dare say you must have forgotten someone."

"I forget --"

Suning blinked again and suddenly realized, "you mean Yue Qingtian!"

"Yes, Yue Qingtian."

"This red one confidential file was recorded by Yue Qingtian. He came out of longan alive

"Your chest is much smaller."


Suning ignored her husband's sarcasm and continued to ask: "since Yue Qingtian can record all this, he should also see how Shangdao Xiehe and others died. What's the right thing to come out of. "

Qin Yuguan asked: "if at that time, Yue Qingtian just fainted because of too much blood?"

Suning was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "if it's true, it's just a coincidence that the door is closed to cover the birds."

Qin Yuguan was very angry with a beautiful woman for saying that she was rude, so he decided to teach her a lesson.

"Wait a minute."

Suning grabs old Qin's wrist: "when the files arrive here, is it over?"

"Guess what."


"Of course not."

"Then you go on."

"You have to let me punish you first."

"You little bastard."

Suning eyes watery, in order to listen to the next story, only to meet the evil interest of old Qin.

Satisfied, Lao Qin continued to say: "after Yue Qingtian wakes up, seven people, such as Shangdao Xiehe, no longer exist."

It doesn't mean that the seven warriors suddenly evaporated out of thin air.

It's seven of them, all torn to pieces by something.

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