There are four people at the cockscomb head table, either bare arms or open arms, for fear that others will not see their tattoos.

It's a real tattoo. Unlike the tattoo paper Li Nanfang bought from a school supplies store, it looks very scary. In fact, as long as he dips it in water and rubs it hard, it will fade.

"Boy, brother chicken, I've been following you for a long time."

Brother Ji looked Li Nanfang up and down, frowned and said, "you look smooth, but you don't wear very well. How long have you not worn new clothes? Do you want to buy new clothes after you have enough to eat and drink? "

Of course, Li Nanfang won't tell brother Ji that Su Yaqi gave him this dress from Italy. A blue shirt alone is worth more than 20000 US dollars.

But along the way, he was wearing this dress and didn't bother to wash it, so he looked dirty and like a stall. No wonder brother Ji would say these words.

With a simple and honest smile, Li Nanfang nodded, his eyes still staring at the beer and kebab on the table.

"Xiao Wu, bring him a Mazar."

He told his companion to take a Mazar for Li Nanfang. Brother Ji pointed to the table and said boldly, "eat, drink, eat as much as you can, drink as much as you can. Brother will pay for you."

Before brother Ji's words were heard, Li Nanfang picked up a few strings of barbecues and rolled them in his mouth. The meat was gone, leaving only the iron chisel. After chewing a few times, he grabbed a bottle of beer and drank it with his head held high.

Nutritionists talk on TV and newspapers all day long, saying that eating kebabs and drinking iced beer are the most harmful to people's health. However, Li Nanfang likes it and wants them to take care of it. They are all full.

"Lying trough, how can you eat?"

Seeing that Li Nanfang ate a bunch of kebabs and drank two bottles of ice beer in a blink of an eye, brother Ji was a bit silly, but he still waved his hand and yelled: "boss, put on the kebabs and have a drink!"

In ten minutes, Li Nanfang ate more than 100 strings and six bottles of beer. He belched and patted his stomach. He asked his brother chicken, who still had stars in his eyes, "do you have any cigarettes? Have one."

Brother Ji immediately pushed the cigarette in front of him and lit it for him.

Slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke, Li Nanfang asked: "tell me, who do you want me to help you flat?"

Chicken brother some surprised: "lying trough, how do you know?"

Li Nanfang asked: "otherwise, would you mind my eating?"

Small five can't help but ask: "then why don't you think, we care about your food and drink, is to let you pick up girls?"

Li Nanfang sneered and said, "man, you can say that I have 19 pigs in three minutes, just like you did just now, but please don't insult my IQ. Is it necessary for you to invite me to dinner and bewitch me to do such a good thing? "

"Well, you're right. Smart enough."

Chicken brother picked the next thumb, and then raised his finger across the road: "see the left side of the kiosk, the street lamp pole?"

Li Nanfang looked back and saw the parking lot of Castle Peak Hotel on the opposite side of the road. Under the street lamp that brother Ji pointed to, there was a new dark green SUV. He nodded and said, "I see it."

"Two choices. First, take this hammer and smash the windshield."

Dong, chicken brother put a hammer on the table.

"Is that the new Cadillac? It's too expensive. If you go down with this hammer, you won't be able to play with it. "

Li Nanfang said, "I'm so poor that I can't even eat. You'd better say the second choice."

"You are a good judge."

Brother Ji praised and said, "the second one is the one you guessed right just now. Take this thing and smash the head of the owner of the car. I'll make friends with you. In the future, in Qingshan City, anyone who dares to bully you will report my brother Ji's name. Tietie will save the day."

Li Nanfang looked forward to it. After listening to him, he asked, "if I don't choose these two choices?"

Xiao Wu grabs a wine bottle and smashes it on the table with a click. Half of the mouth of the bottle, which is crisscrossed with teeth, aims at his stomach and says with a grim smile: "simple, open your stomach and take out those you eat."

Li Nanfang laughs. He likes men's roughing up on him. In this way, he has a reason to eat free food. Just as he is about to raise his hand and grasp Xiao Wu's wrist, someone comes across the road in a hurry.

Damn, it's a coincidence. I just met Lao min when I was about to fight.

Li Nanfang laughed and scolded in his heart. As soon as he was about to say hello to him, he heard min's father whisper: "brother chicken, brother chicken, they are full and will come out soon. Are you ready?"

Li Nanfang didn't expect that Lao min knew brother Ji, and he seemed to be in the same group. He moved in his heart and lowered his head.

It's dark now, and the smoke is swirling in front of the barbecue stand. Li NanFang's hair is longer than when he first met Lao min. besides, he is sitting with brother Ji and others, and Lao min doesn't pay attention to him.

Just now, he even sighed to brother Ji, who was angry with Li Nanfang: "Oh, Lao min, it's not brother Ji who doesn't take the money. The problem is that it's very difficult to deal with it. You say that the owner of that car is the new advertising director of your daughter's company. Because you are always pestering your daughter and trying to be rude, you are angry and spend money to teach him a lesson

Old min is stunned: "that, chicken elder brother you say, what is a matter?"

Brother Ji didn't answer and asked, "how many people will Meng have dinner with tonight?"


"Yes, when you were looking for a friend, you only taught Meng a lesson, but you didn't say there were people around him."

Brother Ji was embarrassed and said, "think about it. Whether we are smashing cars or those surnamed Meng, will other people care?"

After the old min family broke down, he also wandered in the river and lake. He immediately knew that brother Ji was in a dilemma. He gritted his teeth, took out a stack of banknotes and patted them on the table: "if you add another 5000 yuan, you can do it if you want. If you don't do it, I won't say!"

Brother Ji grabbed the money and stood up: "dry! Brothers, let's go. Lao min, just hide here and have a look. Say, smash a car, or smash a person? "

"Smash people."

Lao min gritted his teeth again: "it's best to break the arms and legs, plus 10000."

"Cheery. What's more, I'm tired of bullying my Qingshan children with a Beijing movie. "

Brother Ji scolded very much. He raised his hand to pick Li NanFang's shoulder, dragged him to the opposite side of the road, took out a stick from his back, shook it in front of him, and threatened: "boy, if you don't do it tonight, don't blame your brother for bleeding you!"

In fact, after hearing what Lao Min said, Li Nanfang would not stand idly by, pretending to be open-minded and snatched the stick: "grass, isn't it beating people? I did it! Later, tell me which one is Meng. If you dare to bully me, I'll kill him! "

"Well, that's like a man."

Chicken brother is very pleased: "old Min said, wear plaid shirt is, you just abuse him, break the arm to run."

While they were talking, five people had already come to the newsstand. They could see some men talking and laughing in high voice. They were walking towards the car with some frivolous steps. The men in plaid shirts were surrounded in the middle, especially conspicuous.

"See, he's Meng. You hide your stick behind your back and walk over there with your head bent as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, you have to do something to make sure that one blow works. Then when they are in a daze and panic, you turn around and run. Don't be afraid. Let's go. We'll cover you here. When it's over, you just run and we'll cut off the back for you."

When brother Ji pushed Li NanFang's back, Xiao Wu said with a grim smile: "of course, you can also take the opportunity to escape, but you can guarantee that even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you can't escape from me!"

Brother Ji and others take Lao min's job, but they plan to find someone to do it for them. After the accident, they run faster than anyone else. Anyway, Lao min doesn't know that he's not brother Ji. Even if he can't get away, it won't hurt brother Ji and others.

What brother Ji has paid for is just a kebab and a few bottles of beer. It's just the clattering of dishes.

Li Nanfang sneered in his heart and held out his hand.

Chicken brother asked: "what do you mean?"

"At least three thousand yuan, give it or not. Whatever you do to me, I won't do it."

"You son of a bitch"

Small five stare, just about to get angry, was stopped by brother chicken, took out the pile of money that Lao min gave, also did not point, divided half and patted in Li NanFang's palm.

Brother Ji can see that Li Nanfang dares to open his mouth to ask for money, which is to break Meng's arm and leg.

Although he was given thousands of yuan, brother Ji was a little distressed, but if it was true, Lao min still had 10000 yuan there, didn't he?

Only willing, can get, chicken brother very understand this truth, Lao min also understand.

Just as old min craned his neck to look across the road, a red car creaked and stopped beside him. The door opened and min Rou jumped down: "Dad, what are you doing?"

Lao min didn't expect that his daughter would come at this juncture and was startled: "what am I doing? Xiaorou, why are you here? "

"My mother heard you call someone and said that she would hire someone to call Meng Changxin tonight. When I call you, you don't answer. Our family has just been better for a few days, how can you - alas! "

Min Rou stamped her foot angrily, looked around and asked in a low voice, "what about those social bastards you hired? Let's get them out of here. Don't make trouble. I really want to be caught and give you up. You're going to jail for murder! "

After listening to his daughter's words, Lao min was also a little afraid: "I, I don't think the man surnamed Meng wants to play a hooligan against you. I just want to teach him a lesson because he came from a big place."

"My business, I will deal with it. I ask you, where are the people?"

"Over there - ah, here comes the police?"

As soon as Lao min raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side, he saw a police car close to the opposite side of the road.

What makes him even more flustered is that the people over there have already started.

But he saw with his own eyes that brother Ji's men swung a stick and hit Meng's arm hard. The scream came here. Brother Ji and others hiding behind the newspaper booth, after the police car appeared, pulled out their feet and ran West.

"It's over, it's over, it's over."

Min Rou is also scared to lose face, looking at the police stop, murmur.

Li Nanfang wasn't afraid, but he was a bit surprised. The patrol car happened to come next. The key is that the three companions surnamed Meng were all stubble. When he suddenly hit him with a stick, he was not frightened. With a violent shout, he rushed up.

Wocao, what's the great man named Meng, with bodyguards around him?

Li Nanfang scolded secretly, wriggled away from one foot, jumped into the car from the other two, and the stick fell down again. The front windshield of the new car broke with a crash.

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