No one can read a girl's mind, because sometimes, even she can't read it herself.

Min Rou sat in the car, stunned for a long time, then suddenly started the car and rushed to the front intersection. She decided to go back to the hospital to find Li Nanfang and ask him face to face, why did she refuse to answer her phone!

This reason is strong enough.

She didn't expect to tell general manager Yue about Li Nanfang. She only worried that when she got back to the hospital, the scum had already left. She had been here for more than two hours.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, min Rou already knows that he's mixed up with a gang of gangsters. Just ask for the contact information of the gangsters from her father to find him.

At 11 o'clock in the night, min Rou finally arrived at the central hospital. During this time, her father worried about her and made countless phone calls to her, but she didn't answer them. After parking the car, she didn't pull out the key, jumped out of the car and quickly ran into the outpatient Department building.

From the registration office, min Rou knew that Li Nanfang had been here, but it was three hours ago, and the staff on duty didn't notice whether he had left. She just asked her to go to the surgical duty room on the second floor to have a look.

In the duty room on the second floor, there are two doctors who come all night. They are studying someone's broken arm with a film and are full of complaints. It's director Lu's duty tonight. Who knows that he left the post without permission and doesn't know where to go, so the nurse on duty has to call the deputy director.

Doctors are also human beings. They also want to accompany their wives and children to heat the Kang when they are not working. Who would like to come to the hospital and be scolded by those men from Beijing? They are all fierce and want to eat people. They have the ability to find someone who breaks your partner's arm and play some prestige on our little doctor!

The big guy is annoyed. Min Rou comes to find someone. For her beauty, it's good if she doesn't scold her. Who will help her find the guy named Li Nanfang?

Min Rou can also understand the two doctors' feelings. She whispers a word of apology, turns around and walks away. When she comes to the hall below, she takes out her mobile phone and dials Li NanFang's mobile phone.

What she got was still mechanical female voice, which made her more irritable and eager to fall to the ground.

"Hua, Hua Zong, Hello, Hello!"

Min Rou sighed and walked out of the hall. A man stepped up the steps in a hurry. After receiving the phone call, he immediately stopped at the same place. He didn't care that Min Rou was in front of him. He said excitedly: "well, director Meng is going to Qingshan hotel tonight. As soon as we came out, someone rushed out and hurt him with a stick

Min Rou, with her head down, looks up and recognizes who this man is. It's the direct subordinate of Meng Changxin, the advertising director invited by President Yue from Jinghua. It seems that her surname is Wang.

Min Rou can't remember clearly. After all, she resents that Meng often pesters her. She hides all the way and doesn't care about one of his subordinates. If he doesn't mention that director Meng was injured, he's the one who didn't think it was him.

Hua Zong's sudden call made Wang extremely excited, but she didn't notice min rou. She just said yes to the phone. When the new director arrived, he would protect his safety.

General manager Yue is in Beijing. He has a very good friend and great ability.

More than ten days ago, Mr. Yue's good friend sent a four person team, led by Meng Changxin, to serve as the advertising director of kaihuang group. It was for Mr. Yue's good friend, who was going to be the vice president of the company.

Mr. Yue's good friend is very powerful. Within a few days after Meng Changxin came to Qingshan, he got an advertising space in the prime time of provincial satellite TV, and he gave a 30% discount, which was unthinkable before.

Originally, min Rou was very happy about this, but who knows that director Meng called her very much. During the dinner party last weekend, he followed her to the community he had just bought and said a lot of disgusting things to her.

Fortunately, Min's father didn't worry about her coming home late at that time. When he came out to meet her, he met her and scolded him harshly. Then he left angrily. When he left, he also said that the woman Meng Changxin had fallen in love with didn't run away. It was her blessing to fall in love with min rou.

Min Fu is angry, but then he finds brother Ji and others and asks them to teach Meng a lesson.

As a result, Li Nanfang finally appeared and injured the man surnamed Meng. Now he has been sent to the central hospital.

Fearing that Wang would notice herself and suspecting that she had something to do with Meng Changxin's being beaten, min Rou did not dare to stay and immediately bowed her head and walked away.

Maybe Li Nanfang also saw Meng come to the Central Hospital, and then he slipped away quietly.

After thinking this way, min Rou is a little relaxed. She decides to go home first and ask her father for the phone number of hunzitou, and then inquire about Li Nanfang. Well, it's almost midnight now. A girl is driving around in the street, and her parents won't be at ease.

Just after a right turn, minrou suddenly stops the brake and looks back.

Just as the car turned the corner and the lights swept across the sidewalk across the road, she saw a pair of men and women. The figure of the man was very similar to Li Nanfang. The woman was tall and wearing a white windbreaker.

Even if it's the wrong person, min Rou has to go back to have a look. It's late at night, and there are few cars on the street. The license plate is stuck again, so she's not afraid of going retrograde.

Min Rou is right. The familiar man is Li Nanfang.

In front of LV Mingming's face, Jiang Muran is in a very high mood with Lao Kang, who actually wakes up long ago but pretends to continue to be in a coma. For half an hour, he falls on the table and faces her husband in a muffled hum from Li Nanfang.

Then, she saw a more disgusting scene - her husband, who had loved her so much, was secretly masturbating when she was madly done by other men.

This made her want to cry and die. What's more, it was an abnormal pleasure that could not be suppressed. Regardless of Li NanFang's suggestion to have a rest, she threw him on the table and opened his mouth again.

Within two hours, Jiang Muran asked her husband to masturbate three times.

At last, she had no strength, so she said in a hoarse voice that she wanted to go home.

Of course, Li Nanfang has to send her, no matter how tired she is.

Before leaving, Li Nanfang didn't warn LV Mingming. He believed that both of them were smart and would not retaliate against Jiang Muran until he realized that his head was not as hard as an iron cupboard.

Jiang Muran usually rides an electric car to and from work. Her work unit is far from her residential area, which is Wuzhan road. The electric car can arrive in half an hour.

She didn't want to ride this time, she just wanted to walk along the road.

Li Nanfang was obedient to her. In order to avoid being seen by others, they went out of the outpatient building and walked home.

After Jiang Muran came out of the hospital, he let go of Li NanFang's arm and walked silently with his head down.

Li Nanfang did not speak, lit a cigarette and followed her step by step.

Through this intersection, 200 meters ahead is the residential area where Jiang Muran lives. She finally said, "where do you live now?"


"I'm asking where your family lives."

"I'm not local."


Jiang Muran raised his head, looked at the front and said softly, "don't go to the hotel tonight. Go to my house - later, stay at my house. My house has three bedrooms and two living rooms. It's very big. "

Li Nanfang doesn't plan to stay in Qingshan at all. His original intention is to find Yue Zitong tomorrow, drop the invitation, blackmail a hundred and eighty thousand yuan of travel expenses, pat his ass and go straight away. He will never come to Qingshan again. He will only treat this city, these people, as a good memory.


Seeing his hesitation, Jiang Muran said faintly: "if I don't want to, I won't force it, and I will forget the words you said you were very strong."

Li Nanfang laughed: "I can't wait for a free house to live in and a beautiful woman to accompany me. I'm afraid your husband won't agree. "

"He will agree. As long as you are strong enough to make him sit on the throne of vice president, he won't care if you are here."

Jiang Muran silent sneer, said: "and, I can feel that he is eager for you to share my room."

"How do you say that?"

Li Nanfang was a little strange, and then suddenly said, "do you mean, what kind of abnormality does he have?"

"How many men who can push their wives to others and help others rape their wives are psychologically normal? Ha ha, don't say, we go home, tired to death

Jiang Muran shook his hair, put his hands around Li NanFang's arm and quickened his pace.

A car came slowly from behind. The lights were very bright, as if it was going to be close to the edge. Li Nanfang instinctively looked back, couldn't stand the strong light of the lights, and raised his hand to block it.

The car drove slowly past him at a speed slightly faster than walking. The female driver, sitting inside, grasped the steering wheel and looked at him coldly.

Li Nanfang sighed in his heart and stopped.

The car also stops, min Rou still looks at him.

Jiang Muran released his arm and asked softly, "you, your girlfriend?"

"Good friends."

Li Nanfang shakes his head and is more upright.

"I'll wait for you at the front gate of the community. If you don't come home with me, let me know."

Jiang Muran is very aware of current affairs. He looks at Min Rou again, copies his hands in his windbreaker pocket and walks away quickly.

Li Nanfang pretended to be relaxed and asked with a smile: "so late, why haven't you come home yet, wandering in the street, can't you just look for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for you."

In fact, min Rou wants to say that the devil is willing to find you, but the words turn into the truth.

With a dry cough, Li Nanfang asked, "what's the matter?"

"Who is she?"

"Jiang Muran."

"For what?"

"The surgeon in the central hospital."

"How long have you known each other?"

"More than a month? I can't remember exactly. "

"Are you after her?"

"She's a married woman."

Seeing that it's so late, min Rou is still looking for her share in the street, Li Nanfang decides to tell the truth.

"How dare you hook up with a married woman!"

Min Rou began to bite her teeth, so angry that her voice began to tremble: "can you, can you point your face and accumulate some virtue?"

Li Nanfang shook his head, and still told the truth: "to be exact, she is hooking up with me."

"No matter who colludes with whom, you break up with her immediately!"

Min Rou said with an unquestionable tone.

Li Nanfang was silent for a moment before he said, "just now I promised to take care of her for a few days."

"Why are you so shameless?"

Min Rou bit her lower lip and pointed to Li Nanfang: "I - forget it, I have no right to care about you. Do you spend all these days after you leave with those bastards? "

Li Nanfang shook his head again: "no, I came to Qingshan city today."

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