Vice President Chen's face suddenly changed.

It's just that she doesn't dare tap the table.

If you can, I believe she will certainly put the cup, hard hit on the head of Sui Yue Yue!

As for the relationship between slapping the table and smashing the teacup, it doesn't matter.

But she didn't dare do that.

Even if her face changed again, she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

As long as he can be rescued, a certain Interpol who is willing to give up his beautiful white wife still echoes in deputy general manager Chen's ear, doesn't he?

But Secretary Bai didn't have the calmness of Vice President Chen. After hearing the speech, Hua's face also changed greatly. She couldn't help but ask, "sister Yue, it's not kind of you to do this, is it? I took all the money, but -- "

As soon as she said this, Vice President Chen suddenly turned back and yelled, "Secretary Bai, shut up!"

Secretary Bai was startled and instinctively shut up.

After she shut up, she realized that it was not good.

How to be bewildered and dare to be rude to Sui Yue in the golden triangle?

This, this is the prelude to death.

After harshly reprimanding Secretary Bai, Vice President Chen looked at sister Yue with a modest smile: "sister Yue, she is still young and doesn't understand. Please forgive her once for the sake of her face. "

"Ha ha."

Sui Yue smiles, but doesn't say anything. She just picks up a pair of sunglasses from the round table and puts them on her face.

Then Alice put her finger into her mouth and gave a loud whistle to the other side of the woods.

It's really a good oral skill.

After the whistle sounded, more than a dozen soldiers in camouflage suits, armed with steel guns, rushed out of the woods.

The four bodyguards, standing in the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool, were shocked and subconsciously reached out for the guy.

However, as soon as they made this move, there were at least seven or eight Black Muzzles aimed at them.

Vice President Chen shrieked in time: "everyone, don't act rashly!"

Thanks to Vice President Chen's timely obstruction, the four bodyguards were also very sensitive to the breath of death, so they immediately stood there and did not dare to move again.

"Kneel down!"

Barthes, with a gun in his left hand, went up to the four men, reached out and kicked one of them in the leg.

The man faltered, but did not kneel.

The others, they didn't kneel.

Even if the muzzle of the gun is on their forehead.

Although they are scared to death now, no one dares to forget the rule made by Hua yeshen: "no matter what the reason is, you are not allowed to kneel down to foreigners every day in my seven star club. Because they don't deserve it. "

"Do you want to die?"

Barthes raised his hand and hit the man on the head with the butt of his gun.

Suddenly, the bodyguard broke his head and blood, his eyes turned white and collapsed on the ground.

Better be knocked unconscious than kneel down.

"Sister Yue, they didn't do anything. What they did just now was just an instinctive reaction. So, I'd like to invite you to open up a little bit. "

Although I really don't want to offend Sui Yueyue, Vice President Chen can't watch his subordinates suffer, so he has to say it with a stiff head.

But Sui Yueyue said slowly, "are their bones hard?"

Vice President Chen bit his lower lip and explained, "we Huazong once explicitly stipulated that no employee should kneel down to foreigners."

"Do you believe that these people can remember the words of Hua yeshen?"

Sui Yueyue looks at vice president Chen.

Vice President Chen didn't speak, just nodded.

It's light, but firm.

"Well, let me see."

Sui Yueyue said faintly, raising her left hand and posing gracefully.

Alice immediately gave another loud whistle, her eyes bright.

She is very eager to see that those bodyguards can bend their knees in the face of the threat of death, to foreigners!

Alice has such a mentality, that is because these bodyguards are Li NanFang's compatriots.

As if, as long as she can win over these bodyguards, she can win over Li Nanfang.

As the whistle sounded again, several more people rushed up, raised the butt of their guns and smashed the three still standing bodyguards.

But three people, but all bear silently.

I'd rather be knocked down again and again than kneel down.

Barthes didn't believe it. He couldn't make these people kneel down.

So he told his companions not to knock people unconscious.

Just kneel them down willingly.

There was a gnashing of teeth, which came from vice president Chen's mouth.

She clenched her fists.

White Secretary suddenly screamed, rushed to the table: "let them go, I kneel down for you, I kneel down!"

Those bodyguards suffered because Secretary Bai was not calm.

So although those people were being beaten, she felt more pain.

She was about to kneel down, but vice president Chen grabbed her shoulder.

"Sister Chen"

Secretary Bai cried and hugged her waist.

When things suddenly got to this point, Vice President Chen, who had always been careful before, let go: "Secretary Bai, it doesn't matter. Even if we all die here today, I think Hua and Mr. Li will get justice for us. Sister Yue, do you think so? "


Sui Yueyue ignored the threat of Vice President Chen, looked at the wailing Secretary Bai, and said softly, "bury her alive."

"What, what?"

Deputy general manager Chen was shocked and held Secretary Bai in his arms.

She never dreamed that Sui Yueyue would be so cruel.

Because white Secretary offended her, not only let people hit four bodyguards, but also buried white Secretary alive.

Sui Yueyue didn't speak, she just picked up the coffee cup.

The sharp whistle sounded for the third time. After that, Barthes and two people ran to this side.

White secretary was scared out of his wits, hugged Vice President Chen: "sister Chen, sister Chen!"

"Sister Yue, Sui Yue Yue! You, you're not human

Seeing that his companion was about to be buried alive, Vice President Chen, who could care for anything else, screamed and raised his foot to kick Barthes.

Sui Yueyue just sneered: "Vice President Chen, that is to say, for the sake of someone going back to tell Hua yeshen, you can survive. Otherwise, do you think I dare not kill you? "

"You --"

As soon as Vice President Chen said this word, he was interrupted by Sui Yueyue's voice: "if you dare to offend me again, I'll be full of teeth."

"Get out of the way!"

Barthes reached for Vice President Chen's arm and threw it aside.

Then, he grabbed the white secretary's hair, regardless of her struggle, dragged to the depths of the poppy sea.

"Let her go, let her go! Sui Yueyue, please. Let her go - woo, woo. "

Vice President Chen, who got up from the ground, was just about to catch up with him, but was caught by one of Sui Yueyue's men.

It's no use letting her struggle.

"Sister Chen, help me! Sister Chen, help -- "

Secretary Bai shouts for help. He stretches his arm back. As soon as he reaches here, his eyes suddenly turn red.

Then there was a bang, a shot.

Then she saw Barthes, with a grimace on his face, shaking and plummeting to the ground.

A bullet in the head, a blood hole.

Red blood and white brain came out of the blood hole.

After the sound of the gun, all the cries, screams, shouts, screams, and even laughter stopped.

Everyone, they all looked at the source of the gunshot.

Sui Yuejiao trembled and raised her hand to take off her sunglasses.

Then she saw a man coming out of the woods with an assault rifle in his right hand.

Li Nanfang.

Li Nan was as numb as a walking corpse with no soul. His neck was turning stiffly. He swept slowly from all his faces and asked faintly, "which foreign friend would you like Chinese people to kneel down for him?"

no one.

But at the scene, there were dozens of people who came out of the woods after hearing the gunfire.

In addition to the original number of more than ten people, there must be almost fifty people.

Most of them are foreigners.

It was hired by Sui Yue.

But no one dares to answer Li NanFang's words.

Also, big Kohler.

Looking at Barthes on the ground, big Kohler closed his eyes in pain.

Raised his hand in the chest of a cross, mouth murmured about what.

He doesn't understand why Barthes is so stupid!

"Li, boss!"

After staying for a long time, Vice President Chen woke up. He pushed away the soldier who was holding her and ran to Li Nanfang. With a puff, he fell on his knees and cried.

Secretary Bai also woke up.

She wants to run, too.

But all her strength had already been scared out.

Only kneeling there, hands covering his face, crying miserable.

Vice President Chen finally knelt down.

But he knelt down in front of Li Nanfang.

The soldiers standing next to Li Nanfang dodged one after another.

They are so scared!

I'm afraid Li Nanfang may mistakenly think that they want Vice President Chen to kneel down and become Barthes again.

We all know that although sister Yue is cruel and ruthless, she can kill people without blinking an eye.

But even if Li Nanfang shot all the people present, she would not touch him.

Maybe, will gentle ask, he killed enough?

If she didn't kill enough, she would take him to the barracks and let everyone line up to kill happily.

After deputy general manager Chen knelt down, not only the soldiers avoided, but Li Nanfang also took a step to avoid.

He felt that he did not deserve to be knelt down by Vice President Chen.

He is just an incompetent person who causes trouble.

I'm ashamed of my sister night God and the six compatriots present.

If he could, he would like to kneel down for those bodyguards with broken heads and bleeding.

Sometimes kneeling is not a sign of cowardice.

It's because - thank you.

"No one?"

Li Nanfang did not dare to see Vice President Chen and others, but only the soldiers.

Big Kohler and others all shook their heads in a hurry.

Li Nanfang raised his left hand and waved.

Big Kohler and others were pardoned. They turned around and got into the woods.

As fast as you can.

Everyone, they all regret that they shouldn't have run out just now.

In the blink of an eye, those people walked clean.

"Get up, the ground is cold."

Guilty eyes, since Vice President Chen's face swept quickly, Li Nanfang walked quickly to the sun umbrella.

I have a gun in my hand, and the muzzle is on the ground.

Where it passed, a shallow mark was drawn.

Sui Yueyue, who obviously felt the sense of bloody killing, finally stood up from her chair.

But her face remained calm.

Because she knew very well that Li Nanfang did not dare to do anything about her while he was still rational.

Of course, Li Nanfang was able to slap her in the face, beat her over the chair and throw her in the poppy bush.

After a slap, Li Nanfang raised his right hand, and the muzzle of his assault rifle, which was still warm, was on Alice's eyebrow.

Alice's pupils suddenly shrank.

Subconsciously, she wanted to close her eyes and scream for mercy.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, she opened them up again.

He raised his full chest and laughed: "ha! Li Nanfang, you shoot. I'm not afraid of you

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