Half way up, the man opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

After being kicked out, blood gushed out, which proved that the man had suffered serious internal injuries.

But what if there are some pieces of meat in the blood sprayed by this person?

It's proof - his guts were kicked to pieces.

Can people who have their internal organs broken still live?


next life.

Looking at the dirty blood splashing on the Nightgown, He Lan Xiaoxin is sure to be upset.

After all, she is a pretty young woman. Her favorite liquid should be that kind of muddy slime. What's the meaning of making a nightgown with blood of broken meat?

However, she looked as usual. She stamped her little foot and shook something. She frowned and said to the man in a coquettish tone: "it's a pity that such a beautiful Nightgown is so beautiful. Hu er Shu, you have to compensate me. "

Uncle Hu?

Without waiting for hu er Shu's reaction, Helan Qun Xing's face changed dramatically again.

He finally recognized who was the man who let the three gods block and kill the gods, the Buddha block and kill the Buddha and the dead together.

Hu destroyed Tang Dynasty.

In February of December, the murderer Hu destroyed Tang Dynasty.

In fact, Lao Hu is a good man in essence.

He never killed anyone he liked——

It's a pity that he didn't like the three dead men.

Who asked them to show up when they jumped at Lao Hu and put on a posture of either you or me?

The world is so good that Lao Hu hasn't lived enough. Of course, he doesn't want to die.

Since he doesn't want to die, he can only invite three dead men to die.

Is there a problem with Lao Hu's understanding?

Not only did he feel that there was no problem, but even the most unreasonable new sister felt that way.

Where are the Helan stars?

Does he still have the right to understand why Lao Hu did it?

All he can do is to stand on the spot with cold hands and feet.

He is also a good fighter.

Although it can't compare with Helan Fusu, it's no problem to deal with ten or eight ordinary young men.

But that's for ordinary people.

Is Lao Hu an ordinary person?

Those who think so should go to another world to find the answer.

Helan Qunxing dare not do this, just as he can do now, is to stand there, waiting for Lao Hu's hair.

When Lao Hu raised his feet, he slaughtered three living lives. He didn't feel guilty at all.

He just frowned and glanced over the stars of Helan and looked at Helan Xiaoxin: "are you sure you want me to compensate you for a new Nightgown?"

Three lives, instant evaporation.

Helan stars, still stay on the spot, waiting for his hair, but Laohu is entangled in Helan Xiaoxin, let him compensate her for a new nightgown.

Helan Xiaoxin nodded solemnly: "of course. It is true that killing pays for life and paying for debts. When you killed someone, you accidentally soiled my clothes. Shouldn't you compensate me for a new one? "

Lao Hu said slowly, "but I only buy my wife a nightgown."

"Well, I'll be your wife?"

Helan Xiaoxin immediately winked and laughed sweetly: "you see, I'm young, beautiful and sexy. It's not a problem with you old man, is it

Lao Hu stares big eyes, looks at He Lan small new to stay for a long time, just vomited out two words: "enchantress."

With that, to the old Hu with both hands on his back, he turned and walked to the east of the fruit forest.

"Second uncle, wait for me!"

Helan small new hands carrying robe angle, bare a pair of snow feet, no matter what thorns on the ground and so on, jiaosheng called to catch up.

He left like this?

After seeing Lao Hu's back and disappearing into the fruit forest, Helan stars blinked their eyes and looked incredible.

After Lao Hu suddenly appeared and killed the three dead men of Qunxing childe, he had made the best psychological preparation to meet the bad luck.

However, Lao Hu ignored him, glared at Helan stars and left.

As if he didn't exist.

Not only Laohu let go of the stars, but also Helan Xiaoxin.

"Shouldn't they kill me?

Even if you don't kill me, you should warn me what to do in the future.

But they ignored me.

It's like, I'm a piece of shit.

Step on a foot, will only stain their shoes, but will not bring them any sense of achievement.

I hope the stars of Helan will be a piece of stinking shit? "

He Lan stars murmured to themselves. When they said this, they suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

He finally believed it.

No matter how proud he is, in the eyes of Hu Mie Tang and He Lan Xiaoxin, he is a piece of stinking shit that can't get any benefits!

Even Yue Qingke, who bewitched him to come here, didn't take him seriously.

The star childe, who has always been regarded as the darling of fate, turned out to be just a poor man.

Whoever you think of will call Helan Qunxing.

Looking at the number constantly jumping on the mobile phone screen, Helan stars finally slowly stopped smiling and hung up directly.

Then, a video call request was made.

After a while, the call was put through.

Yue Qingke's beautiful face appeared on the screen.

Helan stars can see that Yue Qingke is on the train.

In order to prevent Yue Zitong from dying, he had to go south to snipe her Yue Qingke. At this time, he was running to the other side of the railway.

On his front, back, left and right seats were men with strong looks.

Just like, at this time has been lying dead Helan stars at the foot of the three dead.

When Yue Qingke's face appeared on the screen, He Lan's face had returned to its former normal: "Yue Da Shao, is the journey to the South going well?"

When Yue Qingke called Helan Qunxing and bewitched him to kill Helan Xiaoxin, he once asked, "why don't you kill her?"

Yue Qingke's answer is very simple: "I'm afraid Yue Zitong is playing with a flower gun. I have to go to the south to have a look."

The so-called look is to kill Yue Zitong in case he is still alive.

Helan stars can understand.

Therefore, he knew that Yue Qingke was on the train going south.

"Everything's going well. We'll be there before dark."

Just like the old classmate's video, Yue Qingke asked calmly: "what about you? How's it going with you? "

Helan stars haughtily smile, slightly shaking the mobile phone: "if I kill a woman who can only scratch her head and make a pose, I can make a mistake, then I just go to die."

When he was shaking his mobile phone, he let the video angle just shine on a pool of dirty blood on the ground.

The blood had solidified and turned black in the sun. There were many flies buzzing on it.

Helan stars clearly see, a touch of joy, from the eyes of Yue Qingke flash.

He thought that he had succeeded in his plot to kill people with a knife.

Helan stars sneer in their hearts, shake their mobile phone again, and look deep into the fruit forest: "Yue Dashao, do you want to see that bitch's ugly appearance after death?"

But Yue Qingke replied, "I don't understand what you're talking about, Mr. stars. Sorry, I have a phone call. I have to answer it first. I'll get back to you later. "

Beep, the video call is over.

"Hehe, will you contact me later?"

Helan stars laugh, leave the mobile phone in hand, and walk to the deep of the fruit forest.

He doesn't believe that Yue Qingke will call him again.

A person who didn't mention Helan Xiaoxin's name and didn't want to see her body in the phone call made it clear that he was going to be separated from this matter, and would he contact Qunxing again?

That's the hell.

When Helan stars left, they didn't even look at the bodies of the three dead men.

What is a dead man?

The dead would rather die than expose their identity. They would never involve the hero of their master.

If so, what's the reason for Helan stars to collect their corpses?

In that case, doesn't it prove that the origin of these three dead men has something to do with him?

As for how to deal with the affairs behind the three dead, naturally, the police will deal with them.

Helan Qunxing doesn't care about the three corpses, and Helan Xiaoxin naturally doesn't care.

She was just angry about how Lao Hu walked so fast!

Is Lao Hu blind?

Otherwise, how can you ignore her a pair of show foot, has been thorned by thorns to bleeding, good quality robe, also has been torn by thorns is not decent?

"Uncle Hu! Lao Hu, surnamed Hu, can you walk slowly for me

After being stumbling over by a damned dead branch under her feet, the new sister was completely furious.

Lao Hu is not only blind, but also deaf.

There was no response to Xinjie's angry questioning.

It's still a school of master's disgusting appearance, to carrying hands, seemingly slow forward, but in fact it's fast.

It's useless to call him Hu.

This made Helan Xiaoxin really annoyed. He simply sat on the ground, closed his eyes and screamed: "help! Hu Mie Tang is going to be an indecent woman! "

"Not to mention, you really have the ability to be insulted by me."

Just when Helan Xiaoxin took a deep breath and was preparing for a sharper voice to pour dirty water on Laohu, his voice suddenly rang out in her ear: "you say, if I really insult you, I will kill you again and push it on Helan stars - no one will know. I suspect that I did it?"

Helan Xiaoxin suddenly opened her eyes and saw that Lao Hu, who was more than ten meters away, appeared in front of her like a ghost in the blink of an eye.

He's bending over and looking at her.

That handsome face is full of evil spirit.

Helan Xiaoxin immediately shivered, put his hands around his chest, and said, "hu er Shu, what kind of person are you? How can you do such a bad thing?"

"The more unproductive I am, the happier I am."

Hu Mie Tang said with a smile, and his eyes swept back and forth on Helan Xiaoxin's face.

Straight to see her quickly lowered his head, this just hehe smirk a few times, stretched out his hand and began to take off clothes.

I'll wipe it. He's not coming for real, is he?

Seeing the gray robe falling on the ground, He Lan's nerves all over his body tightened immediately.

The more people dare not do and disdain to do, the more interested Lao Hu is.

He Lan Xiaoxin has heard of this feature for a long time.

So after seeing him take off his clothes, his intestines were blue with regret.

Nature is also scared, want to smoke his mouth: "let you talk nonsense!"

"What are you doing?"

Lao Hu spoke again, and his voice was still so sad.

He Lan Xiaoxin didn't dare to look at him at all. He just bit his lower lip and forced a smile: "Hu, Hu Ershu, you decided to do this?"

"Am I the kind of person who makes fun of people?"

Lao Hu seemed to hum softly and said, "hum, I'll give you three minutes. Otherwise, don't blame me -- "

"You, you!"

Helan Xiaoxin's stubborn character of "rather die than surrender" broke out again.

He suddenly raised his head and screamed to Lao Hu, "you'll have to die!"

Lao Hu was very strange: "I just want you to wrap your feet with my clothes. In this way, you can avoid being stabbed. How can you die? "

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