
The two rabbits, who were in desperate action, didn't even hold on for a minute. They fell to the ground in the shrill cry, and pedaled on their four legs for a few times. They didn't move any more.

Yang Xiao, who witnessed the whole process of two "rogue rabbits" hanging up quickly, was a little surprised: "what a powerful spring poison."

Pharmacologically speaking, any medicine that can change animal and plant diseases is a kind of poison.

The Millennium ginseng, known as the king of hundred medicines, is also poisonous.

It's just the toxicity of ginseng. It's just for dying cells.

In the same way, since the aroma of Bodhisattva can sustain two rabbits for only one minute, it is also a kind of poison.

Any medicine related to spring medicine is called spring poison by Yang Xiao.

After smelling out the strange fragrance from the Bodhisattva, Yang Xiao thought she knew something.

But it's not.

The strange fragrance of Bodhisattva when sweating is not because she is smeared with some spring poison all over her body, but from her sweat glands.

To put it simply, even if the Bodhisattva is brushed hard on her body with a steel brush and her skin is brushed off, as long as she can sweat, she can send out strong spring poison and make people fall in love unconsciously.

"Ha ha, it's very good. I didn't expect that in such a remote and barbaric place, such a superb method was invented. "

Yang Xiao walked into the Bodhisattva, tilted his head and thought for a while, then he knew what was going on.

When Bodhisattva was born, sweat glands were normal.

However, when she grew up to a certain age, she was operated with extremely superb techniques and placed "sachets" in her sweat glands.

This sachet is a living thing.

Because only living, like grafted on the pumpkin watermelon, can grow normally.

Soon after the operation, the sachet placed on the sweat gland of Bodhisattva will become a part of her body.

Everyone's body is a small universe.

After foreign body invasion and rejection failure, it will quickly contain it - cancer cells that can kill people will survive in the rejected human body, grow up gradually, and finally completely occupy the human body, making people sick and die.

Yang Xiao estimated that the sachet transplanted on the sweat gland of Bodhisattva was soon contained after the human body failed to reject it. With the help of the body's nutrients, it developed its own power and became something like cancer cells, which has more characteristics.

The human body, in order to meet the needs of new members, will drive the host to eat more things that can make the sachet grow up and keep the fragrance forever.

Soon, the sachet became one of the instincts of the Bodhisattva.

As for the sachet itself, it's no surprise.

In the animal kingdom, many small animals carry sachets themselves.

Just give Yang Xiaosan two years to find a small animal like this and poison it all day long. After the sachet is "mature", just transplant it to the sweat glands of Bodhisattva.

With this in mind, Yang Xiao raised his toes and pushed away the left rib of Bodhisattva man, who had been rudely twisted at the moment, but with a big mouth and a violent and silent gasp.

Then, in the moonlight, she saw a very light knife mark.

"Ha ha, that's true."

After the fact confirmed that she was not wrong, Yang Xiao sneered a few times, and once again praised a barbarian in a remote area for coming up with such a way.

If the people over there heard her always say that, they would not like to say, "you are the barbarian from the remote areas!"

After sniffing his nose a few times, Yang Xiao frowned slightly and looked at the Bodhisattva man whose eyes were staring to the maximum. His pupils slowly began to show signs of diffusion. He said thoughtfully: "if you say that, then you are the most gorgeous thing. There is no need to use any medicine, can stimulate the man's deepest desire, hope. It's an odd number to say. "

"If I give you to --"

Yang Xiao, who suddenly thought of something, didn't want to be itched into saying whatever he asked, but eventually he would become dementia.

A woman no matter how beautiful, sexy, with the help of instinct to stimulate men's most powerful, but as long as become dementia, obviously not fun.

Yang Xiao hasn't played enough.

So when Bodhisattva was about to become dementia, she took out a small porcelain vase and poured out a pill carefully.

After putting the pill in Bodhisattva's mouth, grabbing her chin and helping her close her mouth, Yang Xiaocai untied the cloth strips on her limbs.

The Bodhisattva man, who was still in some kind of pain before the antidote power had completely broken out, instinctively rolled over his body, then spread his limbs, put out a "big" shape, and finally closed his eyes after a gulp like sound in his mouth.

"It's so ugly."

Yang Xiao curls his mouth and is about to go to the wooden building to find clothes to cover her, but he is stunned.

She saw something in the middle of Bodhisattva's legs.

It seems that all beauties don't like the long hair below, so Bodhisattva man is bare and has no grass.

Therefore, Yang Xiao can see that thing at a glance.

That thing should be as big as a child's palm. Half of it is hidden in it.

Yang Xiao once again had a new understanding of the people of Tianzhu.

People who think they can use it to hide things are genius.

If you don't toss the Bodhisattva, Yang Xiao will never think that there is something hidden in the Bodhisattva with red fruits.

In fact, this is also her ignorance.

The method of using the body to hide things was invented by drug dealers many years ago.

There are also some ruthless people who simply swallow the drugs wrapped in wax balls into their stomachs and take laxatives when they arrive at their destination.

But that would be dangerous.

Because once the wax pill is digested or damaged, the drug traffickers will die.

The things that can be hidden by the body of the black robed saint of Tianzhu gate are naturally not drugs and other pediatrics.

What would it be?

When Yang Xiao came back from the wooden building, he had a set of clothes and shoes in his hand and a small bucket.

What's in the bucket is not water, but liquor.

It is estimated that Lao Hu would not object too much. Yang Xiao would spoil his precious wine while he was away.

Inside the liquor, there is still a small tweezer lying quietly.

Take that thing out with tweezers, put it in the liquor and wash it repeatedly, then it can be disinfected, or the smell on it can be removed.

Use white mask to wipe that thing clean again, Yang Xiao just raised in front of eyes.

This is a black iron card.

It's not big, but it's a bit of a drop.

It's a pity that Bodhisattva can hide it with something.

On the front of the black iron plate is a maid engraved in the shade.

There is also a censer.

On the back, there are two seal characters: "Shura."

Staring at the iron plate quietly, I don't know how long it took. After Bodhisattva man finally opened his eyes, Yang Xiaocai sighed with a low sigh: "Alas, it turns out that you are the Shura gate who was sent by Emperor Xuanyuan to fight against the Central Plains thousands of years ago."

More than a thousand years ago, with the sound of thunder on a sunny day, Princess Mei of Yicheng became Queen Xuanyuan, with six departments under her door.

They are heaven, man, Shura, beast, hungry ghost and hell.

Later, at the request of emperor Xuanyuan, people, Shura, animals and hell went out of the valley of flame to search for what they needed.

Only heaven and hungry ghosts are left to guard the valley.

When the four roads came out of the valley, they carried the four iron plates handed down by Emperor Xuanyuan himself.

It's a total of six pieces of iron. It's made by Xuanyuan king with a piece of meteorite flying from the sky on the top of Kunlun mountain. It's strong enough to burn and soak.

But four out, the result is in addition to hell, the other three seem to melt into the sea after a drop of water, completely disappeared.

It was not until last year that Yang Xiao followed Li Nanfang to the British Isles and was involved in the amazing kidnapping case planned by ham that she inadvertently found a human card from ham.

Only then did she know that renpai disappeared because she had traveled across the ocean. When she discovered the new world there, she didn't want to go back to Kunlun. Fortunately, thanks to her superb martial arts, she established the Medusa Dynasty, which ham now claims to be.

I live a free and happy life.

For the evolution of renpai, Yang Xiao is very disappointed.

After taking back the iron medal, she wanted to punish ham after returning to the mainland, so as to show that his ancestors secretly married the daughter of barbarians and destroyed our pure Chinese Han blood. As a result, the peddler attacked the small desert island and almost let Yang Xiao die overseas.

Yang Xiao will settle the account with ham sooner or later.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But before she could finish Li NanFang's work, she went to Africa to look for ham. Tonight, she found a thousand year old Shura card from Bodhisattva man.

"So it is."

After a long time, Yang Xiaocai slowly lowered his head and looked at the Bodhisattva whose face had returned to normal.

She finally understood why Bodhisattva man tried to stop Li Nanfang from going to flame valley.

If Heilong doesn't go to flame Valley, Yang Xiao can't cut off his head in front of Xuanyuan statue, and restore her normal body.

Xuanyuan king can't return to normal body, then can't lead her those minions to search all over the world for four lost thousand years.

Tianzhu gate, which was transformed from Shura Road, can survive in that remote place for generations.

"In order to survive, you not only betray me, but also try to seal me in the valley of fire forever. Ha ha, ha ha, it's punishable. "

Yang Xiao stares at the eyes of the Bodhisattva, and the murderous spirit gradually condenses, and finally changes into light.

"I, we are not trying to make you live in the valley of fire forever in order to survive there!"

Bodhisattva, who has just gained some strength, has a firm voice although his voice is trembling.

"What's that?"

When Yang Xiao asked these four words, he raised his right heel slightly.

She was ready to lift her foot and stamp it on Bodhisattva's chest.

She is absolutely sure that she can stamp the viscera of Bodhisattva out of her mouth.

"In order to avoid the ancestral roots, just because of your unrealistic fantasy, it will be destroyed."

Bodhisattva struggled and sat up slowly.

And there was a strange smell coming out of her.

Just now, she was sweating out, because of pain.

This time, it was because of excitement.

Because the Bodhisattvas who tried to avoid the valley of fire in the past dynasties finally reached her generation and found the opportunity to have a direct dialogue with Xuanyuan.

Finally, she could tell Xuanyuan the reason why her ancestors had to survive in India as a lower race despite their great abilities.

"Dare you say that my ambition is an unrealistic fantasy?"

Yang Xiao's right foot, raise abruptly!

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